Behind it all and The End

Like Glass

The next morning Miri found herself feeling sick. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. She stood there and looked at her self in the mirror.Her face was pale and she looked sick. She knew that this wasn't good. She knew that this could mean any number of things. What she feared most was that she was pregnant and she knew that her mother would be furious. She knew that her mother would want her to leave. She finally had her mothers attention but not in a way that she wanted. For now she would treat this as a stomach flu and take some pills to calm  her stomach. She wasn't going to jump to any conclusions just yet.

She went about her day cleaning and cooking for her mother even though she was sure her mother probably wouldn't be home in time to eat it. For the rest of the day her stomach was fine. Maybe it was just caused by her regret. She knew that sleeping with Jaehyo was a bad idea, she hadn't been really thinking rationally because Sehun had left her. Jaehyo hadn't called either but she didn't expect him to call her to begin with. Maybe she was a like her mother had said even if she had only slept with 2 men. She had no feeling for Jaehyo to begin with. What would she do if she was pregnant? She knew that Sehun was gone. That he would hate her if she was pregnant and came looking for him. She worried and worried endlessly about it as the day went by. As it got later and later she had nothing else to do so she sat in her room rubbing the stone of the necklace that Sehun had given her. She should just sell it or get rid of it but for now she would keep it to remind her of how foolish she was. There was no prince and she was just another nobody to people like Sehun and Jaehyo.

It was around about 11 pm when she heard the knock at her door. Who could it be that this hour? Her mother worked until 1 or 2 am usually depending on her schedule. She decided to ignore it because no one ever came to vist this late at night. The knocking continued the became more persistant. She finally went to the door and opened it. There stood Jaehyo, his tie was loosen and his hair was disheveled. It looked like he had run his fingers through his hair any number of times. She just stood there and wondered what he wanted. Was he thinking that she would sleep with him again? Because she definitely wouldn't.

"I am sorry about that had happened last night. I was wondering if you were alright? I woke up this morning late for work so I had no time to call you. I was going to call you but I wanted to do this in person. I hope you don't feel badly about what happened. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea and think I was just using you. I want to see you again but only if you want to."

I was actually amazed that was the reason he had come. He stood there looking at me expecting an answer. I guess he's not bad looking and he is rich. I guess being in a relationship that will bring me happiness through money is also fine because I am not that innocent girl I was before.

She plastered on a fake smile "I am glad that we feel the same way." She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house. "My mom won't be home for a few more hours." She then closed the door.

I later found out that I wasn't pregnant. I stayed with Jaehyo for many years until he asked me to marry him. I said yes because i wouldn't find anyone who would be willing to give me what Jaehyo did. It was a few days after he had proposed that I met his son Hyesung. I knew that he had a son but I didn't think that Hyesung would be so young or obviously attractive. His skin was beautiful and flawless it reminded her so much of Sehun that she instantly hated the young child. He smiled brightly with such excitement when his father introduced her as his new mother. I plastered on a smile as I shook his hand and regret ever agreeing to marry Jaehyo.




Sorry that it has been so long since I have written this. my computer crashed and I lost the entire story outline and what I had planned to do.I have finally gotten my computer fixed but I realize after reading this story again that I was pretty happy with what had happend and I decided that I didn't want to ruin the orignal vision I had for the story in the first place. So I am going to end it here with just an open ended conclusion, Thank you for loving this story.

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My editor is rereading the story. I am making random corrections here and there. I promise to have a new chpt up soon. I am writing it now.


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Chapter 18: There's a lot if good story lines with Like Glass and it has definitely been an interesting story. Kudos to you Author-nim! This story could have 10 or 20 more chapters and it will still be interesting. I would have loved to know if Hyesung has any powers since he has fairy blood...the fairy stepbrothers were also interesting bunch. They still have not met and interacted with Eric. Eric I think has a lot if stories to tell from his family side.. As for Ricsyung there were definitely some highlight chapters that I like.. My favorite was during the show where Eric was apparently part of a popular band and he ended up living the show as he grabbed Hyesung from the crowd to the envy of all the fans!! Wow I love it!.. I was just sad that apparently all the endings were left hanging.. (sigh..) ... Thanks Author-nim for all the good chapters... if there will be a sequel I would definitely read it as well!
Harem_King_Pete #2
Chapter 1: Good story! I really liked it very much.
Chapter 14: oh.........
Chapter 17: Thank you for the amazing fanficition. I loved reading it.
milu23 #5
I liked this fic so much...did you drop it? ㅠ.ㅠ
feelgyo #6
Chapter 6: Cinder-sungie is really hilarious!! XD *rolling on the floor*
feelgyo #7 reader here ^^
Just found this one. I like the foreword, so I subs immediately :D
Thank you for ur story author-nim ^^
No update yet?? :(
Chapter 17: I want to read more about their powers and about the courts. It's very interesting! I'm trying to imagine this other world in my head as I read your story.
Can't wait for more!
Love u <3
Chapter 17: Yikehekwjshnskawo something drink XD