One Rainy Day...

School Bully Love Story

The next day,it's raining.You wake up as usual,and you feel your body is still hot.Infact,it's hotter than last night.You still ignore it,considering it as a slight fever.You do take your medicine before going to your school.During you are walking to your locker,you begin to feel dizzy.You ignore it and take your book.Suddenly,you see G-Dragon and his gang on his way.You want to run from there,but your begin to feel more dizzy.You vision also started to get blurred.G-Dragon and his gang is approaching you,and you just can do anything but just stand there.His gang began to trap around you so you cant run.But it's already late enough for you to run.And this what happens:

"Yah,now you cant run anywhere anymore...hahahah,You're gonna pay for what you challengedThe school bully smirks.

"Yah hyong,get her!" Seungri encourages his hyung,like always.

"Yah,Jiyong,please dont,let me go!" plead you with shaky voice.

"What if I wont?" questions G-Dragon back.

"I..I..I'll kick you in the face!" you say,out of idea to threat him,but instead making them scared,they laugh at you.

" scary..guys,help me,she's gonna kick me in the face!" the leader shouts out in a teasingly way,there's no way a guy like him to get shaken up by such a puny little threat.

"Jiyong,please dont bully me today,I dont fell very good now.I think I wanna faint" you utter those words with your shaky voice as your vision getting more blurred,black spots starts appearing before your eyes.You felt real weak.

"What trick you wanna play now?First,you tricked and challenged me,and you know I cant just sit still to be treated like that!And second,I tolerate with you enough,for letting you go yesterday because you're late for your class!I'm not gonna fell into one of your tricks again!" shouts the now kinda pissed off G-Dragon.He will never take it easy on people who tricks him,even a girl.

"Jiyong,I'm serious..please let me go..." talking seems to be quite a struggle for you now,as you're now keep coughing due to your desert-like dry throat.

"Call me G-Dragon!I wont fall into your tricks again!" he's ready to pick you up harshly and push you hard to a wall nearby and let you know some warning.G-Dragon is clearly pissed off now.


Your vision are getting more blurred,and then everything become pitch black.You faint.G-Dragon first just left you there,thinking that you're tricking him again.But after awhile he sees you didnt move even a muscle,he started to worry.He kneels down to you and feels that your temple and neck is very hot.He begin to feel very worry,and quickly bring the unconscious you to the nurse's office.You are having a very high fever,and that worries G-Dragon much more.He wait for you to wake up anxiously.As you began to regain consciousness,you hear him saying something that give you more proofs about the mystery girl he likes.

"MinYoung ah,why you didnt convince me that you're having a fever?I cant really differentiate when you are tricking me and when you're telling the truth." he holds your cold hand tightly and caress your face with his back hand before continue talking.

"Aish,your face looks more beautiful now.If only I am brave enough to tell you the only reason I like to bully you...if only I could tell you the reason I ask you to call me G-Dragon is just because you make me go crazy when you call me Jiyong,and it's all because..because..." he tucks your long hair behind your ear and gives you a quick peck on the cheek.You're curious,your heartbeat racing to the max to know the reason to all his bullies all this while.Awhile later,you can hear him taking a deep breath and about to say something.

"The reason is beacause...I..I Love You...I Love you so much-Oh Jiyong!Snap it out!She might hear you!" after that little 'confession' G-Dragon quickly closes his mouth,probably embrassed and felt stupid to say that when you're 'unconscious'.Well you're not,and heard all much enough anyway.

You cant believe it with your own ears.You're shocked to hear that.The mystery girl was really actually you,it's you all the while.When you hear enough from him,you slowly opens your eyes.

"W-what happened to me?W-where am I?" you asked,with a made up shaky voice to sound like you're really just woken up from your faint.

"Huh,back alive again huh?You fainted,and you're at the nurse's office now.I had to trouble myself carrying you here,duh." that bully guy is actually really relieved that you had become conscious,but he quickly covers it up and act like the 'I dont care of anything' guy he is.

"W-what time is now?" realizing he might remembers the plan to bully you before you faint just now,you quickly ask him the time and and going to chicken out. 

"It's back time." G-Dragon takes a quick glance at his watch again to make sure it's right.

"I wanna go home." seeing his reaction which blatantly shows he didnt recall of anything he wanted to do during recess time,you felt relieved and now decided to go home and get a rest safe and sound in your house.

"Wait,in this rain?With you having a fever?" eventhough the school bully tries to cover his concern by saying it like he's teasing,but oh well,a concerned sentence will always sound concerned right?

"Yes,why do you care?" not caring much at his clearly seen covered up concern at you,you quickly snatch your schoolbag on the sofa nearby and walk out the nurse's office,going home.
Then,G-Dragon go and sees his gang at their class:

"Yah hyung,how is her condition?" Daesung quickly jumps from the table he's sitting on and approach his leader who just comes into the class.

"She's fine,just a high fever,but I'm worried of her,she went home in this rain,with her fever." as G-Dragon sits on a table near the window,all Bigbang's members turn their sight out of the window.Just then,Seungri pops his head out of his window and shout: 

"MinYoung NOONA!!YOU BETTER COVER YOURSELF IN THE RAIN,OR ELSE YOUR FEVER WILL BE WORSE!ANYWAY,G-DRAGON HYONG LOV-" before the maknae even have a chance to finish his sentence,G-Dragon as fast as lightining covers the maknae's big mouth and harshly pulled his head back into the classroom.

"Yah!What are trying to do babo!Let me tell her myself!" the leader grabs Seungri's collar tightly before letting it go roughly.The maknae nearly lands his on the cold floor in the process.

"But when is that bro?For how long you wanna keep the ring in your fist?" this time,it's Taeyang's time to talk with the school bully leader.

"H-how do you know?" slightly shocked,he shows a ring that's really in his fist.It was a simple ring with a heart shaped on the ring.

"Bestfriend's instinct" says Taeyang.

"How about we" without taking too much time of thinking,he decides to confess to you that day.

"How?" all the member curiously tilt their heads facing the leader who's in love.

"Come on,let's follow her to her house,I wanna confess to her." G-Dragon says that with full of energy and of course,excitement.

"Great idea Hyong!" Seungri gives his hyung a big thumbs up.

"Now that's my bestfriend" Taeyang slings his muscular arm around G-Dragon shoulder.

"Urm,we agree with that,but before we go,here's you baseball bat,it's been a month you forgotten to bring it home"  ToDae hands in G-Dragon's bat.It's his favourite bat and likes to use it when playing baseball..and also,for beating up people.But he didnt use it for a long time as he keeps forgetitng to bring it home since he used it for the National Baseball Match(yes,it's a made up xD).

"Oh yeah,I kept forgetting to take it let's go!" G-Dragon grips on the bat hard and swings it randomly before holds it at the back of his shoulder.

And so,they put G-Dragon's plan into use and follow you quietly to your home.

-To be continued-

*sound of trumpets*
Hello,once and for all guyz!
I'm soo sorry for the wait!Well,being a schoolkid,you also have a tight schedule like the idols you know?xD
Well,to be honest,I'm just lazying of all the way xD I dont really do my homework,too 'legend' to do it xD *legend is what my class call to people who's to fab to do homework on the spot like meh xD*
Besides my 6 year old beloved netbook which my close friend for 6 years had...left me last month *sobs sobs* that's one of the reason.
But now I have a new replacement,a laptop now!!*claps* but still,my old netbook will always in the special spot in my heart.
Now I miss it *sobs*
Now enough will the dramas,I'm now on my two weeks and a half holiday,and try to update AMAP!(As Much As Possible) xD
Write to you again readers!
Until then,dont forget to leave your thought in the comments!Harsh comments is allowed to,so just please tell me anything about what you think of this story,I will apprieciate it soo much!Will end my long message here!Annyeong! ^^







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OMG-D guyz,seriously,I just put the name MinYoung randomly,I dont even know that's the name of the girl in Haru Haru MV!Such an awesome coincidence right?


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jessicabyun #1
Nice ending.
Chapter 18: Seriously, your story is boring. And plus, you are not using the right grammar and your plot is .
So i assume you, that you dont know the rules for write some story.
Your plot and grammar is childish.
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 20: I like this story.......please update soon....
Chapter 6: UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!! ASAP!!!!
Chapter 3: please update your fanfic ;) , since it is too daebak xD !
Congrats !
KwonJiYongWife #6
Chapter 2: Please updateeeeee
Chapter 2: Update soonnn
vipblackj #8
Chapter 19: Nice ending ^^