Midnight Cravings

Athletes And Luv
"Anything you say?" Jessica smirks.

Aiden gulps. The older sister always scared him. Even if on the phone.

"... Yes." He replies quickly.

She looks at Krystal with a smile. "How about you two get married."

"That's a given." Krystal rolls her eyes.

"Okay. For the next 5 months, you need to live with Krystal and deal with her unusual eating habits." Jessica grins with dusting her hands. "Tell your parents that you'll be staying at our home."

"B-b-but." Aiden stutters. "School?"

"Homeschool, er." Jessica scoffs. "I didn't think you would be such a dummy.. then again, you did pregnate my sister while underage."

Krystal giggles and Aiden pouts at her.

"I hope that it was an accident." Jessica says shortly. "If it wasn't. I'll make sure you can't think about going to bed without being in danger."

"Heh..." Aiden bows politely as she leaves. He turns to Krystal. "Me living with you?"

"It can't be bad." Krystal grins. "We can sleep with each other and not worry about being apart."

"Yeah." Aiden smiles.

*** Two weeks later ***

At midnight Aiden felt Krystal nudge him. He tried to ignore her and fall asleep. They slept in the same bed and he was very tired.

"Yah..." She jabs her large toe into his back making him wince.

"What?" He turns to her.

Krystal held her stomach and smiled at him sweetly. "Can you buy some ice cream for me?"

"At this hour???" He checks the time. 2 am. He should be sleeping.

"Please." She pouts and bats her eyes at him. "For the baby."

He looks at her stomach and sighs. "Fine. What kind?"

"Oh. Only strawberry, apple, mango, watermelon, peanut butter, and buy some papbingsoo too." She smiles.

His jaw drops. "Can I get a list?"

"Call me when you get there and I'll recite it again." She pecks him on the lips and lays back down.

Aiden gets up, grabs a coat and heads to the nearest mart.

Since he was living at Krystal's house, he was neighbors with Minho. Thankfully, he had yet to cross paths with him. Explaining his situation would be hard.

He yawned and entered the store, walking to the dairy products. Aiden scanned for the said ice creams and hastily bought them.

As he exitted, a hand grabbed him from behind.


He turned to Suzy and smiled. "Hey."

"You're back from America?" She asked.

He nods. "I came a couple weeks ago."

"And you didn't tell me?" She frowns a bit hurt. "Does Minho know you're back?"

He shakes his head.

"Why not? He's worried about you."

"Worried about me?" He stifles a laughter. "Tell him to mind his own business and not worry about me. If that's all, I need to leave."

He exits the store and heads back.

"Wait!" Suzy calls out.

"Hmmm?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Is it true?"

"What is?"

"That Krystal's pregnant... and that you're the father." She bites her lip, anxious

He smiles. "It turned out that way. Yes."

"Is she going to abort?"

"Of course not." He scowls. "Why would she. And its too late."

"Your future... is going to be hard."

"So what?" He crosses his arms. "What's it to you?"

"Nothing, but. It would have been better if she did." Suzy shrugs. "It was nice seeing you again. Bye."

Aiden scoffs and heads home. When he got to their room, Krystal was fast asleep.

He quietly stepped toward her and sat on the bed. Aiden smiled as Krystal let out a small snore and then proceeded to fix a strand of loose hair, tucking it behind her ear.

Remembering the purchased items, he gently put the bag of ice cream down at the doorway and turned to see Krystal awake, staring at the ice cream.

She her lips and looked hopefully at him. He laughed, bringing the bag to her. "Here."

Krystal pulled out a spoon from her bedstand and opened the mango ice crean first. "Love you."

Aiden smiled and kisses Krystal on her forehead. "Don't eat too much, you'll get a stomachache."

"Don't stay up too late, you'll get dark circles." Krystal responds while taking in a spoon of mango.

Aiden managed to sleep for three hours, before Krystal woke him up again. She wanted to cuddle. And talk. And kiss. And talk some more. And eat the ice cream.

While Aiden had his arms around her waist, Krystal whispered. "I want to have ."

At first, he was half-asleep, dozing off. When Krystal noticed, she elbowed him roughly. "Hey... Wake up."

"Huh... what...???" His head jumped up. "What did you say my princess?"

Krystal gave him a long stare. "What do you think I said?"

"Umm... I love you." He nuzzles her back, giving light kisses on her shoulder.

She shrugs him away. "I said I want ."

"..." He frowns. "Can you do that?" You are pregnant..."

She sinks, deflated. "I don't know. Can you?"

"How about we just go to sleep?" He suggested with a tired frown. "We can figure the later."

"I heard when you are pregnant, you get more often." Krystal nods. "It must be true."

Aiden nods in agreement. "But, think of the baby. And please go to sleep."

"Then how to all the other pregnant mothers deal with this?" She ponders for a bit. "They must have ."

"Or hold it?" He sighs as Krystal keeps talking.

"Do they have a special machine for pregnant women?"

"Why would they?" Aiden closes his eyes.

"Hmmmm." Krystal stares into the dark room.

"Ah ha!" Krystal shouts. Aiden didn't twitch. "They just do it with a ! Right? Aiden?"

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Zerozz #1
Chapter 62: Good story author-nim
Update more XD
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 62: Read it over and over again, thank you
Oh no!! Please continue ~~
Chapter 62: Give us more babyyyy!:))
Chapter 62: continues !
bizzle030194 #6
Chapter 62: i cracked at the 'mister fishy has a wife and a mistress'
D901125 #7
Chapter 62: Soojin is considerate,hahahaha.krys dont't tease llama,you might call 911 for fainting due to massive nose bleed.
Chapter 62: Honestly, i laughed at the mistress part
qwan91 #9
Chapter 62: haha a beautiful family and yay to another kryber baby \(0o0)/.
bizzle030194 #10
Chapter 61: wiiihh. this story is back! yey! (hope so) :P