Luhan and betrayal

That one time when Luhan wasn't the cutest
The difficut thing about these character is that some of them (Hyungjoo, Seonghwan, Minseok, Chen) don't speak chinese. Since all the others do, the story was written thinking about it in chinese. The corean parts are marked(?) with ^^....
"You know…Yi Chen and Luhan have the same cute image...I was wondering, who do you guys think is prettier?"
Luhan twitched a little at the comment from the MC. He didn't like being called cute, he really didn't. But if someone was calling him cute, then better be only him. How dare that stupid MC to compare him to that Yi Chen rookie?
"I think Lu Han-ge is better looking" Tao answered and Luhan smiled a little. Of course Tao knew better than to call him cute or pretty..."But Yi Chen is really pretty too....I can't really choose one..." Luhan's smile froze. What had Tao just said? 
"Maybe it's because I see Luhan-ge everyday but Yi Chen looks prettier in my opinion" ing Lay... 
"Tian Tian is prettier for me too...but I accept that Luhan is really pretty too" Luhan's brain stopped functioning for a second. What was that guy's name? Shu Hang? The Leader of the rookies, right. That idiot called him pretty? That little... 
"I think my vote goes to Yi Chen too..." 
"Tian Tian-ge, no doubt" 
^^"Hard choice but...Yi Chen, sorry Hannie"^^ 
^^"I think...Yi chen-hyung..."^^ 
^^"Ah...sorry Luhan-hyung, But I'll go with Yi Chen..."^^ 
^^"Well...Tian tian-hyung?"^^ 
"Yi know, his smile seems more genuine..." 
The last statement. That ing kid. Just....
Luhan tried his best to keep his smile, during the whole ing interview.
Those idiots were so dead.
"You think that idiot is cuter than me" Everyone turned to look at Luhan. They were sitting on the couch (and some of them in the floor, mind you) watching TV and Luhan trough that it was just the perfect moment to discuss the subject. "Stop staring at me, you were the ones who said that he was cuter" He stood up "You betrayed me"
"What the are you even talking about Luhan, you hate being called cute"
"What I'm talking about, Yifan, is the feeling of betrayal"
"But Luhan-ge...."
"Shut up Tao!" The panda-boy widened his eyes and froze " I thought that at least you could have been decent enough to pick me over him...but you disappointed me" Tao's eyes started to get teary at Luhan's words, and tears really started to run down his cheeks when Luhan turned around and walked out of the room.
"He's crazy"
^^"I couldn't catch a single word he said"^^
^^Don't worry too much over it, Chen"^^ said Kris, watching as a clearly confused Xiumin wrapped his arms around their maknae "Lay, do you think you can talk to him? I would send Xiumin but Tao..."
"Yeah, don't worry" Lay walked to his and Luhan's shared bedroom, preparing himself for the worst "Take care of Tao, he's on shock or something"
...don't judge me....
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Chapter 2: ohh^^ TimeZ & Exo
i really really love this fic <3
plz' update this authornim^^
Chapter 2: Thanks for writing this. There isn't much Timez fanfics up here. :)