Shine Like the Stars - Just a Proofreading Shop [Open]


Hey there! Welcome to Shine Like the Stars! My purpose is to help your story "Shine Like the Stars". It's a little corny, I know, but I'm into that sort of corny stuff. But really, I'm here to, obviously, proofread your stories so that I can pick out any little grammatical errors you made or didn't see after you proofread and, possibly, help improve your English.




Story Title:

Story Genre:

Brief Summary of Story:

Story Link:

Username Link:


*Please fill out this form and then post it in the comments section in order for your story to be proofread. Thank you!



|1|  If you want me to proofread something, please subscribe first! It’s very helpful to stay subscribed because by seeing the comments I make for other stories, you can also improve on your grammar by leaning about the mistakes others make.

|2|  Please don’t feel bad about any comments I give based on your grammar. The purpose of this shop, I can’t emphasize this enough, is to improve your English so that you can better connect to the audience you are trying to tend to. It’s not to make fun of the fact that English is not your first language. The truth is, you can use this shop to proofread your stories even if you are a native English speaker.

|3|  My comments are suggestions. If you don’t like them, then you don’t need to use them. There is more than one way to fix grammatical errors and different people will give you different suggestions so if I say something but you feel it does not fit with the overall feel of the story, then by all means, you, as the author, have the right to decide what you feel is best.

|4|  I, myself, don’t have the best grammar. Yes, English is my first language and I do go to a liberal arts school, but I still find myself making mistakes every once in a while so I might not be able to pick up all the mistakes in your story. If you really do want to come out with a grammatically correct story, it is best to get the opinions of more than one person.

|5|  I am also open to helping someone further develop the storyline/plot of their story if they really want help. I love creating different symbols for stories and inserting different literary elements into them because I find that a lot of fanfics now tend to neglect those artistic choices and focus more on plot. If you do want help in making your story sound more artsy, then please pm me.

|6|  I’m a high school student but I take college classes so my schedule is really packed. This is something I’m doing on my own time because I want to help people improve the quality of their stories, so please be understanding when I say that this will only be updated on the weekends, but please be assured that during the week, I am still working on proofreading.

|7|  After you get your story proofread and see my comments, please leave a comment so that I know that you received it. It helps me feel that I actually worked to help someone.

|8|  I won't post the proofread chapter here. I will email you the proofread chapter but I will post my comments here (with citations/ examples from the chapter) so that  others can learn as well. 




I got this idea a while ago when I was reading a few stories and people were making little notes at the end of their forewords saying, "Sorry for the grammar mistakes. English is not my first language." I know that it's hard speaking in a language that you are not used to seeing that the majority of the population here in AFF is English-speaking, it's only right that these stories are grammatically correct. I'm not trying to put you down or anything for having these grammatical mistakes. I'm trying to help you because grammar is a real turn off to some people when it comes to reading a new story but at the same time, it is something that can be fixed so easily if you just get someone to read it over and fix. 


Other helpful links (I will be updating this everytime I find a new helpful site):

This site is so ridiculously helpful. I'm not joking. It has so much more information than I could ever give and don't be surprised if I reference this site every once in a while.


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hmm hey ^^
are you still accepting requests? I have a fic and since it's mpreg, I would like to know - before sending the links - if you accept something like this (but I have other fics that aren't mpreg)
squishynim #2
I want to request on here but can you just pm the already proofreaded chapter to me after you are done because I forget my email password and I'm too lazy to make another one.
Chapter 6: Thank you it's okay! I'll try to fix them > . <
Thank you so much!
Hello are you still accepting requests? Hehe
AS_SarahW #5
Chapter 1: How do I apply ?must I send the fanfic via e-mail or chat?must I pay with karma?I need editor cause english not my mother language thanks
Chapter 5: THANK YOU XP!

I'll improve ^^!
Story Titel: My Strange Mafia Family

Story Genre: romance, comedy

Summary: Kwon Rin, a sweet girl yet has she been chosen to become a mafia boss. She meets six handsome men and join forces with them. Love, friendship and humor. We can sense it, love blooming in the speed of light.

Story Link:

Username Link:

Comments: Well, english isn't my first language and I often make misses and mistakes and I want honest opinions so please take your time reading it ^^. At first I used like 10000 dialogues but I've tried to change my words and use synonyms and describe the environment more. So I do think I have many dialogues in one go. Also I think it's pretty messy with having so many people in the story at once. Also enjoy the story music B]
Chapter 4: Thank you!
I'll try to fix the fourth chapter and would be happy if you could check it when I'm finished :D
Your tips really helped me, thank you :3
*waits patiently*
Story Titel: It's not like that, darling

Story Genre: romance, fluff

Summary: Yuihee is a normal girl who is visiting University. Her life changes when she meets a handsome stranger, who later turns out to be her new maths professor. But this isn't the thing that confuses her; it's the fact that she gets mobbed because Wooyoung (her teacher) is in many girls eyes too 'comfortable' with her.

Story Link:

Username Link:

Comments: Hello there :D I hope you don't mind reading a 2PM fic ^^ I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to read each chapter if you are busy. (even if I would appreciate it *-*) This story isn't finished yet but I decided that it would be better to correct my mistakes right from the start :D
English isn't my first language so I'm sure you have to work hard since I do make a lot of mistakes...:)