More Unexpected Things

14 Hour Plane Ride

**Read this only if you want a I don't know how to describe it... A really... Fantasy like ending I guess?**

We got to know each other a little bit more, well just the ages and our names. "Why do you look really familiar?" He asked. I was a bit shocked at this. It had been at least three months already since the concert. We locked eyes for a couple moments and sent arm hearts to each other, nothing much... I'm surprised he still remembered! "Oh... I... Uh... Went to one of your concerts...." I replied sheepishly with my head down. I had my long hair covering my face which was turning more and more red.

His eyes widened a bit and he exclaimed "You're the one who sent me an arm heart at the SF concert right?!" People looked at us like crazy and then returned to whatever they were doing. I was really embarrassed at that. One, he figured it out, two, people were staring. I just nodded a bit and I could tell he was smiling wide now. "Is that the reason why your friend is telling you to marry me?" He raised an eyebrow. I cover my face with my hands and nodded slowly. 

Jongup chuckled a bit and laid back in his chair. "That's the same reason my hyungs have been tellin me to find you." I looked at him with a look as if saying -What are you talking about? That's a lie isn't it?- he caught on and replied. "Okay, okay. Maybe it was just Zelo telling me to find you and my hyungs teasing me about it. And Youngjae hyung telling me I made a fangirl's entire life so it's normal."

I smiled a bit and then KyungMi came back out of breath. Jongup quickly put his mask back on before she could see anything. "CHOHEE-AH! B.A.P IS ON THIS PLANE! I JUST MET THEM! I'M SO SORRY I COULDN'T GET YOU OBER THERE BUT JONGUP, YOUR HUSBAND IS MISSING!" She exclaimed. A lot of girls were staring now and Jongup just acted normal. "It's okay, it's okay, I don't feel like bothering some k-" and that, is when realization hit me. "DID YOU JUST CALL HIM MY HUSBAND?!" 

I could just tell that Jongup was trying not to laugh in a situation like this. "You're going to marry him anyway. It's no big deal." KyungMi plopped down on her seat. "S-S-SHIKEURO (Shut up)" I stuttered. I immediately got a text soon after. "Aww. What's wrong with marrying me? :(" My eyes widened at this. I shot him an -Are you kidding me?- glance and he just smiled.

Ten minutes later I hear a guy running. "WHERE IS SHE?! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE FOUND HER!" exclaimed someone. I was half asleep so I was confused at who it was. I opened my eye and saw a really buff looking man hovering over me. My eyes widened at Yongguk. I blinked once  and he blinked twice. He was for sure, smiling under his mask as well. Yongguk just whispered "So when is our Guppie getting married?" Giving me a gummy smile.













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Everglider #1
Chapter 2: The funny thing is that you've got it all wrong. I've got mad sleeping skills, so I'd literally be asleep or drowsy the entire plane ride. (I developed this because I get really scared when there's turbulence on planes, so if I sleep through it I won't be scared ^^;)