Trapped in Solitude, Blinded by Fate


Society labelled them as monsters and disposable. But they weren't, they truly weren't. If only they could see how utterly beautiful they were, they wouldn't want to disappear anymore and they would finally be able to dry their tears. But they couldn't see it. They were kept in the dark, on the brink of sanity, confined by solitude, their only company since birth.

They both lacked something, blinding their view from how precious they really were. Separated since birth their lives have been rough and an endless darkness seemed to surround them, driving both nearly insane. But they never gave up. {Not that they could even when they wanted, because they wanted so, so badly for this to end}. 


Without a choice they just continued walking down the endless pitch black road, looking for that one thing. 


But when they finally found that one thing in the end they instantly knew.

It was worth every tear they'd shed and every wound they received in their long, long lives.



2 lost minds wander through life, neither really alive. they just existed, they were just there.


Society labeled them as monsters, filthy and disposable, repeating and repeating it, slowly making them feel that way about themselves.

But they weren't. They truly weren't.


{But they didn't know that. Trapped in the darkness they never saw their true reflection}


Problem was that only they could see how utterly perfect and beautiful they were... 
...if only they could raise their head and dry the endless tears which blurred their true vision they'd see.

But they couldn't. They weren't strong enough.


{Just why did I have to be born this way? I never wanted this, please... please make it stop}
{I can't go on anymore, why can't it end? Why can't everything end? I'm so, so tired, please... please allow me to rest}


But time would learn them. They couldn't run away from what they were. From what they were destined to be.


"Everything will get better tomorrow." They silently prayed for those words to come true.


[They would. But they simply didn't know when.]


But in the end they would finally understand. In the end, it'd be worth everything they've gone through.

But they weren't there yet. No.
Their story has just begun.





First of all, thank you for clicking on this story even though the summary is really vague, I was just writing a possible plot story down and suddenly I wrote this so it might be a little hazy and stuff, sorry. I will rate the story M just to be safe after adding rhe first chapter, there might or might not be later on.

I must warn you, it won't be a very happy-go-lucky story (I can't write that, I always end up with angst and darker stories).
There'll probably be violence, depression, blood, self harm/suicidal thoughts and depression. Both of the main characters might also have other mental problems and or some supernatural abilities but I'm till not too sure about that. It won't be only depressing stuff like that but just to warn you beforehand, the story might contain one or more of those things. 

Back to the real reason I explained the story concept: what pairing do you prefer? Woohyun x Sunggyu or Sunggyu x Myungsoo or Sunggyu x Sungjong? Yes I'm a Sunggyu fan. Personally I think Myungsoo or Sungjong would work really well with this story, Myungsoo has the "colder" L personality and is somewhat silent, giving him a more mysterious and introvert feeling. Sungjong could also work really well because he's the most sensitive (in my eyes) so it might be easier to write his POV and display his emotions... As for Woohyun; I really love the Woogyu couple but I'm not sure if Woohyun fits this kind of darker story? Anyway please let me know your opinion, I can't continue to write if I don't know which pairing I'll use after all :)



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remand_a #1
I want to read myunggyu story ;-;
The storyline really catches my attention :D
I choose Myunggyu. Actually I see them as a cute couple, but I think Myungsoo and Sunggyu would fit the storyline
Sunggyu with mental it would good
Sungjong, idk why I always think he is so fragile, so...
And I'm not a Woogyu shipper so I don't have any comment about Woohyun :P
this sounds really intense and dark - awesome! i' super excited to read this XD

honestly, i'm gonna vote for MYUNGGYU! i just want to see more of them around :DDDD plus they're such a cute coupling!! XD
shedding-dream #4
Uh uh... Anticipating this much.
I don't know, woohyun is kind of mysterious for me, we know him as the greasy, heart throwing type, but I always think that he is a serious type in real life. Idk :p
And myunggyu.... I always picture them as the cute couple. Sunggyu likes to act cute in front of myungsoo ;A;
Gyujong..... I just saw them as cute brothers.

I vote for woohyun.
Although I'm craving for myunggyu, I feel enough with angst!myunggyu... Half of the myunggyu story is dark/angst ;A;