Chapter One.

Super Junior Oneshots


No answer.


Still no reaction at the other side of the door.

"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun!" Hankyung hammered his fists to the door. "Open, will you?"

A noise at the other side told Hankyung that the guy finally moved.

"What took you so long?! I need to go the toilet!" Hankyung pushed the other aside and ran into the bathroom.

"I took a shower! You should try that someday too!" Kyuhyun laughed before he left the room and closed the door behind him.

He searched a way through the cartoons while pulling a shirt over his head, but it took him longer than usual to get into the kitchen. The others were already sitting at the table, eating the last breakfast in their old apartment.

"Did you see Hankyung?" Siwon, a tall, muscular guy with short black hair asked and took a sip of his coffee. Kyuhyun made a gesture to the bathroom.

"He threw me outa the bathroom," he said and sat down next to his roommate Eunhyuk. Yesung and Ryeowook, friends of them that agreed to help, were sitting at the already in plastic wrapped couch and made a plan what they'd move to the new apartment first.

Kyuhyun grabbed Siwon's cup, took a sip and gave it back.

"So, if nobody is against it, we should start bringing our stuff over. The car is ready and Kangin texted me, he said he and Shindong would come over to help," Eunhyuk said while standing up and tugged his phone back into his skinny grey jeans.

Siwon nodded and stood up to get Kyuhyun his own cup.

"We'll finish breakfast and then start, how about that?" He placed the filled cup in front of Kyuhyun, who gave him a thankful smile and took a sip of the hot drink.

At that moment Hankyung entered the kitchen.

"I'm soo glad that the new apartment has two bathrooms, you don't know how glad!" he sang happily and filled a cup with tea. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and Eunhyuk gave the other a slap to the back of his head.

"We all know how happy you are, and we're too, so stop nagging Kyung. Better you drink up and get ready to move to that wonderful apartment!" Yesung yelled from the living room, followed by the sound of Ryeowook's laugh.

"Ah, these two...whatever." Hankyung held back a curse and emptied his tea instead.

Siwon followed his example and stood up.

"Okay guys!" he yelled, causing Ryeowook and Yesung to finally come into the kitchen too. "Let's move!"



As all of their stuff was brought to the new apartment, it was already late in the evening. Eunhyuk was the first who entered one of the bedrooms, and what he saw made him scream in surprise.

"Eunhyuk?" Siwon asked full of sorrow and hurried to the room Eunhyuk had entered. "Are you okay?"

He was nearly crashed by Eunhyuk, who stormed to the next room now.

"This is strange!" the brown haired yelled and went to the next room too. "Guys, the ones that lived here before left all their stuff!"

The others, that had been standing in the living room before followed his exited yells.

"Not really?! Even their towels are still here!" Hankyung's voice sounded out of the bathroom. "And they're...wet."

"I'll call the owner," Siwon decided and went out to the balcony to have some silence while phoning the apartments owner.

"Haha, look at this! One of them seemed to really like black and white photos! The rooms full of them!"

Eunhyuk followed Kyuhyun's voice into one of the bedrooms and gasped in shock. He went closer to one of the walls to look at the among of pictures. Some of them were still lifes or landscapes, but most of them showed humans. A group of boys sitting at the sea, one of them dancing or all together obviously laughing about somebody who wasn't shown on the picture. Eunhyuk raised his hand and let his fingertips run over the portrait of a laughing boy. His smile was beautiful,

Eunhyuk was able to catch the happiness of that moment. He was about to turn around and ask Kyuhyun what he thought about the picture, when he realized his grey fingertip. He looked from his hand to the picture and back, then he finally understood.

"Kyu?" he whispered and stared at all the wonderful pictures that were pinned at the wall.

"Yup?" his roommate answered from the other side of the room, where he was looking at the pictures hanging next to the giant window.

"These are no black and white photos," Eunhyuk murmured and let his finger run over a picture of two dancing boys. "These are drawings."

Kyuhyun turned around to his friend, who was totally fascinated by the pictures. "What?"

Eunhyuk made a gesture, telling him to come over and look closer.

"See this?" He let his finger run over the picture of a tree loosing his leaves and showed the grey fingertips to Kyuhyun. "It's a drawing!"

Kyuhyun's jaw dropped a bit and he slowly turned around himself to get a view of all the pictures.

"Are you trying to tell me that the guy that lived in this room before...drew all these awesome pictures?" he finally brought out with pure respect in his voice.


Eunhyuk was about to add something when Hankyung entered the room.

"Dudes, Siwon wants to talk to us. Could you come to the living room?"

The two followed the elder into the big, light room where they found Siwon sitting at the giant wooden table, his face buried in his hands.

"Siwon? Is everything alright?" Eunhyuk asked and sat down, followed by Hankyung and Kyuhyun.

"I'm not sure," Siwon murmured into his hands and sighed deeply before rising his head. "I talked to the owner, about the stuff that's still in the rooms."

He smiled a bit at his friends expecting faces, but then got serious again.

"So what is it?" Hankyung impatiently asked and started tapping his fingers onto the wooden table, but Kyuhyun placed a hand on his to keep him from doing it.

"He said there was a misunderstanding. He thought the guys that lived here wanted to move out, but they actually didn't, they just paid the rent a bit too late," Siwon explained and let his fingers run though his short black hair.

"So...that's why their stuff is still here?" Eunhyuk dug deeper and made a gesture including the drawings and the towels and everything else that didn't belong to them. "They didn't move out?"

Siwon sighed deeply and nodded. Kyuhyun let his head drop onto the wooden table and groaned in frustration while Hankyung shook his head in disbelief.

"So when will they?" he asked, still not wanting to accept the bitter truth.

"Kyung, they won't move out," Kyuhyun murmured into the table and made another depressed sound.

"But actually we won't have to either," Siwon suddenly said and pulled a piece of paper out of his jeans. "We signed a contract. We paid the rent for the first month. We talked to the owner. We're the renters of this apartment, no matter how you look at it. It's just that these other guys, who ever they may be are too."

Eunhyuk who had been silent until then finally made himself noticable.

"So, if I got it right, we're all the renters. The others paid the rent, so there's no reason to kick them out and we signed the contract so there's no reason to leave us on the streets either."

Kyuhyun lifted his head from the table and threw his roommate an unbelieving gaze.

"Yah! What are you trying to tell us? That we should just live here with these guys we don't even know?" Siwon tried to interrupt him, but Kyuhyun wasn't planning to let the other speak. "You know nothing about them! Not their names, neither what they are working as neither how many they are! They could be e-"

Siwon shut the boys mouth with his hands before he was able to say anything else and threw a look at the clock hanging over the fridge.

"Come down, Kyu. Their names are Lee Donghae, Lee Sungmin, Kim Heechul and Park Leeteuk, they are mainly working at bars or restaurants as waiters but sometimes as models too and if you're able to count they're four."

The three others, included Kyuhyun whose mouth was still shut stared at Siwon like he was almighty.

"How did you...?" Hankyung finally asked, earning an amused gaze of Siwon.

"Don't you know me? I asked the owner. I mean, we should know about them if we'll live with them, right?" He smiled at Kyuhyun while saying the last word. But the brown haired just shook his head in disbelief.

"So it's decided? Just like this? That we'll live with these strangers?"

Hankyung gave him a slap to the back of his head to get his brain working.

"It's better than living on the streets, you idiot! We can't go back to the old apartment! It's rented already! And we'll get to know them, okay? Let's give it a try, it'll be fun!"

Kyuhyun slapped Hankyung back.

"Maybe they don't even know yet! What if they come home right now and-"

He was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. The four stared at each other in shock, not able to move.

"Didn't I tell you it'd happen?" Kyuhyun mouthed and turned his head to the door that was hid behind a corner.

"It's better than getting kicked out I guess," a voice sounded from the other side of the glass wall that made it impossible to see who entered.

"And we'll get to know them, right?" another voice added. A third person just snorted.

"And it's cool I think, I mean we'd have the perfect win-win situation! They'd have a place to live and we'd have to pay just half of the rent! It's like living in luxury nearly for free! We'd have so much money left for Hae's present!" the second guy added and the noise of shoes being placed on the floor sounded. Then it suddenly got quiet. They seemed to have noticed the others shoes next to the entrance.

"Are they here already?" somebody whispered and a blond haired head looked around the corner, jumping back with a shriek as he saw the boys sitting around the table.

"They are here!"

Three guys turned around the corner, two of them blond and one with black hair. One of the blondes was quite tall and thin, the others hair was lighter, nearly white and he was shorter than the other two, obviously the one that had looked around the cornet before. The tall blonde immediately took the lead.

"Hi! So you're the others?"

Siwon shrugged and nodded then.

"I guess we are," he smiled and stood up to bow. "I'm Siwon, these creatures over there are Eunhyuk, Hankyung and Kyuhyun."

The tall blond nodded and pointed at his chest. " Leeteuk."

Then he gestured to the other two, telling them to introduce themselves.

"Oh, hi!" the small one with the light blond hair said, a very cute smile on his pretty face. "I'm Sungmin! And this dark dude here is Heechul, he doesn't talk that much."

He pointed at the black haired, who cocked his head in response and gave them all a little, creepy smile before he headed to his room. Leeteuk reamed the back of his head and cleared his throat.

"Sorry about him, he's like that most of the time. He prefers not to talk very much and sometimes he may seem a little creepy, but he's one of my closest friends and I really care about him, so don't be mad if you feel strange around him, just tell me and I'll talk to him. He doesn't mean to fear anybody."

Siwon nodded and gave Leeteuk a smile.

"It's alright, we'll give our best to get along with you all," he said and threw a warning gaze at Kyuhyun, who obviously wanted to protest again. He nodded lightly to show his friend that he won't say anything mean and turned to Leeteuk.

"I thought you were four guys?" he asked and made a gesture including Heechul in his room. Leeteuk suddenly grinned from one ear to the other.

"We are. One is still working, and we'd love you to help us to make the surprise even more unforgettable." He beamed and pulled a plastic bag out of Sungmin's sports bag and emptied it onto the table.

"So, you'll stay here, right? I hope it's okay that we talk about the formal things later, because it's nearly time for Hae to come home."

Eunhyuk leaned over the table to have a better look at the stuff that lied on the wooden plate now.

"Hae?" he asked suspiciously and lifted a little bag with confetti with his fingertips. "Why do you want to surprise him?"

Sungmin placed a cake on the table and told Eunhyuk with a gesture to read the writing on it.


'Happy surprise Birthday Hae! We luv ya dude!'


"Ah, so it's his birthday?"

Leeteuk nodded and started placing confetti all over the table and around the cake, while Sungmin arranged it on a plate with some fruits.

"And this is his surprise party?" Hankyung asked and started to put confetti everywhere too.

"Yup!" Sungmin laughed and searched through the cupboards in the kitchen to find a lighter. "We acted like we forgot, and he really believed us! It was soo funny!"

Hankyung laughed as he found paper streamers in the plastic bag too and immediately wrapped one around his head like he was some kind of a hippie, causing Sungmin to burst out in laughter.

"Aw that looks cute," he squealed and pinched Hankyung's cheeks slightly before making himself a necklace out of pink paper streamers.

Hankyung beamed and started to decorate Siwon, who just accepted it since he was used to that kind of behavior.

"But what if he is pouting?" Sungmin suddenly asked and threw a concerned gaze at the clock. "He should be home by now."

Leeteuk shrugged and placed candles on the cake. "Ask Chullie if he'd give him a call, if you're so concerned."Sungmin threw the confetti he had been placing everywhere in the room into the air so it would place itself everywhere and ran into Heechul's room.

"Chullie?!" Hankyung asked, not able to believe that such a creepy person could have such a cute nickname.

"Minnie, I mean Sungmin, has known him since he was little and I guess he was just too stupid or lazy to recall his name," Leeteuk explained. "We all got used to calling him like that, but if you prefer to call him Heechul he'll be okay with it too. We even have a friend that calls him Chul. Or you could even call him HeHe, Kim Hee the chul or Heechullie. He wouldn't have any problems with that."

"Uh, I'll just call him the way I remember his name," Kyuhyun decided which caused the others to laugh.

"If you even do!" Siwon grinned, patting Kyuhyun's shoulder. "Cause this guy here is the worst when it comes to remembering names. I think it took him a week to realize my name wasn't Cho Siwon but Choi Siwon."

Kyuhyun snorted and pushed Siwon slighty to make him shut up.

"Don't tell lies, they might think I'm stupid," he whined. Sungmin stepped next to the brown haired and patted his shoulder calming.

"We already know, Kyuhyun. We already know that."

Kyuhyun shook him off, but it was obvious he wasn't mad for real. Actually it kind of seemed like he had to keep himself from laughing.

"You want a proof? I do still remember your names!" He pointed at Hankyung. "Hankyung!"

"Of course you know my name, you idiot. We grew up together," Hankyung sighed and pointed at Leeteuk. "What's his name, Kyu? Tell me and I'm not going to throw you out of the bed for a whole week."

Kyuhyun made a thoughtful expression, he was shortly before sticking his tongue out in concentration.

"Ee- Tu..." he mumbled, shaking his head hardly a second later. "No no, it wasn't like that...Keetuk! No no, wait. Eekuk!"

Leeteuk laughed while Eunhyuk slapped his hand to his forehead.

"You're so stupid, Cho Kyuhyun. No doubt," he sighed and tumbled his light brown hair.

"Wait! I think I know now!" Kyuhyun suddenly yelled, his fist raised into the air for a winning pose already. "Eetuk!"

"It's Leeteuk, you little idiot."

Leeteuk just laughed.

"Ugh...I knew that." Kyuhyun reamed the back of his head. "I just wanted to see if you know too."

"It's okay, I'm used to that, Donghae is bad at memorizing things too, not as bad as you but...not good as well."

At that moment Sungmin came back into the kitchen, followed by Heechul who sat down at the couch and switched on the tv without giving the others just a single gaze.

"I called the restaurant, they said he left like half an hour ago," the blond said and threw a look at his watch. "So he should be here every second."

Leeteuk nodded and made a gesture telling everyone to gather around the table.

"So, it's his 20th birthday today and he's quite depressed about that since he hates getting older, so a good mood is important. Heard that Chullie?"

The black haired nodded and grabbed a handful confetti, threw it into the air over his head and waved his hands in the air stupidly with the usual completely serious expression on his face what made the whole action look a little funny again. Leeteuk nodded satisfied.

"But wait, Leeteuk, he doesn't know about us! And we don't have a present!" Siwon suddenly pointed out, but Sungmin just waved aside.

"He'll get to know about you, and if you're okay with it you'll just give him our present and act like it's yours too," he said and pointed at a nicely wrapped box that Leeteuk placed on the table next to the cake.

"What is it?" Hankyung curiously asked and tapped his fingers on the box, hoping that it would make some noise telling him what was inside.

"New dancing shoes and a ticket," Leeteuk proudly smiled and Sungmin nodded approvingly.

"A ticket to....where?" Eunhyuk asked gazing at his watch anxiously.

"He never left the country, you know? He never went on a trip or anything because his parents never had the money and he had to help on the farm they owned. Well, he made one trip to Seoul but as you can see he's still here," Leeteuk explained. Eunhyuk shook his head in disbelief.

"Never been on a trip...," he murmured but before he could dug deeper the sound of a key turning in the door sounded. Heechul quickly switched off the light while Kyuhyun lighted the candles.

"I'm home!" a voice sounded. "Guys, why did you switch the light off, are you trying to be romantic aga-" The boy stopped talking as he bended around the corner and found his friends proudly smiling at him with the cake in front of them.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAE!" Sungmin yelled and threw some confetti at their dazed friend. Leeteuk started to sing 'Happy birthday' and after a second the others exept Heechul joined in, who just continued throwing confetti at everyone spiritlessly. As the song was finished, Donghae was smiling from one ear to the other.

At least until he recognised that there weren't just his friends but strangers too gathered around his cake.

"Guys that was really cute and everything, but...who the hell are they?" he asked, pointing at Siwon, Kyuhyun, Hankyung and Eunhyuk who was gazing at Donghae extremely curiously.

"Ugh, how to say that..." Leeteuk started but before he could think of a good way to explain Sungmin took over.

"They're going to live here! It's totally spontaneous and everything but actually it's better for all of us! They're okay, don't worry. They don't seem like they're taking drugs or stuff like that. We'll get to know them better, I promise! We will have to change the rooms and everything so there'll be always two sharing one, but that won't be a problem since you're always sleeping at mine anyways, right?"

Donghae blinked. Once. Twice. Then he cocked his head a bit.

"We're going to live with strangers? With guys in our age that seem okay but actually we have no idea if they're maybe killers or something?"

Sungmin reamed the back of his head.

"Well, actually yes but-"

"Guys, that's going to be so cool! Finally you developed a sense of fun too!"





Yay~ ^-^ first one done! Well okay. I wrote it when I wrote the Foreword. Who cares!? >3<


I hope you liked it, and as I said: tell me what situations you'd like to have! Whatever you like! Really! Other birthdays, games, crazy movie evenings, whatever you like! Thanks!


Soo I have nothing else to say here.

I have holidays right now but I'm bored to death though! Yay! ^o^/


....Well. Yeah. Told you I had nothing to say. Sorry for bothering. Comment a looot~!


See ya~ Kaaat ^__^

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Chapter 1: WonTeuk SiTeuk!! <3 :D
Chapter 1: Make WonTeuk become a ROOMATE!! ;D
Chapter 1: siteuk/wonteuk!!! yeay!!! roommate~~~ hehehehe

i love wonteuk/siteuk...they tag that bring me here...hehehehehe
Chapter 1: I love the first chapter!!
They r finally living together!! Please let siteuk be a roommate!!
Update soon!!