Chapter 14

Destined to Meet

Chapter 18

Jessica’s POV

I walked to the entrance and stopped, asking one of the nurses who worked in the hospital.

“Mr. Jung? Oh yes. Doctor who’s just arrives from Los Angeles? Yes I just pass by her office just now. Just go straight and look for the office number 20.” 

“Thank you for your help miss.” I bowed.

“You’re welcome. Have a nice day.”

Hahaha…the nurse is so sweet. No wonder daddy is way too eager to transfer to this hospital. I walked to the destination.

17,18,19,20! Ah at last! I could see the picture of my daddy and his name, Mr. Jung. Chief Resident. Yes, my father is the new chief resident in this hospital, with lots of experience and hardworking he believed that he able to handle, to manage the hospital. 

Even I was surprised with my father’s decision, working to Korea. The salary he got working in Red Crescent Hospital in America is high, plus he was well-known as the best Asian doctor in the place he worked, but he preferred to transfer to Korea. I asked him too about his decision but he only laughed.

“My daughter, my love. It is time for me to face the truth in my life. And it also because of you, sweetie. I want the best for you. I want you to know more about yourself and I want you to start it from our hometown,Korea. After years having headache and confusion, I made up my mind and I’m absolutely sure what I’m doing is right.” He patted my shoulders firmly.

I opened the door after several times knocked the door with no reply. Daddy, you must be very busy. As I entered the room, staring every single corner of the room, Wow this room is huge, I was surprised by the wrapped hands from behind and the grip is getting tighter and tighter.

“Sica, my sweetie it’s been a long time!” a recognized voice from behind said as the hug was getting stronger.

“I miss you too,*cough* but daddy, I’m…your hug is too tight daddy. I need air,” he released the hug.

“Oh Sica I’m so sorry. But you know that how much I love you right?” he stared at me.

“Daddy, none can replace you in my heart even until now daddy. I miss you too.” I kissed him on his cheek. He smiled and patted my hair roughly,thus my hair tousled.

“That’s my girl. I’m really glad to have you in my life, honey.”He grabbed my shoulders, guiding and pushed me playfully and I sat on the sofa.

“Now tell me. Look into my eyes and tell me. Just be honest,honey. Time pass so fast isn’t it but I really want to know your answer. Whether it yes or no.” Now he sat on the coffee table.

I bowed my head, trying to avoid his eyes. I already think it fora long time and I already make up my mind. But I really afraid that it will hurt him because it is his dream to help people and it is his dream to see me join him along. It is his dream to see me wearing white coat and stethoscope around my neck, his dream to see my name tag written Miss Jung.

He stood and sat next to me, wrapped his hands around my shoulder.

“Honey, just like what I said, it is up to you. You already grow up, you are a lady, not a little girl with mucus coming in and out from your nose. You know what’s the best for you and you know what’s your pro and con for your decision.”

My tears travelled down my cheeks. He placed his finger under my chin and raised my face, staring right to my eyes.

“There’s no point for you to cry honey. Instead I’ll support you all the time; I’ll support your decision and I know you have thought deeply about your decision.” He wiped away my tears with his thumbs. 

*grumble grumble*

“Now my sweetie. You must be very hungry right?” I laughed and nodded my head.

“Oh poor little creature. No wonder you are getting thinner. I bet your sleep is much more important than having your meal. Come on. Let’s have a lunch together shall we?” he lend his arm and I wrapped his arm and hug it tightly.

He patted my hair gently and we walked away from the hospital. 

Thank you daddy. Thank you for being understanding. Thank you for believing my decision and I’ll promise you I’ll do it the best I could. You’ll be proud of me daddy.Thank you daddy. That’s why I love you so much.


Sooyoung’s POV

My steps getting fast as I knew that I was getting closer to the room while Hyoyeon followed form behind. 

Now here I am, standing in front of the door.From the place I stand I could hear Yuri’s laugh. Glad that she is okay.

I opened the door and I could see Taeyeon and Tiffany in the room, accompanying Yuri who still lay on the bed.

I ran towards my princess and gave her a huge hug. “Sooyoung, I know you miss me a lot but your hug…it suffocating me...” 

“Opps Yuri, sorry but I miss you so much,” and pecked a kiss on her forehead. “How do you do my girl?”

She smiled and slapped my cheek firmly, “I’m fine, thank you for asking Sooyoung. How about you how do you do Sooyoung?”

“I’m fine too,” I grabbed her hands, “do you feel any pain? Anywhere?” I stared at her, “Oh I almost forgot. I buy something for you. Guess what is it?” I hide the food behind my back.

“Hhmmm….I wonder what is it. Is it related to healthy food?”

“Yes, you’re almost there.” I grinned, her first guess almost correct.

“Is it in my favorite list?”

“Yes, I had to admit that you’re expert in guessing.”

“Is it ma juice?” 

“And why do you say so?”

“Because it is my favorite. Do you bring strawberries and apples too Sooyoung?” Oh, Yuri how I miss those puppy eyes so much. I nodded, signing that her guess is the answer.”

“Yes! Yes! My answer is correct thank you Sooyoung….”

Just then a female nurse, around early 20s entered the room while holding a metal tray and it is full of pills with different shapes and colours.

“Oh Sooyoung, I almost forgot. Sooyoung, meet this is nurse Yoona.” She pulled the hand of the nurse after she placed the tray on the table.

“Please to meet you Sooyoung. Yuri told lots about you recently. You must be very special in her life.” She lend her hands and I shook it, accept her greetings.

“Glad to meet you Yoona. Thank you for taking care of Yuri.” I shook her hands.

“I’m just doing my job Sooyoung.” She smiled and continued her works.

“For your own information, she’s the one who treated me while I’m in unconscious condition. There should be two nurses taking care of me but her,” Yuri pointed her fingers towards Yoona who stands behind, checking Yuri’s blood pressure, “she volunteered to take care of me by herself. No helps and no assistance.” Yuri whispered.

“I’m just doing my job Yuri. In addition of that, there are lots of severe cases that really need lots of helps among nurses in the hospital. I don’t want my partner to be exhausted as she had to treat another patient. That is why I volunteered to take care of you by myself.” Yoona said.

“Hahaha….who knows what happen during the period you treated me. I bet you, you must be liked the part which you had to wipe my body with towel. The towel travelled from my neck to my belly bottom. To make the sensation reached its peak, slowly and gently you wiped my body until the….” Yuri laughed; causing Yoona blushed with the story.

“Oh come on Yuri. Every single nurse had to face it when cleaning their patients’ body. I wish I’m a nurse while I had to treat my patient. Hhmmm… it must be the best part of all if I could see…” Taeyeon interrupted; Tiffany slapped her behind roughly causing Taeyeon jolted to the front.

“Don’t you ever dare to think something fishy like that anymore Taetae.” Tiffany blew her breathe as she crossed her hands.

“Oh Fany, I’m just joking okay? No need to be serious? Just remember this and only one thing Tiffany, I love you and nothing can replace you in my heart.” Taeyeon wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s shoulder.

“I’m so sorry for my rude but could you please leave the room for a moment? My patient just wake up after her long time unconscious on the bed and she needs more rest and further health examination.” Yoona said while holding the file.

“Oh okay. Come on both you. No fight here. Yuri needs to take a rest.” I grabbed both Taeyeon and Tiffany shirt from behind and pulled then until we exit the room. “I placed your favourite here okay? Don’t forget to eat it okay?” Yuri nodded and waved goodbye.

Now three of us walked to our way home and I realised that Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany’s hand. I poked Taeyeon’s shoulder, “Are you officially now?” 

Taeyeon nodded. “Yeah. Surprising isn’t it? Want to know who act first?” Taeyeon said, staring at Tiffany. Fany’s face bowed,her ears blushed. 

“Please Taeyeon. You’re the one who act numb.You’re the one who should act first but all you do is just pretend like you ignore me. You’re the one who should ask first but you just ignore about the gossip about me in the office,” Tiffany poked Taeyeon’s chest. Taeyeon smiled and pretend like she wanted to bite Fany’s finger.

“Let bypass be bypass okay? All we had to do now is concentrate with our relationship and think on how to get a child.” Taeyeon grinned.

“Eh? I thought you want to have some fun first?”Fany raised her eyebrows, seeming like she kind of surprised with Taeyeon’s future plan.

“Hahaha! I’m just kidding Fany. Don’t take it seriously.” Taeyeon patted Tiffany’s shoulder.

“Oh and by the way, we had to go to work tomorrow Sooyoung. I was informed that you’ll going to have a new model replacing Sunny.Is it true?” Taeyeon asked while Tiffany’s hair.

“Hhmmm… Sunny was transferred to Busan, so I think the vacancy is there. They just said the new model comes from foreign country so I need to speak in English. English!” I slapped my forehead, “I’m very regret because I always escape for English class when I was in high school. From now on I had to bring my dictionary along with me.” I shook my head.

“Sooyoung!” Hyoyeon waved her hand as she was getting closer.

“Hyoyeon.” I smiled, waving her back.

“Hyoyeon?” Taeyeon said, or should I said she asking?

“Sooyoung, do you know Hyoyeon?” Taeyeon stared at me.

“Yes, she’s Detective Kim. She’s the one who in charge for Yuri’s case.” I said, “Why? Do you know her too?”

“Of course I know. My roommate? Hyoyeon? I am talking about that Hyoyeon,” Taeyeon said, pointing her fingers towards Hyoyeon, “She’s Hyoyeon that I was talking about.”

“Sooyoung so how’s about your friend?” Hyoyeon said, “Oh Taeyeon. What are you doing here?” Hyoyeon looked at Taeyeon.

“No Hyoyeon. I’m the one who should ask you that question.” Taeyeon replied.

“Me? I’m just accompanying Sooyoung to the hospital and now we’re planning to have lunch. Don’t you think Sooyoung?” now her eyes stared at me. Surprised by her sudden glance I just nodded.

“Oh I see. Well Hyoyeon I got to go. Fany and I want to spend our time together before the day of tomorrow comes. I never like working days.” Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany’s hands.

“Yeah me either. I guess we’ll see you tomorrow Sooyoung. Bye.” Tiffany waved as both them walked away from the hospital.

“Where do we need to go next Sooyoung?” 

“Lunch. Just like what you said. Got any idea?”

“Oh yes! Come on. Get into my car.”

Hyoyeon’s POV

“So how the case? Any progress? Any improvement?”

“Oh yes.” I handled her envelope, “You could see from the pictures and the information we got from witnesses. It seemed like the attacks were happened around 11 pm to 3 am. The first witnesses said that he heard the shout coming from downstairs. The second witness said the chaos were even louder in the first floor.”

Sooyoung took out all the pictures in the envelope and arranged it closer on the table.

“This is what we get for every single corner in her house.” I placed my finger for the first picture.

“Did you see this? The trust is formed at the back door. We can say that the suspect was stood behind the door, waiting for the victim to enter the house but she managed to prevent the attack. From Yuri’s height, we assured that the attack wanted to stab her chest.”

Sooyoung placed her palm on her chin, “How could you be so sure that the attack is only one? Not two or three?”

“Take a look at this picture,” I pointed for the second picture, “The struggling was obvious on the stairs. The victim grabbed anything and threw it to the attacker. You could see that broken vase; the flakes were broken into pieces, the pieces were too minute, you cannot conclude that it dropped because of the careless but huge impact and force is needed to break it. The victim is the one who throw the vase as we detected her fingerprints on the vase.”

I took out third picture and pointed the messy room in the picture, “The attacks were continued until the room…”

“That’s her room. She must be tried to lock herself in the room but the attack could chase her.” Sooyoung’s voice was slow yet clear to be heard.

“Yes you’re right. The struggles were continued to the room. If the number of attackers were two or more, the story will just end in the living room.”

Sooyoung arranged the pictures and looked it one by one. She stopped, taking out one of the pictures and showed it to me.

“What is this?” she pointed the picture. I took another picture with the clearer image.

“I’m waiting for you to ask this question. We believed that this necklace belongs to the attacker. We analyzed the necklace but all we got is the dead end. No DNA, no fingerprint, no everything, no anything about the attacker’s DNA. We only found the victim’s more in the necklace.”

Sooyoung stared at the necklace and suddenly her eyes filled with tears, “This is the necklace that I gave her last Christmas’Eve.” 

The atmosphere is getting awkward as both us silent without words. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…”

“No it’s okay,” Sooyoung wiped her tears streaming on her cheeks, “Please just go on.”

“Did you see the pierced for the heart locket? The attacker seemed like glad to what he/she had done. The attacker seemed enjoy his/her day. It could be possible he/she pulled the necklace harshly from the victim’s neck and stabbed it before placed it in the tab” Sooyoung gloomily stared at the picture; I wonder what is in her mind right now.

“The weapon of the suspect used is come from outside. None of the exact weapon is found in the area. In fact the weapon is small but sharp. It could be made from stainless steel based on its size. Such small weapon is easily broken or left suspensions for every stab on the woody furniture but this one is different.” Sooyoung stared the pictures of the stab on the door and on the stairs. 

“Our third witness said that she heard something broken from victim’s house so she just wants to stop and asking whether the victim is okay. But the door is unlocked and she could see the house is in chaos. She could hear broken glass which we suspected this window,” I took out another picture, showing the broken windows at one side only.

“Did you see the window? The broken is only taking placed at the right side only. We’re thinking the body size of the suspect is small based on the space he/she needed to escape. The third witness went to upstairs and saw the victim lying in the tab while the water tap is on,unconscious with the victim’s head sank to the water.”

I could feel vibration in my jacket, someone is calling. I focused more on the name of the caller, “Please excuse me Sooyoung but I got to go. More works coming up and I don’t want to be late. Do you want me to send you home?”

“No it’s okay Hyoyeon. Just leave me here. I’ll back right after this.” Sooyoung smiled, weakly smiled. 

“Is it okay if I just leave you here alone by yourself?” Sooyoung nodded, glaring at the pictures on the table.

I nodded, accept her rejection, “Well then, I’ll see you soon.” As I rose up from my seat Sooyoung grabbed my hands, “Hyoyeon,thank you for everything. I must have burdened you because of the case isn’t it?” 

“No Sooyoung, not at all. In fact this is my case and I’m just trying to help you. The sooner the case is solved the better it will be.”

I grabbed the coat and paid the bills for our lunch and walked away from the place.

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Chapter 40: Oh right, krystal...
Thank you for the story author nim...
Chapter 20: I think yoona became an actress, but a nurse now
Chapter 11: please update soon
chchcn #4
Chapter 11: aaahh its Hyo ^^
scary Sica berrrrrrr
Chapter 11: O_o Sica is scary...
I mean like SCARY O___O' I'm glad I wasn't the one in the car ...
Ahw jealous because of Hyo? >.< Cute xD
And she confessed :D Yay~ but Soo is having a headache...
I hope she'll be okay .o. And Yuri-ah too >.<
Chapter 11: Oh no!
What happened to SooYoungie? Is she sick or something?
chchcn #7
Chapter 10: who who who ??
Chapter 10: Who could that be? O.o
Poor Soo
Chapter 10: Whoever made this will be in BIG troubles -.-
I wonder who that girl is ?
Aish poor Yuri, I'll hope she will wake up soon >.<
Yuri-ah please wake up soon, it's hard for Soo without you... but at least there are SooSica moments. xD
Chapter 9: What the?! Was SooYoung talkin about YuRi?
Is she the one on the ICU?
And who the hell is the one who did it?