Lost and gone

Lost and gone


Those words are supposed to hurt me right. They are meant to stab me. I’ve heard so many times how I keep breaking your heart. Never in my life would I forget. I’ve hurt my angel, the reason I stay strong. Remember when I said those words never hurt me?

Actually they did. Always did.

But they came from you, my baby. I’m not supposed to be hurt. Then, why am I still crying?

Remember when I told you that you have my heart the moment I looked into your eyes? Since that, you have held my heart. I won’t take it back. I don’t mind even if it breaks in your hands. Don’t worry, I won’t let it shows.

I deserve all of that. The wounds leave me emotionless.

When you left, you took my heart along with you. Not that I care. I don’t need anything when I lost you. I can’t feel anything. As far as I know when you left, I’m heartless.

Should I continue this? Breathing but not living. Screaming but voiceless. Crying but no tears. I wish I’ll never wake up. I wish I’ll sleep for the rest of my life.

It is too painful. I can’t take it. 

Remember, baby. Whenever you go, I’ll always love you.

Always have, always will.


Your angel,





The graveyard seems empty even with crowd of people. They come for Taemin. For my angel, Taemin. Minho bites back his tears. For once, he wishes he could go back to that moment. He wishes he wasn’t too hard on Taemin that time. He wishes he would stay instead of throwing goodbye at Taemin’s face. How he misses the man that never leaves him?

“I love you so much. Don’t ever forget that.”

“I won’t, baby.” Minho held Taemin close to his chest. He buried his nose in Taemin’s soft strands, inhaling the sweet scent of his lover.

Taemin’s eyes were never empty. Whenever Minho felt he couldn’t go on, he’ll looked in Taemin’s brown orbs. In those eyes, he found endless love. Countless support to hold him strong.  But now, he had lost Taemin. He had lost the reason he lives, the hands that lulled him to sleepless nights.  

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