You Okay?

Am I That Easy

*No ones POV*

Destiny pulled her hand back after Dongho locked himself back into his room. She felt so guilty for some reson because she just left him for three whole years. What else was she suppose to do? All she could do at that moment was cry.

"He hates me," she said.

Kevin walked up behind her and said," He really doesn't hate he you. Trust me and just give him some time."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

"Well we don't know about that but right now. All we know is that you have known Dongho way before us," said Kiseop while walking up to them.

"Dongho told us everything that had happened ever since his best friend left. But we had never realized that his best friend was you. You totally wrecked him up to the point of committing suicide," Kiseop continued.

"Would you like us to tell you about everything that happened?" said Eli.

"I don't know. I'm not sure. Maybe?" she replied with a shakey voice.

"It's okay, I'll hold your hand if you would like Destiny. I'll be right here beside you whenever you need me," said Kevin grabbing Destiny's hand into his.

When Kevin grabbed her hand she felt a little butterflies in her stomache for only a quick and short moment. But for her personally it felt more like hours. She nodded shyly in agreement while pushing up her glasses.

(A/N: See I didn't forget about her glasses. Dave Strider: I call bull. I saw you looking at the ing character list not that long ago. A: Wow thanks alot for blowing my cover Dave >_>  . Dave: You're welcome :) . A: =_= )

The members of U-Kiss excluding Dongho; decided to gather around in the living room to tell Destiny about everything that had happened ever since she had left. Well technically what Dongho had told them and what they had experienced since the day they saved him from death. The story took mostly a whole entire day to tell. After they were done Destiny started crying saying that she was the worst friend ever. She never knew that he had went through that much and she regretted for not stay keeping contact. She slowly stood up from her seat and started walking towards the door.

"Umm.... I have to go now. I have to go to school tomorrow since it's Sunday after all," she said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot all about having school tomorrow," said Eli.

"Yeah, I start at a new shool tomorrow along with my brother."

"What school will you guys be going to anyways?"

"We're going to be starting at the Seoul School of Arts."

"Oh really, because we all go there so we'll be able to see you tomorrow then," said Kiseop taking the words out of everyones mouth.

"Yeah, I hope to see you guys there too. I would love to introduce you guys to my brother Blade."

"Well you should go get some sleep home and get some sleep then. We'll see you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Okay. See you guys tomorrow and tell Dongho that I'll see him soon." 

(A/N: I seriously hate goodbyes it feels like they will be gone forever. I hate it so much even though I do it sometimes but I never try to it just happens. So instead I just say see you soon Instead of goodbye.)

"We'll make sure to."

"Alright then see ya guys soon."

"See ya," they all said in unision.

Destiny opened the door and closed it right behind her; she called her brother Blade and drove back home with him. What Destiny didn't know was that Dongho had woken up a few hours ago and overheard the half of the conversation that they had. He even heard about the school that she will be going to. He didn't know that they would be going back to the same school together again. Should he ignore? Should he go and try to reason with about why she had left? He didn't know what to do, all he could do was just sit there with a confused look on his face. There were so many thoughts running through his mind at the moment.

So do you guys like the new chapter. See I was able to make a update the next day so in your ing face Dave.

Honestly you are still at the beginning ur not even at the rise or the of this story. you have a long way to go I hope you know that.



Alright. I understand now. I'll try to update more often for you guys. But the power is out for a while for some apparent ing reason so I don't know how long that's going to be. So I'll see ya guys real soon it just depends with how long this is going to take. Basically, don't give your hopes up just remember that we are all bros here. Just like Pewdipie said it's not being called gay. It's called being FABULOUS!!!!! SEE YA SOON!!!!!

YEAH WHAT SHE SAID!!! SEE YA GUYS SOON TOO. Peace I'm out *drops mic and walks away cooly* 


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i will be posting a new chapter this weekend and i will also be coming out with a new creepypasta soon so just wait for that


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 12: OMG! An update! After such a long time... it was so short buy it's alright. Can't wait to read the next chapter. Hope to see an update soon.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 10: Finally caught up... And I really hope to see an update soon ^^
2026 streak #3
Hello there author-nim ^_^ got interested in this story after reading the foreword but would like to whether this story would be updated in the future? or is it discontinued?
just asking because I don't want to start a story which will never see it's end. If you know what I mean... hope to hear from you soon :)
PwincessErvin #4
Chapter 2: update soon.. :) I love your story line.. :)