The Thief

The Fox Child

Dried up brown grass as tall as cornstalks fly by him in a blur, the sensation of the long blades brushing against his legs speeds his heart rate. The sound of nothing but crashing waves and hoof beats fill his ears. Winds brought up from below the cliff tousle through his hair and baggy tunic, reminding him what it means to feel alive. Here in the open air, the gaping maw of the endless blue autumn sky over his head, feeling the beating heat and the breathing of the animal that carries him, he feels the most free, the most transcendental.

He pulls back on the reins of his horse, and the creature immediately stops, sensing the next move.

"Good boy, Soju," he heavily the animal's neck twice before sliding down the horse's back, lowers himself into the grass like a hunting tiger, and begins creeping towards the line of foliage on the other side of the meadow. The wind covers the sounds of his footsteps through the grass. Through the waving yellow blades of grass, his eyes catch the sight of his prey. With one careful hand he reaches behind his back, pulling out his long bow. It took months to make. He spent every night carving it down, fashioning it out of pine and horse hair alone. At last it was complete, and his hunt could continue.

As he begins to near the forest, the roar of the wind on the cliff calms down, fading into a whisper that idly winds through the trees. Black smoke rises from the tiny camp set up by nomads in the wood. A few men tucked in their cots lay around the fire, and three horses are tied up further down the path. The hunter's breath clouds in the crisp morning air. As careful as if he were walking on ice, he takes a step out of the grass and into sodden soil. His footsteps will make no sound here, but one tiny mistake and he will be discovered. Keeping his heartbeat steady, he proceeds.

"Now, now," he whispers to himself, "what have we got here?"

Keeping his body low and poised, he circles the fire. He wrinkles his nose at the stench that rises off the bodies of the sleeping men.

"You haven't bathed for months, have you?" grumbling under his breath, he moves in closer. The men are far from clean and angelic. Their faces are covered in dirt, hair matted, and teeth rotted. However the cots they sleep in are fresh and new, bear fur blankets warm their bodies clothed in only tunics made from rice sacks.

"Now how on earth did bums like you afford things like this?" he clicks his tongue and moves towards the horses. They toss their heads and stomp their feet as he approaches, but in one swift movement he runs his hand down the horse's strong leg and it quiets.

"Shh," he whispers, "I just want to see what your master here is hiding."

The horse snorts once as he slips his hand into the saddle bag and begins to dig around. Then, a mischevious smile crosses his lips.


Drawing his hand from the saddle bag, he pulls out a large chunk of gold the size of his hand. Searching through the remaining compartments reveals jewelry, limited edition novels, and even hairpins of noble women.

"You've really been everywhere, haven't you?" He raises an eyebrow at the sleeping men before shoving the goods into his rucksack. Offering a quick salute, he turns to leave the clearing. A garden snake weaves out from a hole beneath a tree and through his feet. His eyes widen, realizing the soon to be ensued chaos. He flips around to grab the snake but it's too late. It's already slithering straight towards the legs of the horses.

In an instant he's making a break for the woods, weaving through the trees with long strides like a deer. The horses explode into frenzy; whinnying and jumping and stomping at the snake between their legs. The men begin to awaken, calling out to each other and pointing at the horses. Then they notice the boy running for the woods, and the open saddle bags.

"Hey!" One with three teeth missing booms, and grabs a branch as thick as an arm from the fire, "thief!"

The other two men raise their heads sleepily, but seeing the boy's figure jolt up. One grabs a sword, the other, daggers.

He sprints full force through the trees, whistling at Soju. Hearing his master's call, the horse comes running, galloping alongside the woods in the open meadow.

"Thief! Stop!" the men yell, waving their weapons at him. 

Without slowing down even for a moment, he yells over his shoulder, "Well then did you people earn it!?"

"Don't get funny with us, kid!"

He ducks his head as a stone flies at him, then fires back, "that's not very nice!"

He stops in tracks.

"Oh no."

A wall of rocks loom before him.

"Hey! You can't run now!" the men behind him are gaining ground quickly, in spite of bare feet.

He swivels his head between his pursuers and the pile of rocks.

"Oh, it," he curses, and leaps to the first one. The men come to a halt below, panting and waving their weapons above their heads. He scrambles up to the next rock.

"Get down here, boy!" a tall, skinny one with thinning hair shouts.

"You're dead meat!" the fat one adds.

"Come on!" the boy shouts, clusmily clambering up another boulder, "I think we're misunderstanding each other!"

"What thewe to undastand?" the one missing three teeth slurs, "You stowe fwom us!! Ditty Teef!"

"Now, now, fellas," the boy opens his arms, "we're on the same page here. I'm a thief, you're thieves. We're four of a kind."

"Quit your talking and give back the goods!" the tall one waves a sword.

He sighs. Clearly this isn't going to work.

"Alright, fellas," he shrugs, and pulls off his rucksack, "you got me. What can I do. Here's your stuff."

He tosses the bag with one arm and it lands in the dirt behind the men, who turn around to grab it.

The fat one squats down and opens the sack, "Hey!! This is just full of rocks--"

At that moment, the hunter sticks his fingers and his mouth and whistles. A loud crash cracks through the air as Soju breaks through the trees. The boy jumps from the rocks, landing squarely on the horse's back.

"Hiyah!" he whips the reigns and they're off, hurtling down the mountain path like the wind itself.

"Tonight we eat like kings, Soju!" he hoots and throws a fist in the air. Sensing his master's excitement, Soju too tosses his head in the air and nickers happily.

But his joy is short lived.

"Whoa!" he shouts, yanking the reigns back.

Men on horses pour in from down the road, surrounding him on all sides before he has a chance to escape.

"W-what? Who are you guys?" he squints his eyes to inspect their uniforms, "the royal police??"

The men part to make room for one man on a jet black horse.

The man's long, slanted eyes are cool and confident, "Long time no see, Minseok."

The boy groans, "how the hell did you find me, Oh Sehun?"

"Nevermind that," he picks a fallen leaf off of his sling, crushes it in his fingers, and looks up, "I need your help."

Minseok smirks, "you need my help? What's in it for me?"

Sehun raises his eyebrows at the quiver on Minseok's back, "Something tells me it's not arrows that you're storing in there."

Minseok clenches his teeth, "What do you want?"

Sehun tilts his head, "in exchange for me not seizing your quiver, and sending you to the executioner on several accounts of robbery and selling of stolen goods, as well as evading punishment, I simply ask for your services. I hear you're quite skilled in tracking."

Minseok glances over his shoulder at the quiver on his back. He can't go back to the gallows. It won't be so easy to get back out this time. 

He turns back to Sehun, "you have yourself a deal. But after this, you're not to come near me again."

A calculated smile crosses Sehun's lips, "you have my word."

Sehun makes a gesture and the men open a path for Minseok to join their ranks. Minseok flicks his reigns and proceeds forward, stopping momentarily beside Sehun.

His voice is a low threat, "After this is over, you better not come looking for me again."

"Of course not," Sehun smiles.

Minseok continues past Sehun, "Oh and--"

He turns over his shoulder.

"My name isn't Minseok anymore. Call me Min. Xiumin."


Branches break and birds burst out of the trees, rabbits and deer flee from the crashing sound of a single girl running down the mountain path.
"Oraeboni!!" Eun calls at the top of her lungs, grabbing a tree branch to keep herself from falling, "Chanyeol Oraeboni!! Scholar Do!"

Her eyes catch the sight of two bobbing black scholar hats farther down the path. Furrowing her eyebrows with determination, she bunches up her skirt and hustles down the mountain. "Park Chanyeol!! Do Kyungsoo! Stop right there!!"

Kyungsoo is the first to look over his shoulder, only to squeal at the sight of the younger girl full-force barrelling towards them. Seeing his apprentice's shocked expression, Chanyeol's brows draw together, and he follows the line of Kyungsoo's eyes.

"What are you...?"



Air is knocked straight from Chanyeol's lungs as he collides with his sister, and Kyungsoo nimbly hops away before both of them crash to the ground.

Eun scrambles to her feet while Chanyeol still struggles to catch his breath.

He brushes fallen leaves off his hat and sits up, "w-what's wrong, Eun-ah?"

Eun looks frantically from Kyungsoo to her brother, "I need your help."


"w-w-wait," Kyungsoo's eyebrows are knitted together as he struggles to wrap his head around the concept, "you're saying you were attacked? By a mountain god?"

"No," Eun retorts, grabbing another fistful of her skirt before using a branch to pull herself farther up the path, "not a god, a demon."

Kyungsoo stops in the path and Chanyeol climbs past him.

"That's not possible," he shakes his head, "the temple is simply a work of architecture. There's no such thing as--"

"What kind of demon?" Chanyeol asks, eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"I don't know."

The image of canine-esque teeth and burning golden eyes flash across her memory, "a frightening one."

Kyungsoo rushes to catch up to them on his short legs, "if it's such a scary demon, then why are we going back to where it is, again?"

Eun's eyes fill with determination, "we're going to help him."

"Help him what--eat us??"

The temple stairs come into view and the trio quickly scale them, Eun at the head.

Chanyeol grabs her arm, "Eun-ah, let me go first."


Chanyeol pushes open the temple door, and his eyes fall to the floor, where a young man lies on his side with dark hair hiding his face.

"I told you, he's hurt!" Eun steps towards him, but Chanyeol holds an arm out to stop her.

"You said it was a demon," he says, "you don't know what it's capable of."

Chanyeol crosses the room slowly, staying far away from the still figure. When he nears his cot, he reaches inside and pulls out a long scabbard and from it unsheathes a silver sword. Aiming it at the man, he approaches. Yet the figure doesn't move.

"Is he breathing?" Eun whispers, and clenches her skirt in her fists.

Using the tip of his sword, Chanyeol lifts the man's head up, and pushes him onto his back. The man flops over easily, and his hair falls from his face.

Unable to hold back any longer, Eun runs to him, and presses her fingers against the man's neck. Then releases a sigh.

"He's alive."

"All the more reason to get away from it!" Kyungsoo shouts, keeping his place in the corner of the room.

Suddenly the man's eyes flutter open, and Eun jumps back. Chanyeol holds his sword steady.

Sleepily, the figure rises, rubbing his warm brown eyes. He furrows his eyebrows at the sword pointed at his face, and follows it up to Chanyeol's face.

His voice is deep, thick and warm like the brown soils of the forest, "Who are you?" 

"Who are you?" Chanyeol counters.

The man slowly turns his head, surveying the scene before him. Kyungsoo flinches when the man's eyes meet his, but he relaxes as they move and finally fall on Eun, who stares back breathlessly. The man tilts his head at her in confusion.

"I asked who you are," Chanyeol grabs back the man's attention.

He blinks once, "I'm Kai."

"What are you doing at this temple?"

Kai looks around once more, as if unsure himself of his surroundings, "is this Yeosansa?"

"Yes," Kyungsoo barks from across the room, "what about it?"

Kai rubs his head, eyes clouded, "where is Lead Monk Hwang?"

"The monks here left centuries ago," Chanyeol answers.

Kai's eyes snap up, "what?"

"Are you a demon?" Kyungsoo calls, finally gaining the nerve to come closer.

Kai shakes his head, "No, I'm--"

Kai's body seizes and he a pained hiss escapes his lips, his hands fly up to hold his head.

Kyungsoo's eyes jump to Chanyeol, "what's wrong with him??"

A crease forms in the younger man's forehead, "I don't know."

Eun reaches out to grab Kai's arm, "are you okay?"

"Eun-ah, don't touch him, he could be dangerous!"

Kai's eyes open for just a moment, burning yellow. The two tiny fires meet Eun's gaze, and fill with recognition, before he releases another pained roar and shuts them tightly again. When he opens them again, his eyes have returned to the warm brown. Eun shrieks as Kai's strong arms wrap around her biceps, and he shakes her once, violently.

"You," his eyes search hers, "help me."

Eun blinks, "w-with what?"

"We have to find my orb."


"Your highness, I've assembled a party."

Murmurs echo through the group of officials, but Sehun stands proudly in the center of the room. Beside him stands Xiumin, nervously picking at a loose strand on his tunic.

The king raises an eyebrow, "you, and," his eyes turn to Xiumin, who startles and focuses his gaze on his feet, "..this man?"

Sehun nods, and puts a hand on Xiumin's shoulder, who in turn shoots him a sour look, "He may not look like much, but he's the best tracker in the country."

The king narrows his eyes, "I see," he adjusts himself in his throne and continues, "and what about the general? Will you not take him with you?"

Joonmyeon steps forward and offers a bow, then straightens, "with all due respect, your highness, I am needed here. Crime is rampant in the capital these days, and many seek to threaten your reign. My duty is to protect the royal family," his eyes flit to the princess, whose dark eyes are cast to the floor, "no matter the cost."

The king snorts, "so be it. But I refuse to let you go with such a small party. I offer an addition, a man I think will certainly be of use to you."

Sehun glances around the room, "who, your highness?"

The king flicks his head towards the left side of the room and the group of retainers bow their head, parting like the red sea to make room for a lean man. His eyes are that of a tiger, narrow and hungry. He wears a long blood red Han fu, trailed with a shadowy pattern of dragons. No one speaks a word as he saunters to the center of the room and bows his head politely to the king.

"Your highness," he says, a strange accent coating his voice.

"This is Zhang Yixing," the king explains, "an envoy from China come to improve our relationship with the Chinese Royal Family. He is a skilled fighter, and has expressed interest in such creatures as the one you pursue."

Sehun narrows his eyes at the man, and turns to the king, "your highness, I don't think--"

"I have given him a position in your party as an act of goodwill and friendship towards the Chinese dynasty. I am sure you will take good care of him."

Releasing an inaudible sigh, Sehun nods, "Of course, your majesty is most benevolent."

A pleased smile forms on the king's lips, "I look forward to seeing the head of the demon."

Beside her father's throne, Hyohe bites down on her lip, and clasps her shaking hands together.

Sehun drops to one knee and bows his head, "They say a fox's orb will bring you eternal joy. I hope with it, you will bring great joy to the kingdom."

Without a word, Hyohe quickly bows her head to the king and rushes to the hallway. Sehun's eyes follow her.


Hyohe grips the fabric of her hanbok above her chest and takes a shaky breath. Glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one is there, she lets herself lean back against the wall, and releases a sigh. She pounds a fist against her chest, attempting to steady her breathes.

"Is something wrong, your highness?"

The cool voice sends a shiver down her spine and she quickly straightens and turns to face it.

"Amabassador ZHang," she breathes.

An icy smile spreads across the man's face, "I see you can see beyond this world," he continues, taking another step towards her, "did you perhaps have a vision?"

She shakes her head, "n-no."

He nods once, "I see."

One step at a time, he comes closer and closer to the princess.

"I hear you're very beautiful," he croons, tilting his head sweetly, "tell me, why is that you hide your face?"

Hyohe swallows, "A-ah, I think the Court Lady is calling me, I should go--"

Yixing grabs her arm and swivels her around, catching and holding her where their eyes are only centimeters apart.

"Such pretty eyes," he says, "I've never seen such yellow eyes. Like a fire."

"Your highness!" Joonmyeon's voice from down the hall breaks the contact between the two, and Yixing steps away just as the General nears them.

His eyes flit from the princess to the man. Hyohe's breaths are quick and shallow.

"...Did something happen?"

Yixing smiles and bows his head, "I'll be going then. Good evening, General."

Hyohe watches long, jet-black hair sway back and forth as he leaves.


Hey everyone! We're getting to a point now where one by one all the characters will be introduced. In my last fic, Chasing Silence, there were very few side characters, and unfortunately I think most of them lacked the depth and back stories that they deserved. For that reason, I wanted to make The Fox Child special by creating as many interesting, lovable side characters as possible, all with their own distinct personalities and stories. Who is your favorite character so far? I'll be honest, mine is Xiumin. Gotta love a childish yet clever thief. But some of the other characters with less defined personalities will slowly begin to show their true colors *cough cough* Sehun *cough* Kai *cough cough*

I hope you like the fic so far! Please subscribe and leave a comment telling me how you like the story so far! It really gives me the motivation to keep the story going.



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This story looks really interesting, I’m looking forward to reading it ^^
Chapter 12: So, the Fox God has a brother that is a Wolf God, that for some reason wants to kill him.
It's funny to see that somewhat Eun and the guys are becomming more comfortable around Kai xD
Yixing is really suspicious and what thebheck happened at the end?! Xiumin shoot the Arrow but it didn't hit Sehun?
Chapter 7: Oh man! This story is just amazing so far!!! It's hystorical and Fantasy in one go! X3
I have some guesses about how the characters will fit in the story, but so far the funniest group to read for sure is Eun, Yeol and Kyungsoo. X3 Tho Xiumin is something too.
I'm really bad with hierarchy, but a magistrate is higher then the general? Because to me seems that Joonmyeun would treat the Princess better than Sehun does. -run-
omo! i really love the poster and the pictures of exo in the traditional clothes
Chapter 6: Oooohhh this is getting excitinggg~ I should have found this story sooner >.< i hope for an update soon! Good work, author nim