She or He? - Depending Gender!


Park Ja Kyung’s childhood have been harsh on her. She has been raised in a bad environment and it has affected her a lot. When she isn’t studying in college, she is a work hardening boy. – Boy?! Yes. Her look and her clothes is very similar to a boy’s, and since she is willing to take every job she can get, she is even prepared to let her gender depend on it... Or, that is atleast what she tells people.

Now she is back in Seoul will she be able to live a normal life again? 



- More upcoming? Or else, just read the story to find out!





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theeKPOPlover #1
I may sound like an idiot but i am a bit confused r key and ja kyung the same person? Or separate characters? Sorry i just am a bit lost. :p
darkbandit01 #2
Chapter 10: HA! Who reviewed this? Because whoever did is an idiot. First of all, sure there are grammar mistakes in your story which rereading could help fix, but really, the grammar is not that terrible. And don't worry, the flow is fine and the grammar does not stop the flow. Grammar doesn't really affect the FLOW of a story - maybe how easily it is understood, but that is not what flow is. This reviewer clearly doesn't know what flow is. Also, it's very amusing because while this person criticizes your grammar, his or her grammar . Multiple times s/he wrote "was lots of mistakes." It's "were lots of mistakes." There is no such thing as "face paced," it is "fast-paced." It should also be "...main character, whom I found amusing," rather than "who I found was amusing." "It was the first part when Jonghyun was asking Key if he remembered who Ja Kyung was but Key couldn’t" is not a complete sentence. Even better, your reviewer erred AS HE WAS CORRECTING YOUR SENTENCE, which I find to be hilarious. First of all, s/he changed "how comes" to "how come." 'How come' should never be used in speech or writing, it is incorrect, so while sure you made a mistake, he corrected you with another mistake and criticized your grammar. It should really be "why." And lastly, schools do not "except" students, they "accept" students. Third grade, reviewer? Ever been there? Finally, moving on, your reviewer doesn't know diddly-squat about titles. Yeah, I have to agree your title is slightly awkward, but his/hers is even worse. It sounds absolutely terrible. Any sentient individual would understand the title after reading the first chapter. You can share this with whoever wrote this review. And I may have made a grammatical error somewhere in this paragraph, but I didn't edit this. If I were submitting a formal review with ratings and criticism on grammar, I most certainly would have proof-read it beforehand.
Sorry for ranting ^^ I just found it funny and hypocritical, love the story so far!
aww jonghyun will always be Key's Yeobo! XD<br />
soo cute!!<br />
what? only one more chapter!<br />
aw at least key and her is happy together!<br />
update soon please
-xttran #5
&& Ha! Your story title caught me attention. Wahhhh, great story. Update? :))
her mother tricke them!!!<br />
key and his shopping! XD lol.<br />
she so head over heels for him<br />
update soon pelase
YAYYYYYY. 8D<br />
Yeah!! Key made it on time!! XD lol.<br />
aww they're soo cute!!!<br />
update soon please
Ja kyung! WAIT FOR KEYYYY ;^;
Miji96 #10
Auuuuuuuuuw!!! Update soon~