Lost Memories


what will you do when one day you wake up in hospital around you are starngers and even when you try you don't remember anything from your past?

even when you try life normally around you is so many secrets, and your world is every day more confused,

even when you meet people who try to help you find out your past life when they find out this can make your condition worse they stop help you

people know you but you see in them strangers, how people can by hurt becouse of this?

will recover  memories is posiibly?


"Aoi Minako I'm half japanese half Korean, I have 18 years old I live with my grandmother in Korea right know......the truth is I'm not sure even if she is really my grandmother, she is kind of mysterious and I know she hide something from me, but still she take care of me and she is nice to me to then I like live with her.........I can't said to you to much about me becouse I slef didn't know what is true about me and what is false

why you ask?

I got amnesia, two years ago I have accident when I open my eyes I wake up in hospital one things I only have what was associated with my past was bracelet on this bracelet is only half pendant but I don't know where I can find rest of them

after when I wake up take care of me some men he tell me he was my father, he was good to me but when he have car accident two days later come to me my grandmother it was kind of strange bacouse she not tell me anything about my father, she neveer talk about him even when I want to talk with her about him she wasn't listening me, she was eveen mad when I talk about him, she wasn't have picture about him, only about women she tell it was my mother but she not talk about her to, once she only said to my ddoctors dosn't want to give permisson on talk about my past becouse this make my condition worst

but why? will my past was that bad? the men who said it was my father he dosn't have even one picture of my past it was strange to

my all life right now is kind os starnge, kind of  confused, but I try so hard find out what kind of past I have, "



Choi Minho 18 years old kind of quiet close in self, he look like someone cold hearted will he really is like that? why he from beggining look at Aoi? will he know her in the past? he try to avoiding her but in the same time he try to kind of protect her and take care about her to why?


Lee Taemin 18 years old why from the start he try to by close to Aoi? he look at her as a someone who he know? but when he find out Aoi look at him as a stranger he start to by shocked, confused, why, will he really was close with Aoi in the past? will he help find out what look her past?

even when he have a girlfriend he still try to by close with Aoi


Kim Jonghyun 18 years old he is from the start when he find out Name Aoi definitely interested on her, he look like Taemin eneme but they look kind of close, but why tehy are enemies?

will he knoe Aoi from past? will he help her find her past life? he id kind to her and friendly

Hana Lee 17 years old Taemin girlfriend from start she dosn't like Aoi at all, will she know her from past? why she hate her?


will someone of this boys have second half of pendant? what kind of relationship associated Aoi with these boys? will she finally remind her past life?




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