Americanos Are My Speciality~ ;)



The cold wind forces your hair into your face and you angrily brush it away for the umpteenth time, wishing that you hadn't managed to lose the hair tie that you always kept on your wrist. Today was such a horrible day, you reflect; your car had broken down and as you'd dug through your purse for your cell, you realized you'd left if at home, charging. On top of that you were already stressed from deadlines closing in on you and it was "that time of the month". You were just overwhelmed and near the point of tears. And at this point, your hair was seriously pissing you off and you were silently threatening that you'd chop it all off.
The current plan is to find that cute cafe you always drove past, just down the street a bit, grab a coffee and by doing that, grab change so you can hop the bus. Maybe they would even let you use their phone to call someone for your car.
Finally reaching the door to the cafe, you smile and reach for the door handle, only to have the door swing open and knock you down. Great day.
The girls stop giggling and bow their apologies, the tallest reaches out and pulls you to your feet before bowing once more and scurrying off with here friends and re-erupting into giggles. At least they were kind, that could have gone worse, you rub your wrist to try and massage out the minor pain.
Inside the cafe you're surrounded by girls. You hadn't expected the cafe to be so busy. Must be dang good coffee.
Despite the masses, the line moves fairly quickly. Bonus points for efficiency you think to yourself.
Finally you reach the counter and you're met by possibly the brightest smile you've ever seen, you can't help but grin back at such a sun-shiny boy.
“Hello~ what can I get for you?” His voice matches his smile so nicely and unless you were mistaken, there was a hint of a lisp that had you wanting to cuddle him. Seungjun. His name tag said “Seungjun”.

...Noona, are you okay?” A look of concern replaces Seungjun's beautiful grin. You feel horrible for being the reason for the disappearance of that smile.
“Oh! Sorry! Um, may I have an Iced Americano. Grande? And...would it be alright if I borrow the phone? My car broke down and I don't have my cellphone. If you're too busy though, it's okay...” you trail off, feeling embarrassed.

Sounds like you're not having the best day.” You turn a bit to see the face of the boy who'd just joined the conversation. Now you were thinking the maybe the crowd had a reason other than great coffee to be flocking to this cafe. You'd thought Seungjun's smile was day-changing, this boys smile took your breath away. There was something there; maybe it was the fleshiness of his cheeks, or the lines around his mouth, maybe it was just the perfect combination of everything paired with the comforting warmth in his eyes but you could feel your eyes turning into hearts. You tried to nonchalantly sneak a peek at his name tag but he was working away and you were having a hard time getting a good look.
“Noona?” Seungjun snapped you back to reality, waving the phone in front of your face. “The boss says you can use it but only local calls and he asks that you're quick because we need to keep the line open for business.”
“Thank you SO much!” You bow and smile up at him, moving quickly to the side so that he can continue taking orders from the growing line behind you.
After calling your friend, who is on his way, convinced that he can fix the car for you, you sneak back to the counter to return the phone.
“I'm just about to make your americano.” You hear as you're moving to get out of the way again. “You might as well just stick around up here.” It's the barista with the heart-stopping smile. How could you say no to an offer to stare at him? There's no lying to yourself, you were going to stare. You wanted to stare. Well, you wanted to do more than stare, but stare was the best you were going to get.
“Why are you frowning? No luck with whoever you were trying to call?” the barista asked.
“Oh, no, no, he's coming to fix it for me.”
“Lucky girl. A boyfriend who can fix your car problems, a true knight in shining armour? What more could a girl need?” It's definitely wishful thinking that has you hearing disappointment in that remark.
“Yeah, perfect guy to date, you know, if he wasn't completely not my style and dating my best friend. Hopefully he'll do as a mechanic though, I'll take that.” He laughs a little and you need to remind yourself to breathe. How is this boy so completely lovely?
“Alright, americanos are my speciality, but for you Princess, since you're having an off day, this one is extra special.” He winks at you and you tell yourself that you're never going to any other cafe ever again.
“HYUNG!” a third boy scolds the barista.
“You make the drinks and WE hand them to the pretty noonas!” says a fourth, blond boy. You had to smile, you could hear the pout in his voice. The barista laughs and hands the drink to the scolding, brown-haired boy, who pops in a straw before passing it to the blond, who then hands you the drink with a charming smile.
“Enjoy noona~”
“Thank you” you look at his name tag “Woobin. Thank you Woobin!”
“And Siyoon. I'm Siyoon!” The other boy jumps in.
“Thank you Siyoon! It's delicious" You say taking a sip.
“Hey! They don't get credit for that! 'It's a well-placed straw' or 'nicely handed, Woobin', they can have that but I made that drink. I even made it extra delicious.” The barista pouts at you, not even watching as he as he mixes drinks. His pouts are just unfair, his cheeks look even more squishy and you wonder for a second what it would be like to kiss them.
“Hah! I think she just likes us better hyung!” Woobin smirks after your lack of response.
“Wha? Oh, no! I mean, I was just trying to see what your name tag said so that I can thank you properly...” you blush and look away.
“My name is Minhyuk and if you want to thank me properly Princess, you can give me your number.” He winks at you again. You stare. He was actually flirting with you?!
At your silent stare the flirty smile on his face disappears. “I'm sorry, that was really forward and not very professional of me, forgive me.” He shyly looks back down at his work.
You quickly grab coffee sleeve and your pen and write down your number. There's no way you're going to miss a chance with this gorgeous, charming guy by trying that 'hard to get' nonsense.
“Thank you Minhyuk. It's the best I've ever had.” you slip the sleeve across the counter towards him.
He stops working for a second, looks at the coffee sleeve and then up at you and a smile, even more beautiful than the first spreads across his face. In return, a blush dusts your cheeks. You didn't exactly give your number to guys everyday, you weren't that girl but his reaction to getting your number... made you feel like you were the prettiest, most desirable girl in the world.
You redden further as you realize that all the workers had been watching the two of you.
“Alright, alright. Back to work you guys.” The other worker, a pretty man with black hair, who'd been working silently up until now, spoke up. “We can tease Minhyuk about his pretty girl later” He adds, sticking his tongue out cheekily at the barista before enforcing his 'back to work' statement.
“I'll call you tonight Princess, if that's alright?” Minhyuk says quietly, looking determinedly at the coffee he was making.
“I'll be looking forward to it.” With that, you make your exit, pretty sure you can feel Minhyuk's smiling eyes on you as you leave the cafe.
The walk back to your car feels quicker and less cold than it had been the first time and you arrive at the car just as Taehyuk is closing the hood.
“Good timing, I was just finishing. I told you I could fix it. The problem was in the--”
“I am SO grateful for your help but spare us both the frustration of trying to explain the mechanics of it to me.” you laugh and give him a hug. “Did you bus? I don't see your car.”
“Nah, your bestie ditched me here, would you mind giving me a lift home? Actually.. on second thought, maybe I should drive. With your luck today, neither of us will make it home.” He teased.
You think again of the charming Minhyuk and the phone call you're expecting tonight.
“I don't know what you're talking about Taehyuk. My luck today is fantastic”. 


[[AN: Hello guys~ this is the product of my procrastination.. I have night class in an hour and a half and I SHOULD have been working on a paper but Minhyuk is just so much more appealing (I'm totally not at all creepily biased for him... >.>), so instead I sat down and fired this out. I hope this isn't terribly painful to read. Again, I appreciated any writing advice you'd like to give. I want to improve. ^^]]

(I really do love his cheeks though guys.. >.>)

I'm done. (Seriously, most attractive barista ever. The others aren't half bad either. ;) ;) ;) )

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