Yongguk- Thought You Could

BAP Scenarios

I’m happy, that’s what you tell yourself anyway, but every now and then memories pop up; good or bad. You try to focus on other things, but somehow all you can see is your handsome boyfriend-your handsome ex-boyfriend-smiling his gummy smile. “I’m happy. I don’t need to be with Yongguk,” you say aloud into the silence of your home. It was better this way; this way you didn’t have to fight which the two of you always seemed to do toward the end. Honestly, you can’t remember half the arguments the two of you had lately because there were just so many before you finally broke it off by screaming how you couldn’t do it anymore. In the heat of the moment, Yongguk didn’t believe you, but when he called later to apologize for his actions you told him you meant it.

You’ve been well since then, or so you’d like to think. The things he had left around your apartment had since been given to the other members of B.A.P to return to him.They returned your things as well, and you were happily moving on. There is a curiosity in you that makes you wonder how Yongguk has been dealing with the break-up, it had been a almost a month now.

Suddenly, your phone rang with a text so you quickly looked at it to see it was from Himchan. ___________-ah, can you please come help me?

This instantly set alarm bells off in your head. What was wrong that himchan or Yongguk would need your help for? As you grab your coat, you text him that very question.

Please...you just have to come here and see.

Once the door is safely locked behind you, you rush to the B.A.P dorm. When you arrive, you don’t bother to knock; instead, you put in the key code and the door is unlocked to allow you entrance. “Himchannie?” you call out his nickname only to hear nothing in response. Carefully, you step farther instead to find that the usual clutter of shoes by the door is no longer there; where are they?

You slip your own shoes off and continue to walk, thinking that maybe their nanny had taken care of the mess. The place is quiet until you hear something soft; a sound so soft you’re not even sure it’s there until you hear it again. A sniffle. Something inside you tells you to check the bedroom, so you do only to find a figure curled up on the bed and even though their back is turned you know who it is right away. “Yongguk?” you say softly only to hear a sniffle again.

“___-__________-ah?” he croaks, rolling around to face you. Even in the dim light you can see his red eyes widen in surprise that you’re actually there. “What are you...what are you doing here?”

“Himchan told me he needed my help.”

“Aish, I told him to leave this alone. I’m sorry, _____________-ah, you can go now,” Yongguk tells you with a sigh before looking away again. You feel your chest clench at the sight; you knew he was a sensitive guy..but you never expected things to be this bad. The urge to go a wrap your arms around him becomes too much so you slowly crawl behind him and back hug him without thinking. “What are you doing?” Yongguk asks, surprise clear in his voice.

You’re unable to find the words to answer him as you’re so caught up in the feeling of having your arms around him, lying beside him once again, and his familiar scent invading you. You’ve missed this, you’ve missed everything and all the lies you told yourself about not missing him were a complete lie. Yes, your relationship had had it’s ups and downs, but what relationship didn’t? You feel Yongguk shifting in your arms and suddenly he’s holding you tightly without a word.

The two of you lie together in silence for a few more minutes before you finally find the courage to speak. “I’m sorry...I’m sorry that I’ve hurt you like so-”

“Don’t be sorry, I should have done better. I should have listened to you more rather than argue. I hope you’ll be able to find a man who is right for you and-”

“Yongguk, just listen now,” you say and he makes no move to protest. “Perhaps I was a little too quick to end things...and I really thought I could move on...but seeing you like this, being with you like this again has made me realize that I can’t. I love you, and I likely always will. So...if you can find it in your heart to take me back after all that I’ve done, I would love to try again. I promise to be better.” Your speech became a bit of a jumble as the words poured out of your mouth faster than you planned due to your nerves because what if he didn’t take you back? Of course, you wouldn’t blame him because you’d told him that you were done and given him your couple ring back to prove it.

Yongguk lets you go and you feel disappointment settle in as you watch him reach inside one of his drawers before pulling something out. When he rolls to face you once more, he takes your hand and something slips on your ring finger. “We can make it like this never ended,” he whispers before kissing the top of your head. You smile as your pull him closer to lightly peck his lips before he settles with you in his arms, things were going to go back to normal.

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xiumin120801 #1
Chapter 81: awwww thank you so much for this!!!! ♡♡ i don't know what to say because it's just sooooo beautiful :") keep up the good work author-nim~ love ya!
mysoulisstarving #2
Chapter 78: this is so sweet~
xiumin120801 #3
Chapter 78: i'm living for daeddy/dae appa kkkk~
mysoulisstarving #4
Chapter 77: oh my gosh... i never knew i needed a zelo thigh riding until i read that O.O
xiumin120801 #5
Chapter 71: hello! do you still accepting request? >.<
suhween #6
Chapter 25: where's zelo?
Chapter 57: OMG! Thank you so much, I really liked it ^^
Yongguk's yness ~
Chapter 20: I love this one. I have eating disorders too so I kind of relate to it.