A Day With You Part 1

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Saying Yunho was nervous is an understatement, he is freaking out. Not that he is showing it, he has an image to uphold around the household and company.

Today was the day he and Junsu are going out celebrating their friendship. He made sure his schedule was free for this day. He purposely finished all his works even if he has to stay overtime for the past few days.

But it seems his nervousness is clashing on to him as he throws away another shirt together with the pile he made. Damn Yunho! It's just a small celebration not a date! While metally scolding himself he did not notice his brother looking at him in surprise.


It was the first time Changmin saw his brother like that. He was looking for his brother planning to remind him about the project proposal that Yoochun was asking about. When he was about to knock on his brother's door he noticed it was slightly open, upon peering inside he saw his brother throwing his clothes in a pile and he was muttering to himself. Changmin bit his lip to surpress a chuckle, his brother looks adorable right now with that confused pouting face while he chose a shirt to wear. He wonders what makes his brother get worked up.

"Hyung?", he asked upon knocking on the door. He saw his brother jumped in surprise before turning around to face him.

"Oh Min. Is there something I can do for you?", Yunho asked before turning back to select another shirt.

"What are you doing hyung? Do have any plans today?", Changmin asked as he enters his brothers' room ducking down as he saw almost hit by a flying shirt, picking it up he held it up his brothers' face.

"Hyung why are you throwing away your shirts?", he asked eyeing the scattered shirts on the floor and the almost empty walk-in closet.

Yunho sighed, he never knew it would end up like this. Looking at Changmin he can sense his brothers' amusement but it's best to use his distraction now before he could think up of anything that would make him even  more nervous.

"Min can you help me look for a good shirt?", he asked but the only response he had from his brother was silence but by the look his brother is giving him he was shocked. Yeah he knows he rarely asked for help but this time he is kinda desperate in an unknown reason. Yeah right Yunho keep lying to yourself, why don't you admit it's because of Junsu. He sighed again it seems even his conscience is scolding him.

"Min? Min?", he called his brother again who seems to freeze in shock, since he had no choice to bring his brother back on earth he threw the shirt he was holding towards his brother making him jump.

"Hyung! What was that for?", Changmin asked as he looked at his brother who seems to be amused.

"Well I was calling you but you weren't answering. You were just staring at me and it's creepy. So are you helping me or not?", Yunho said laughing.

"Ok I'll help", Changmin replied. Well who wouldn't be shocked it's been years since you asked me for help hyung and this is the only time I've seen you like this.

"Why don't you try this one hyung together with some slacks", Changmin picked up one of his brothers' clothes before shoving him towards the walk-in closet.

While waiting for his brother to finish dressing Changmin kept thinking as to why his brother is like

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sisca23 #1
Chapter 20: authornim,when will you update this story??i want read the next chapter huhu..
2034 streak #2
Chapter 20: Hmmm... what is happening here? I mean I was thinking that Junsu and Yunho are finally together but looks like the latter is getting ready to marry someone else... did something happened and I missed out or am I suffering from amnesia?
Anyway, can't wait to read more author-nim. Please update soon :)
2034 streak #3
Chapter 19: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I finally caught up with your update... but when are you going to update the next chapter? Hope it's soon... eagerly waiting!
mashimaro12 #4
Chapter 19: thankssss!!!!! update please kkkkk
HaeMyBananaHyukie #5
Chapter 19: IDK but I'm usually Eunhyuk biased but I can't help but kind of hate him right now ,you made him erie and have a sinister feel to his character ...Oh author-nim your good....really really good
kim_rara #6
Chapter 19: FinaLLy~~~~
U're update....

What wiLL happen with Suie??
Can't wait it....
PLease update asap,author-niiiiimmm....
kim_rara #7
Chapter 18: Oh my God....
It's so sweeeeeettt.....
I Love it...
R they together now??
I hope they'LL together...
Thanks 4 updating author-nim...
I'LL aLways waiting 4 another chap...
prinsesamaria23 #8
Chapter 18: ow love this chapter.so sweet~~~♥
thank you for updating authornim ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 18: This chapter was so fluffy... Su will always be Su and Yunho was cute too. They finally proposed each other? Are they together now? And why would we need tissues for the next chapter? So many questions! I know! Anyway, can't wait to read more. Update soon please...