Not perfect enough


 Youngjae, the epitome of intelligence, happiness and adorable, has imperfection that the world seems to keep pointing out to him. All the flaws he had were directed him from day one. He changed, he became better, he tried to perfect himself but it was still not good enough for the world to accept, he was still not perfect enough..... 


 "Even though he has slim down, he is still ugly and fat." "Why does he even bother? No matter how hard he tries he will never be as perfect as Daehyun oppa!" "Why did they let him take Himchan oppa's line? He isn't that good looking nor is his voice good enough to sing Himchan oppa's line!" "Why is he even in B.A.P?" "He should just leave the group and the company all together, he just ."..... As Youngjae read those comments over and over again, tears rolled down his once fluffy cheeks, sad that no matter how hard he tried, he still wasn't good enough, even his parents agreed to them......



Author's note

Got my inspiration from seeing comments of netizens bashing Youngjae even they are "Babyz". True Babyz love all the members or at least don't bash or hate another member besides their bias. They like them. 

 Hope you all will enjoy this! I will update the chapters soon! 


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Chapter 3: wuaaah, it's a great story! really ^^
and those who bash jae oppa, They really can't use their eyes properly -_- how can they do that? youngjae is so cute, handsome, fluffy, and talented!
anyway, I love this story! ♥
Chapter 3: this is a good story!!!^^ i wonder how stupid people are being to bash Jaejae like that-.- annoying and stupid
What? They is not true Babyz if they bash other member like that~ -_-" Poor my baby Jae~
Chapter 3: Youngjae is perfect no matter what anyone says <3 I have seen the comments and experienced them first hand. And it makes me sick I seriously cried reading this. Great story line and even though it was self harm Jae it was lesson.
I don't understand why people hate sigh.

Great work
Where have you seen people bash on this wonderful human being?