My OTP Is Better Than Your OTP

EXO/Super Junior Drabbles


My OTP Is Better Than Your OTP | Baekyeol, side!Eunhae | PG-13
Prompt: "Imagine your otp cosplaying as their otp."


“I’m so excited Channie!” Baekhyun beams, practically bouncing on his spot as Chanyeol tries to fix Baekhyun’s lopsided bowtie, which only proven a failure due to too much movement from the overly excited Baekhyun, but Chanyeol can’t blame him, they’re finally getting to dress up as Eunhyuk and Donghae sunbaenims.

It was one of their weird traditions, even if they’re idols, to go around cosplaying (and sometimes including crossdressing, especially that one time Baekhyun forced Chanyeol to watch their SNSD sunbaenims’ concert and they dressed as SooFany) as their OTP, may it be concerts, fanmeets of their other sunbaes, in this case K-Con. There was even that one time when they decided to dress up as Dong and Em from Millenium Boys when they went to their fanmeet in Bangkok.

“I feel like we should’ve gone with the wedding veils they had on during their concert...would seem more...OTP.” Chanyeol says, as he checks his reflection in the mirror, running his hand in his newly but temporary dyed light brown hair, before Baekhyun pulls his face down by the chin till they’re almost the same height, Baekhyun fishing out a pencil eyeliner from his back pocket. Eunhyuk hyung had a lot of eyeliner on, Baekhyun reasons a couple of minutes ago.

“What. Why. This is like...iconic for the both of them.” Baekhyun gapes, almost missing Chanyeol’s lids and poking him in the eye.

“If we were going for iconic, wouldn’t we be walking around half or be wearing tank tops and preparing to rip them off?” Chanyeol replies, arching an eyebrow at Baekhyun, which sort of scares him because Chanyeol suddenly resembled like a cross between Kris and Siwon.

“Yah yah yah! You know I got no abs. Plus your abs aren’t as nice as Eunhyuk hyung’s.” Baekhyun says, hitting Chanyeol playfully on the arm and sticking his tongue out.

“If I remembered correctly, you were the one who had your mouth--”

“TOKYO, LONDON, NEW YORK, PARIS OPPA, OPPA. I’M SO COOL, I’M SO COOL, PARTY LIKE A SUPERSTAR.” Baekhyun belts out loudly (also out of tuned), dancing along to the song as he walks out of their shared bedroom and out of the door, purposely flicking light switch on and off a couple of times before completely switching it off.

(Once they finally got out of the house and arrived to the venue, they ran up not so quickly to their sunbaes, who were sitting behind tables and signing albums, slightly squirming through the sea of ELFs, being hit by blue balloons a couple of times by accident, rewarding them with wide eyes from Eunhyuk and Donghae. We need to get cooler looking suits. Eunhyuk whispers to Donghae, eyeing their hoobaes, who were in their yellow and red suits, from head to toe, only to earn squeals from their fans, including Baekhyun and Chanyeol, shocking Eunhyuk and amusing Donghae. Donghae cups Baekhyun’s cheeks, fondling them slightly. “Oh my God. You’re so cute.” He coos, almost making kissy faces at Baekhyun.

“Hyung, will you adopt me as your lovechild?” Chanyeol asks Eunhyuk with big bright eyes, blinking at him in anticipation.

“Ew, Channie! No! That’s would mean that we’re shipping your parents!” Baekhyun shrieks, quickly running over to pull his lover away from their sunbae before Chanyeol asks them to join them for an .)

- idk anymore /hides/
- Eunhae's looks: wedding veils, tank top ripping is from their SS3 duet "I Wanna Love You"
- for those who don't know who Em (Baekhyun's fanboy) and Dong (Chanyeol's fanboy) are, they're EXO Fanboys from Millenium Boys


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Chapter 3: I read the krisoo in lj before!! oh my god this is so adorable more kitty!yifan because the world really needs it for the sake of humanity. <3