Tsu tsun or Dere dere?

One Shots

She couldn’t sleep at all, tossing around all night in her bed until the alarm clock rang. It was 4am and she had to get up. Dressing up in haste she left her house and started running. The girl ran and ran until she was totally out of breath then she looked around. Realizing where she was Itano Tomomi let out a grunt and turned back. She did not intend to come to her house, especially knowing who was staying over there. The fashion queen started jogging back until she reached her own house. Just as she walked in she was greeted by the ever cheerful distant cousin of hers.

“Tomochin~! Ohayou~!”

“Ohayou, Miichan…” Tomomi said without any happiness and passed the hallway to the kitchen. “Where is Mariko?”

“Dunno, why?”

“Are you serious? I thought you like her.” Itano couldn’t believe her cousin.

“I do, but she is dating Haruna-chan, isn’t she?” Minami frowned and looked away.

“As far as I know, MariHaru is only for school fan girls. I mean, we all know Mariko is one of the most wanted Ikemen in our school and Haruna is one of the top beauties. One thing I know for sure is that deep inside Mariko wants to be a girly girl but her image is not letting her do that. And you know how hard she works and studies to get into the fashion university next year.”

“Anyway, aren’t you going to buy a birthday present for Atsuko today?” Miichan decided to ignore the ‘Mariko’ topic and touched a bit more interesting subject.

“Why?” Itano retorted and drank a glass of orange juice.

“Are you serious? I thought you like her.” Gachapin copied her cousin with a smirk on her face.

“Humph, as if I care. She has Minami for that.” The fashion queen left the kitchen and hid herself in her room so to avoid further questioning from the bubbly girl. She kicked a chair by the table and went to take a shower, her mind full of unwanted thoughts about a certain Ace of the school’s Drama Club.

They were all more or less friends – Drama Club’s president Oshima Yuko, vice-president Matsui Rena, ace Maeda Atsuko, junior Matsui Jurina; School Council’s president Takahashi Minami, vice-president Minegishi Minami, spokesperson Kashiwagi Yuki, junior Watanabe Mayu; Comedy Club’s president Yamamoto Sayaka, vice-president Sashihara Rino, ace Watanabe Miyuki, junior Kawaei Rina; Beauty Club’s president Shinoda Mariko, vice-president Kasai Tomomi, ace Kojima Haruna, junior Iriyama Anna; School Newspaper’s president Akimoto Sayaka, vice-president Miyazawa Sae, ace/fashion reporter Itano Tomomi, junior Yokoyama Yui. Being such a huge group of acquaintances in an All-girls-school there were lots of quarrels and love triangles and such. Itano always had her eyes on Maeda Atsuko but she was like a third or even fourth wheel between the constant contenders to the ace’s heart. Either it was Takahashi Minami, named by Maeda as the No.1 girl she would date if she had to choose, or Oshima Yuko, who was living with her under the same room, who she dated in the past and who was her best and closest friend.

Even though Tomomi was a good friend of Acchan’s and they both often went shopping in the past… One day Itano realized she had feelings for the school’s most wanted actress so she started avoiding Atsuko. They drifted apart and now they were just common friends with no deeper connection and Acchan grew colder and colder towards the fashion queen. Now they would only say ‘Hi’ to each other, share some fashion stuff and that would be the end of their conversation.

“We’re gonna miss the bus, hurry!” Miichan shouted and brought Itano out of her thoughts.

“Hai…” The fanged girl turned off the water, dried herself and dressed up in her uniform, not forgetting her pink trademark jacket and then left the house. She saw no point in eating breakfast today – usually Itano was a heavy eater and especially without the taste buds she would always enjoy Miichan’s un-delicious cooking. They got to the bus just in time and she sat in her usual spot at the very back by the window. Some minutes later Kasai dropped herself to the seat next to her.


“Ohayou. Why so cheerful?”

“Grumpy… It’s such a nice day today, the sun is already up~ Chiyuu~” Kasai smiled but then her jaw dropped literally. “Nani?!”

“What?” The fashion queen didn’t even turn to her friend. She actually knew why the reaction happened.

“Miichan!! You cut your hair short?!! KAKKOII~!!!” Tomo~mi squealed and soon the whole bus were into discussing the newest Ikemen look on the school’s vice-president.

Itano just sighed and kept staring through the window, not interested in any of the chatters.

When they arrived at the school, she passed the crowd – they would always give her way – and went straight to her locker. She changed her shoes and then started heading to the classroom when suddenly someone hugged her from behind.

“Ohayou, Itano-san~ *chu*”

“Jurina… If you keep kissing everyone around...I don’t even wanna know Rena’s reaction…”

“Neechan worries too much… She should mind her own business on how to tame the black queen.” Jurina mocked jokingly and flashed her puppy smile. “I have only one thing in mind…and that is conquering a certain cyborg’s heart~”

“*sigh* Yeah… Can you let go off me now?”

“Why so grumpy..?” Juju asked, still hugging her senpai.

“I’m not grumpy!” Itano shoved the girl away and stomped to her class. She slumped on her seat at the back of the classroom and stared through the window.

Their first class was always with their homeroom teacher. Their homeroom classes were different from their usual classes because people were divided in different groups. If usually Itano had classes with Atsuko, Takamina, Tomo~mi, Yukirin or Rena, here things were different. At the beginning of the school year teachers would ask you to take a test, where you had to answer simple questions, like ‘Favorite color’, ‘Your hobby’ and etc. By the answers they sort students into different classes only for homeroom class. Her homeroom class was Class K and she was in it together with Oshima, Akimoto, Saechan, Miichan and some others, while Class A had Acchan, Takamina, Annin, Mariko-sama and Kojiharu. Class B consisted of Yukirin, Mayuyu, Sasshi, Kawaei and Tomo~mi; wMatsui were in Class S, while Sayanee together with Milky and Yuihan were in Class N.

A sudden commotion was heard in the hall; soon after Yuko pushed Miichan into the classroom while the twin towers blocked a huge crowd of fan girls from entering after the two. After Sae and Sayaka were safely in the classroom too, Miichan sighed with a wheeze and slumped on the floor.

“That was fun~” Yuko happily exclaimed and then turned to the fanged girl. “Your cousin suddenly has a sudden increase of her fan base.”

“It’s because I cut my hair… Everyone says I look Ikemen and stuff…” Miichan sighed and ruffled her boyish hair.

“Well, more chances for you to win Mariko-sama’s heart” Sae stated and Sayaka nodded in agreement.

“That reminds me!! Tomochin, did you buy the gift for Acchan yet?!” the squirrel asked and stared closely at the Tsundere queen.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear this…” Itano frowned and kept looking through the window.

“Why? I mean, everyone knows you love her. It’s only logical for you to buy her something.” Akimoto said matter of factly.

“Or take her to dinner, or your house~” Yuko said while wiggling her eyebrows. “It would be perfect to confess and stuff.”

“If you don’t shut your mouth right now…” Tomomi glared with her infamous Yankee glare.

“Okay okay…” Oshima held her hands up showing she surrendered.  “Sheesh, what has gotten into you today...”

“Well, her PMS has ended recently so it’s not because of it… I think it’s because of AtsuMina fans’ recent huge increase.” Miichan said thoughtfully.

“Sou ka…” Sae met the glare of the fashion queen and pretended she didn’t say anything.

Then the bell rang and their usual school day started.

After school Tomochin was walking towards her locker and heard a stifled moan coming from one of the toilets. When she peeked inside – even Tsundere has her tsun tsun limits – she was shocked to find Haruna and Minami making out.

“Mi…na…mi….a~h….” Haruna’s silent moans echoed in the toilet, her nice round assets being nommed by the chibi SC president.

“I’m lucky to have you as my girlfriend, NyanNyan… So delicious….” Takamina’s fingers caressed the exposed belly.

It was all Tomomi needed to hear – or see – and it made her sprint to the lockers as fast as she could. The fashionable girl quickly changed her shoes and ran towards the school gates. Lucky for her, Atsuko was walking alone near them. Tomochin blocked her path and stared deeply into those beautiful orbs.

Acchan was surprised to see the other girl standing in front of her like that. Maybe she didn’t forget her birthday after all.

“Ano…I’m sorry…” Tomochin said and looked away. She noticed the crowd of girls gathering around them to see whats the commotion but she could care less. Itano was tired of running away from her feelings, and now after noticing the scene in the toilet… She just had to confront her crush.

“Sorry for what?” Maeda tilted her head. What was all this about, she wondered.

“For distancing myself from you…and I don’t have a birthday present for you…” she coped herself and looked back at those brown eyes. “But….”

“Mh?” Now the black haired ace was wearing an amused expression. Could this possibly be true? Was Yuko right, saying Tomochin has feelings for her as well?

Tsundere queen blushed hard yet kept her gaze on her crush.

“I love you. I don’t care about anything else but you and it bugs me…whenever you are having fun with someone else… I hate I when you flirt with Miichan or Minami…or even get close with Yuko… I want to be the one to hold you….” Her dere dere expression was unusual for anyone around and they all stared with eyes wide and jaws dropped.

“Silly… I love you too but when you started getting colder towards me…I decided you don’t have the feelings for me…” Atsuko cupped Tomochin’s cheeks and kissed her forehead. “Don’t run away next time when you have something to say.”

“…my image of being cool was ruined just now…but…happy birthday…” and she pulled Atsuko in for the kiss.

Yuko and others watched everything from the crowd and snickered and clapped their hands while Mariko-sama took loads of pictures. Sasshi and Rie started mimicking the two while Mayu filmed everything. Miichan approached Mariko and suddenly pulled her in a tight hug, while over-dramatically whispering sweet words to her.

“I think we should get a room.” Atsuko joked after they stopped kissing.

“Wanna go to the beach?” Not-so-tsundere anymore asked.

“Yeah, let’s go.” The ace smiled.

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Rukachi #1
Chapter 18: Please write part 2 for chapter 18!! Pleaseeeeeeeee
Kpopfeve32 #2
Chapter 1: Why is kojiharu dead?
Chapter 1: Comments for karma ?
You should continue ch. 18 XD I want mooooooreeeeee
Chapter 18: ...so sad... Yuko!!! Even though I typically write Kojiyuu and Atsumina... The AtsuYuu feels... >.<
Nio_Kazan #7
Chapter 13: Not so banal of a present, atsuyuu so cute i love it. I Hope you'll make the story more atsuyuu
Chapter 1: kojiyuu plus wmatsui <3
this is trike to my heart
Chapter 3: wow.... reads.... hrm~ looks at the references to anzai-san and others... smiles... this was super interesting... but it was a bit strange and thus I go ahead to read more~~
angeliana89 #10
update soon..