Undecided Title For Now (On Hiatus Until Further Notice)



Five Master Criminals, Kim Myungsoo, Lee Howon, Jang Dongwoo, Nam Woohyun and Lee Sungjong,  asked to help the governement agents Kim Sunggyu, and Lee Sungyeol on their mission. The mission, to find the Presidents daughter and her kidnapper. The only clue left behind a calling card. A black rose. Will the Five join them or is there some hidden motives hiding between the lines?


I wanted to put the idea out for now. It is in progress and I do have possibly the first chapter done. I may not update until after I finish my first story Breathe and Revive, so as to not overwhelm myself or disappoint anyone. I am also still currently planning out the plot and doing a bit of research. Subscribe if your interested in the story though. I might just update.



Kim Sunggyu, 25: Governement Agent. Only person to have caught the Five Criminals.


Lee Sungyeol, 23 : Governement Agents. Pick Pocketer. Works under Sunggyu.


The Master Criminals:

Kim Myungsoo, 22: Master Tracker/ Stalker. Can find anyone. Stealth and breaking in. Observant like a hawk. Has worked with many high status thieves.

Lee Howon, 23: A Precision Instrument in and of himself. A Master at any weapon. Never missis his target. Has escaped numerous times. Military brat.

Jang Dongwoo, 24: Car and Weapons specialist. Modifying anything. Bombs.

Lee Sungjong, 20: Master of Disguises & Forgery. Paintings, documents, ID's..you name it, he can forge it.

Nam Woohyun, 23: Master smooth talker. Bribery, major bs. Don't let that smile fool you, he may just get you to agree to anything he wants. Can crack any safe and has cracked them all.


Other Characters:

Lee Jaya, 21: Status Criminal. Under a high status boss.


Tasty 2wins: Also under high status boss.


The High Status Boss: Cobalt. Real Name Unknown. All those under him call him Sir. (Picture will be revealed later)

Undecided Title : Please read my two recent blog posts for updated information on this fic! :)


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Chapter 6: Dang ! This story is so exciting ! Specially Hoya's character. Do you have a thing for him author-nim ? Hehe
Chapter 6: aaaah! cant wait! :)
Chapter 5: OOO, HOW EXITING! its a very intriguing story! :)
Chapter 5: Oooo the yummy twins.
excited for more
Wow! That's Awesome! the Pictures Are Amazing! and totally fit your story perfectly! Well Done! :D
Chapter 4: Okay I searched up "Sagol" and what I got was "thanks" and "sweetheart." I could be wrong>.< Anyways thanks for the update^^ It made my dad(:
Chapter 4: I think Hoya is bad news
lol Woohyun drunk is so amusing. hahahaha I can see him confessing to hoya
Chapter 3: I wonder about gyus past
Woohyun is a _______
myungsoo is interesting
I don't trust jaya
Chapter 2: Oooo so mysterious
Chapter 1: I love the first chapter on to the next