Homestay at Super Junior's dorm!


[APPS CLOSED]  [Got this idea after watching Super Junior’s Full House.]

You’ve been selected as one of five girls to stay at Super Junior’s dorms for half a year. Will romance grow between you and the other members, or will you be just a nuisance?


  [Got this idea after watching Super Junior’s Full House.]

You’ve been selected as one of five girls to stay at Super Junior’s dorms for half a year. Will romance grow between you and the other members, or will you be just a nuisance?

I kind of tweaked the applications to make more sense and I took off anything beyond what's needed to be seen by other applicants, but I will be using the other information within the story. InfinityX, I took off most of your pictures because I'll probably be using them sometime in the plotline. And I'll be marking this story as rated PG-13 overall because I'm most likely not going to write anything too ty because I've just realized at least one of the applicants is only 13.

Leeteuk Taken by: Liu, Kelly

Eunkyuk Taken by: Kim Kyung Mi

Siwon  Taken by: Lee Hyun Ae

Donghae Taken by: Sakuraba Nao

Kyuhyun Taken by: Arancillo, Rennie


Kelly Liu

Age: 24

Rated: R

Ethnicity: Chinese

Country of Origin: America

Reason why you’re visiting Korea: Kelly had originally planned to go to Korea with her family to participate in her cousin’s wedding. She decided to head to Korea first due to her family’s temporary unavailability. But because of a sudden change of plans, she is now stranded in Korea for two months until she receives the money from her parents to return to America. After accidentally stumbling upon SM entertainment’s song writer Ryan Jhun, who became concerned over her livelihood, Kelly was to stay at SuJu’s dorms until she could return to America.

Personality: Kelly is what you could call… a bit mentally young for her age. She enjoys joking around with others a lot, but has trouble discerning between a joke and an insult. Because of her carelessness, Kelly finds herself accidentally hurting others at times, but she always makes sure to clear up the misunderstanding. She is extremely lazy when it comes to doing things for herself, but Kelly likes to consider others before she goes and does something, such as buying another’s favorite food while grocery shopping. She can also be quite stubborn at times; she sticks to her own morals and opinion of justice, but she’s easily persuaded by sovereignty. Because of her innocence, Kelly has never had a serious relationship and often avoids the subject of love whenever it is brought up. She often is caught hiding her lack of romance, and enjoys claiming that she has experience in the love field. 

Special abilities: Kelly has avidly taken piano and singing lessons ever since she was seven, but she can only sing in English. She also taught grade school children to play while she was in high school. Kelly can cook and bake fairly well, but because of her background, she can only prepare Chinese food. Her favorite dish to make is Kimchi fried rice.

Appearance: She always has a thin silver necklace with a multitude of charms on. Each charm represents an important aspect or happening in her life; so she buys these often. So far she has a pink baby bottle, given to her by her mother at birth, a white grand piano, an American flag, a gold microphone, a tennis racket, two SuJu charms, and one with a mini picture of all her friends in it. Kelly always has her hair straight and curled at the bottom with a little bit of it tied up at the left side of the top of her head. She usually keeps her bangs split more to the right than the middle. She’s known for her long black eyelashes and is often asked if she’s wearing mascara, but she never wears any make-up because she hates the difficulty of taking it off. She’s slightly tan because of the Californian sun, but still looks fairly light-skinned. She also has extremely long nails most of the time because she is too lazy to cut them and usually lets them grow out until they break on their own. Kelly enjoys wearing white, silky, and ruffled halter tops, and has more of a formal style of clothing. But in contrast, she usually wears either torn black cardigans or small black denim shrugs and black shortshorts to go with them. She doesn’t really have a style for shoes and has been seen wearing a wide range of types.

Quirks or habits: Strangely enough, Kelly can’t eat breakfast in the morning. Because of her screwed up metabolism, she gets a horrible stomach ache if she eats before noon. She starts baking excessively when her feelings are hurt, but she never eats the product. She also has a tendency to hold onto the charms of her necklace whenever she’s nervous. And instead of biting her nails like most people, Kelly chews on her fingers often.


  • Singing in the shower
  • Sleeping in
  • In depth conversations
  • Paradoxes
  • Drawing
  • Dance Dance Revolution


  • Making the bed
  • Sleeping alone
  • The dark
  • Doing the laundry
  • Bugs, especially cockroaches.
  • Annoying people


Rennie Arancillo

Age: 22

Rated: R

Ethnicity: Filipino

Country of Origin: Philippines

Reason why you’re visiting Korea: I wanted to see the sights of Seoul so as to really prove that what my friends say (that's it beautiful, clean, and peaceful). It's actually my first time there. Also, my aunt is there and she wanted me to come and visit her.

Personality: Rennie is a laid-back girl, a moodsetter according to her friends. Although happy-go-lucky most of the time, her friends avoid provoking her since she gets easily driven by her emotions. Rennie is loud and funny with the people she's familiar with, but to the opposite, she acts all quiet and shy, leading others to stereotpe her as a 'snobbish' girl. She loves playing Star Craft and War Craft, thus she's close to her male friends. She's that typical girl-next-door who has her ups and downs in life, and she's not afraid to show it. Rennie is also the type of girl who would back you up in a fight. Loyal to friends and close to her family, she always does everything (yes, EVERYTHING) in her power to protect the ones she loves. People would know if she's pissed off if she acts all y and annoying. She tends to get angry at someone whenever they do something wrong, but always says "Sorry" after a series of rantings. Rennie, being a spontaneous girl, always helps in planning for something, whether it's a group outing for friends or family. People don't know why, but they say she emits an aura which exudes calmness and protection. Her friends describe her as a 'girl of many words', because she expresses herself through talking, even though it gets her into trouble. The best words to describe her are: strong-willed, passionate and determined.

Special abilities:Sewing clothes, cooking, designing and cleaning rooms, playing violin, piano, clarinet and harp, and doing the laundry.

Appearance: Rennie has brownish-black wavy hairthat ends up on the middle of her back. It's actually slashed (the style), but Rennie keeps it away from her face by pinning it with barrettes or wearing headbands.

Clothing Style:

[ 1 ] Loves layering clothes

[ 2 ] Fave accessories are scarves and shades / glasses

[ 3 ] Is comfortable in any kinds of shoes, but prefers booties the best

[ 4 ] Doesn't like wearing revealing skirts

[ 5 ] Mostly dark concepts, but most of the time avoids wearing black

[ 6 ] Fave pieces of clothing are cardigans and boyfriend jackets

Quirks or habits:

→Brings her camera with her; never leaves it straying anywhere

→Tapping her feet when she's impatient

→Poking others and saying "I.Kill.You" when she's bored out of her skull

→Smacks heads and pinches noses in showing her affection

→Scratching her head when she's thinking of a lie / excuse

→Sticking her tongue out when she's concentrating

→Pulling at the hem of shirt if she's nervous

→Opening her phone and pretending to text if she's in an awkward situation





→Chinese martial arts

→Clean and orderly places

→Healthy food (she's not used to junk foods)

→Music and Arts

→Clothes she's comfortable in


→Dirty and unruly places

→Being disturbed when she's busy reading and taking pictures

→Bad hair days

→Open spaces

→Very lame pick-up lines/ jokes

→Cheesy romantic movies

→Extreme rock music (hard metal ones)

→Procrastinating and dilly-dallying



Sakuraba, Nao
Age: 22 
Rated: PG-13 – R+

Ethnicity: Japanese 
Country of Origin: Canada   
Reason why you're visiting Korea: A friend of mine suggested I go there for vacation, and I really needed a break.
Level of fluency: I know conversational korean. I took classes with my korean friend who suggested I go there. I don't have an accent but its sometimes difficult for me to understand what a person is saying to me.
Personality:  if you see me walking down the street, I'd seem quiet and cold but I'm actually pretty cheerful and playful. I just don't know how to get along with people I just met. I'm really laid back but you should run if I'm mad, I will start waving around a bat with a smile on my face. I love to tease people around me and I'm a tad cheeky. I tend to be the annoying voice of reason that always asks the 'why' and 'how' questions and is a little hesitant to do something before going along. 
Special abilities: I'm a pretty decent cook, but my specialties lie in baking. Cakes, brownies, cookies those are what I'm best at and enjoy doing the most.
Appearance: My hair is dyed to a brown-orange color. The length reaches just to the base of my neck. I have a short fringe that almost touches my eyes and are swept to the right. The hairstyle itself is in really short layers.
My eyes are a dark brown, almost black. My skin is pale too.
My style is in between girly and tomboy. I like wearing skirts but only if I'm wearing shorts or leggings underneath. I love zip-up hoodies the most, especially if they are baggy. I don't really mind about trends, I like them sure, but I wear anything that looks good and comfortable. I like graphic tees and short-short combo the best, and tend to wear that the most. I also have a thing for wearing hats, baseball caps to cat eared hats.
Quirks or habits: I make faces when people talk to me, I jab people in the side or arm to get their attention, laughing out randomly, when I play video games I tend to move with the controller xD teasing people.
Likes: baking, music, traveling, jokes, video games, hats.
Dislikes: problems, vegetables, getting upset.


Lee Hyun Ae

Age:  22

Rated: R 

Ethnicity:  Vietnamese-Korean

 Country of Origin:  America

 Reason why you’re visiting Korea:  I'm visiting Korea to learn more about its culture since I want to start a business there someday.

 Level of fluency:  Pro/Expert.

 Personality:  Determined, responsible, and persistent. Those three major words create me, myself, and I. Whenever I have goal, I will absolutely try my best to accomplish it. I won't let some gosh darn obstacle get in the way because I know that I will find a solution to get through it! Because of my persistance and stubbornness, it would take a 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ years to make me give up my dream. Yup, you heard right dudes and dudettes! 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000+ years, baby!! I will climb every mountain and swim the seven seas if that's what it takes to achieve my dream. I would even steal 2PM's Taecyeon's boxers if I have to! If you threaten me, I say: "BRING IT ON." In the end, I will make sure that I make you swallow your crappy, meaningless words. Underestimate me, I will prove you wrong and I don't even have to try. My toughest weapon is my intelligence. My intelligence will beat your pretty face and your bad mouth anytime, any day, and anywhere. Hey, it's not my fault your heart is hidious. I hate failing so I withhold from doing that. My motto is, "Shoot for the moon. If you don't make it, at least land on the stars." I can be extremely competitive and not even notice that I am. So you all better hold on to your teddy bears when the 4D Genius uses her super powerful nerdy laser ray gun!!! When it comes to getting what I want, if I try my best, I would most likely get it. But I still know my limits and when to draw the line. I am weird, but I like it and I don't care what others think. I believe trying to be like everybody else is boring. If everybody in this crazy, absurd world were forced to model the exact same replica, I might as well shoot myself. A world like that is hell on Earth. 'Nuff said. At times, I like standing out, but I also like being "backstage" where all the magic happens and all those good stuff. I usually do whateverI want. Why? Because I'm awesome like that. 8D I'm probably one of the most open-minded person you could ever meet. I swear, you can even talk to me about the History of Poop. I seriously won't mind. At the first impression, you may think of me as a SERIOUS and BORING person, but as you get to know me, I am INSANE!!! In good way, of course.  I hope...  I am very MATURE for my age despite my "craziness".  Every time you're with me, you'll either be relaxed or laughing until you nearly piss your pants depending on my mood and my level of hyperness. My most creative point is when I'm writing. I'm literally having a race against my brain to jot those ideas down because I tend to forget them once the idea has been newly born. If you ever hurt my friends in any way, consider your MINE. Because I don't tolerate pea-brained jerks at all. If you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm there. If you need advice on anything, e-mail me because I don't have a cellphone. If you want revenge on an ex-boyfriend, COME STRAIGHT TO ME. The next time you see him, he will be beaten up by the police for wearing nothing, but speedos in public. Just like every other human, I most certainly have flaws. My biggest flaw is greed. When I finally get a taste of something I've been wanting for a very long time, I would automatically want more of it. I would want more and more of it until I get bored of it. And when I do ge bored of it, I throw it away like yesterday's kimchi. Then, karma comes to teach me a lesson by bringing guilt into my heart. I really try not to be greedy, but it seems to completely take over me at times. Don't worry, I don't get greedy over humans.  I only get greedy over inanimate objects such as food, CDs, electronics, etc.  I believe getting greedy over a human is stupid and childish.  It doesn't do you good to become greedy because of a person.  Another one of my flaws is that I tend to be demanding. The only time I become very demanding is when I'm doing a HUGE project with my partners at school. That's probably the only time I get very demanding. But don't get it mixed up with bossy and controling though. I'm pretty far from being bossy and controling. The way I "demand" is that I "demand" you to do your part in the project and excel in that portion of it. What can I say, I'm a perfectionalist.  Last, but certainly not least, I am a daydream-romantic. I love LOVE even if I am bit afraid of it.  I read about love, sing about love, and think about love. I think it's the most wonderful thing that can ever happen to a human being. But then again, Love can be an annoying . However, without it, what's the point of continuing to walk and breathe on a loveless universe?

Special abilities:  1) Speed read.  2) Violin.  3) Cello.  4) Singing.  5) Piano.

 Appearance:  Hyun Ae has long, straight, jet black hair that runs down her back.  Her huge, brown eyes twinkles when she has come up with a scheme or when she's really happy.  She possess a fine jaw line and pink lush lips that supermodels and celebrities would die for.  Her button nose complements her oval shaped face.  Every time she smirks, the edge of curves up in to a small crescent moon that creates that signature look on her broad, yet gentle face.  Her skin is very fair like Snow White.  She is 168 cm tall.  You may see her as a fragile and dainty women when you look at her, but things in life aren't always what it seems.  Every time she wears a shirt that exposes her shoulders, you can tell that she's been working out at the gym.


 {Style}  Hyun Ae is the kind of person that will go for comfort before style even if the outfit makes her look hot.  If it's uncomfortable to wear, she won't wear it at all.  Her article of clothing/everyday wear is a graphic t-shirt draped over a stylish yet comfortable vest, dark skinny jeans, Converse shoes, her favorite "punk" bracelets, and a top hat for the last touch.  During hot summer days, she wears a cool tank top, short shorts, flats, and  a shimmery necklace to top it all off.  For fancy occasions, she tends to stand out with a glossy red dress, blood red pumps, a matching red shawl, and some bling to make her look sassy, yet sharp.  To complete her sassy and sharp look, she loosely puts up her hair and lets the bangs drop down to carefully hug her face.

 Quirks or habits:

* One of the things that make her weird is that she often moves when she's deep in thought.
* To prevent herself from moving , she bites it to keep it shut.
* In a crowded place, she often looks at random people without knowing she is. Sometimes they catch her looking at them and she won't have the slightest clue. It's not like she has a crush on them or anything. It's just automatic.
* In addition to her habit of looking at random people, she reason why she does that is she has a huge habit of observing people. She likes finding unique characteristics of various humans.
* She will never tell you that she's sad even if it shows clearly on her face.
* Everytime you make her angry or if you bash her in any way, she will give you her signature "death glare" that will guarantee to send shivers down your spine and stop your tongue in its tracks.
* She tends to bottle up her feelings. It's amazing she doesn't have the urge to "blow up".
* Jumps in singing a song at any time.


*  Music.  Various genres.

*  Her laptop.

*  Pigging out with junk food.

*  Roses.

*  Strawberries.

*  Golden Retrievers.

*  The Milky Way.

*  Astronomy.

*  Twilight (the time of day).

*  The smell of morning dew at dawn.



*  Insects.

*  Smelly things.

*  Screamo music.

*  A computer with technical difficulties.

*  Avocados.

*  Mushrooms.

*  Hannah Montana.

*  Failing.

*  Being outcasted.

*  The Concept of Too Late.



Kim Kyung Mi

Age: 22

Rated: PG-13

Ethnicity: Cantonese-Korean

Country of Origin: Korea (moved to HK after to study)

Reason why you’re visiting Korea: Family decided to move back to Korean from Hong Kong

Level of fluency: Communication is okay but maybe the pronunciation is a bit off

Personality: determined, happy-go-lucky, loves sweets, fights for what’s right

Special abilities: cooking! ^^ (Asian food!), dancing, playing the violin, cello, flute, and piano

Appearance: hair style is long, black n layered. long eyelashes. average height. flexible cheeks, style of clothing is usually long sleeved hoodie n shorts, a plain shirt with jacket n jeans or a dress shirt n leggings.

Quirks or habits: lays flat on the stomach when sleeping and sometimes pull her cheeks when thinking.

Likes: sweets, music, dancing, surfing the net

Dislikes: seafood! bugs~


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choiminhosunsun #1
T^T its been a long time T^T<br />
Can you please update whenever you have the time okay<br />
Just let me know you didn't abandon this fic
OMO Leeteuk blew up on her!<br />
I hope they find Kelly; Leeteuk I know your upset but you shouldn't be blaming everyone for things you could've or might've stopped, dont know lol<br />
But please update soon :)
-Pandy- #5
kyuhyun is a meanie D:<br />
and now kelly is missing..because of teukie?<br />
lolisho #6
wahh, this update was like an emotional roller coaster! <br />
awh Kelly~ T^T Leeteuk was really harsh...blowing up on Siwon and Hyun Ae. >.>
AKTF94 #7
I don't mind at all that its a bit short, I'm just glad there's an update ^^ take your time to write if that's what you need, it'd be bad if you rushed yourself and wrote bad chapters
Kyuhyun is a jerk!!<br />
And Im glad Rennie slapped him and hard! He deserved it for being such an . Ryeowook want to know whats going on and he is comforting her; poor Rennie!<br />
I wish I was there I would have slapped Kyuhyun again and for her >:|<br />
I love the radio part ah Kelly going to the bathroom to ask her question very cute and sweet in a way and Leeteuk so your finally feeling something. Damn boy your getting jealous of your own self, lol<br />
Donghae stop teasing Kelly she knows your secret!<br />
OMO I wonder what Siwon is doing that Leeteuk yelled angrly to him. What the hell are those two doing?? But I don't think it will be bad alot you know probably a kiss or something right? But please update soon I wanna know what happens next!!!