
Korean Gokusen - The Flower Boys of 3-D

Nana and Hana awoke early in the morning so that Hana could get ready for school while Nana had plans to go sightseeing at some the places she still had not seen. They had spent the whole weekend together, just chatting and enjoying each other’s company.

“I wish we could have such weekends more often…like we used to.” Nana said while she was brushing her hair.

“Yeah me too…” Hana said with a smile as she came out of the bathroom in her uniform and wig. “I can’t believe you are going home in just 3 days.” Hana continued as she put some books into her bag.

“I am soooo going to miss you when I go back to Japan” Nana said with a pout and gave Hana a hug. Hana smiled at her gesture.

After breakfast Hana and her friend departed as Nana was going on more of her sightseeing, which most likely would end out in a shopping frenzy, Hana thought.

Hana almost jumped out of her own skin when an arm suddenly came to hung over her shoulder. She looked at the person and instantly relaxed when she saw it was only Ji Hoon.

“Morning” Ji Hoon said with a small chuckle at the reaction his entrance had given.

“Next time don’t come up on me like that. I might just hit you out of reflex” Hana said with a small glare.

“Fine, I won’t scare you again….” Ji Hoon said surrendering with both his hands in the air.

“Is it just me or was that very sarcastic?” Hana asked with an even more evil glare. “Maybe Nana needs to know about all your relationships….” Hana said with a smirk. She could instantly see the worry on Ji Hoon’s face.

“Please don’t!” Ji Hoon exclaimed. Hana laughed out loud much to the confusion of Ji Hoon.

“Nana doesn’t mind about such histories…besides she probably dated more guys than you have dated girls…” Hana said with a smile.

“Really?” Jong Suk said in wonder giving the other two a small fright from his sudden interference. With him was Young Kwang who was reading a book, Hong Ki who was very immersed in the music playing in his headphones, Joon and Jong Suk who was smiling from ear to ear from the conversation and Woo Bin who seemed like he wasn’t interested – as usual.

“Nana tends to quickly loose interest in someone…but she does devote herself fully when in a relationship.” Hana answered the question with a small smile.

“Wow. She must be pretty popular”

“She is….” Hana answered the question and looked to her side where their teacher, Haneul, was walking as if she was their friend. The guys looked at her with glares, clearly annoyed that she never left them alone. “Do you always take such interest in your students?” Hana asked out of curiosity.

“Of course….” Haneul answered with a big smile.

“Shouldn’t you be more interested in your own things?” Hana then continued.

“What do you mean?” Haneul asked dumbfounded.

“Well for starters, shouldn’t you already be at school when there is a morning teacher’s meeting?” Hana said with a smirk. The guys could immediately see the distress on Haneul’s face as she went into a full sprint towards the school, earning her some looks from passing students. “She really has her head in the clouds…” Hana said with a sigh.

As the students began piling into the class room and settling down, the vice principal entered.

“We have decided to give you the English test sooner than original, so you will have it during your first and second period instead of 4th and 5th period.” The vice principal said before leaving the room not bothering to answer any questions the students might have.

Shortly after Haneul entered the class holding on the English test papers. While Haneul was putting the test sheets on the desks upside down, the English teacher came into the classroom.

“Good morning class” She said as she had entered. “I am sorry you have to take the test earlier than planned.” She continued. The guys in the class assured her it was okay. It was evident they acted different around her due to her good looks and short skirt, compared to the fashion-terrorist of their homeroom teacher.

As the test started the student became silent, though some had a hard time to concentrate on the test. Most of the students knew they wouldn’t get a good score anyway since many of them didn’t understand what stood on the papers.

Hana smiled to herself, English was her favorite subject and she was good at it. She had always thought English to be a fun language, so the test was easy to her.

After the test was done and the time was over the English teacher went around to the different desks to collect the test sheets before she and the vice principal would grade them. Most of the student sighed in relief that it was now over and where glad they now had an excuse to leave early.

Half an hour went by before the English teacher and the vice principal entered the room again. They silently handed out the sheets with scores on them to the students. Most had scores between 5 points and 30 points. The last to get them was Woo Bin with a score of 92%, Hana with a score of 95%, Ji Hoon with a score of 60% and Young Kwang with a score of 49%.

It was the vice principal who handed the paper to Young Kwang but it was evident to all that he wasn’t happy.

“How did you cheat?” Young Kwang looked up at the vice principal in confusion.

“What do you mean? I didn’t cheat.” Young Kwang answered in an annoyed tone, which clearly pissed the vice principal off even more.

“Don’t lie to me! People don’t suddenly get almost double the score they used in such a short time without cheating!” The vice principal said in accusing voice.

“I didn’t cheat!” Young Kwang continued. The other students were getting more and more agitated by the vice principal who with no grounds was accusing their classmate of cheating.

“He is telling the truth. The last month he has been studying hard for this test.” Woo Bin suddenly said while standing up from his seat.

“And how can you prove that?” The voice principal asked with a glare at Woo Bin.

“Hey, calm down. Why do you still think he cheated even when he said he wasn’t guilty!?” Haneul asked as she got between the vice principal and Young Kwang. The vice principal didn’t look at Haneul.

“As I said one doesn’t just double his score if not by cheating. Especially not someone from 3D.” The vice principal answered making all the students stand up in protest. Hana chuckled making all in the room look at her in confusion.

“If you are that confident that he cheated why not make him retake a new English test?” Hana said with a small smirk. “I am quite certain he will get the same score if not even more, even if he would be seated in a room by himself.” Hana continued.

“I agree!” Young Kwang said quickly before standing up.

It has now been 2 hours since the vice principal had agreed to let Young Kwang retake the English test – with questions he himself would make to make sure there was no cheating. Young Kwang had been taken to another room to take the test while the rest of the class was left to waiting for him in the classroom.

“I hope he does well…” Joon said with a sigh.

“I am sure he will!” Haneul said with confidence.

“He studied, so he will be fine.” Woo Bin said which made the other students agree. Haneul smiled at her students.

“Wipe off that creepy smile!” Hana said to Haneul as she saw the smile on her face. The guys laughed by the remark – except Woo Bin who had already put his head on the desk to take a nap.

Another half an hour went by before Young Kwang along with the vice principal and the English teacher entered. Everyone was looking at Young Kwang for any signs of if it went well or not. He silently went back to his seat.

“I will now say the score Young Kwang received on his new English test.” The English teacher said as everyone stopped talking in anticipation. “The result is…” She continued.

“Hurry up!” Haneul said clearly impatient to get this over with. The entire time the vice principal was standing with a smile on his face as if he had already confirmed that Young Kwang wouldn’t get the same score as before.

“53%” The English teacher then said proudly with a big smile on her face. The vice principal was quick to take the paper out of her hands to check if it was true. To his horror – it was.

“I think you owe an apology to Young Kwang…” Hana said with a small glare at the vice principal. He didn’t answer but just left the room with a scowl on his face. The student cheered.

“Well done Young Kwang” Ji Hoon said as he clapped Young Kwang on the back. Jong Suk gave Young Kwang a small hug while Joon and Hong Ki came up to Young Kwang and picked him up to throw him in the air but had to give up halfway for not being strong enough…until the rest of the class came to help them.

“Thanks” Young Kwang said with a smile as the group was on their way home.

“That’s what friends are for” Hana said with a small smile before she departed from the group to go home. As she was halfway home she saw something shiny on the side of the road. As she bent down to pick it up, she saw it was a phone.

As she opened it she could see there was a lot of missed calls from one number. She decided to call the number back, so that she could get the phone back to its owner. As she clicked on call she waited for someone to take it. It took a minute before someone answered. It was a voice that could easily intimidate someone.

“Hello?” Hana said. As the other person asked for someone.

“Who is this? Where did you get this phone?” The voice in the other end said with an angry tone.

“I just found the phone in the road side. I was calling to see if you knew the owner so I could give it back.” Hana answered calmly. Immediately the tone of person in the other end changed.

“Oh really? Thank you very much. The owner is my boss.” The person said with a cheer voice.

Hana ended up getting an address where she could take the phone to. As she saw the exterior of the house corresponding to the owner of the phone a chill ran down her spine. It was a very traditional house with high security. As she stood for a second wondering if it was best just to run away, a big guy had seen her and was coming her way.

“Who are you?” The scary big guy said with an intimidating voice. Hana didn’t know exactly what to say so she just handed him the phone and bowed. “Oh, you are the kind person who found the young miss’s phone.” He said with a smile.

“Young miss?” Hana mustered the courage to ask.

“Yes, young miss Haneul said she had lost her phone, so we were quite worried.” The guy answered.

“I see.” Hana just said with a small smile and then gave another bow before turning to go home. It was at that point that she in the distance saw her homeroom teacher coming towards her and the house.

“There comes the young miss!” The guy said with a cheer as he looked towards Haneul. Hana immediately turned to run the other way, so she wouldn’t run into Haneul. As soon as Hana had gotten far enough away she gave a sigh of relief.

“No way…Our home room teacher is a gangster boss…...” Hana muttered to herself in shock.

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Chapter 11: I had a feeling that Woobin knew about her when I first started to read the story.

But the most important question is will she be able to trust Woobin to explain why she is in a all boys school
Chapter 10: I really hope that Haneul has nothing to do with the death of Hana's parents. But at the same time, she could know what happened to her parents.

Good to see you back and writing. Don't worry and take your time updating and you will always have my support ><
Chapter 9: So they are finally going to find out that she is part of the mafia lol.

Good to see you back and writing. Don't worry and take your time updating and you will always have my support =D
RaineLove #4
Chapter 8: OMG YAYYYY!! I though this fanfic was dropped but I am soooo happy its not. As long as there is an update, I am happy even if it takes another 1000 years for it ^.^ I will try to be alive just to read this
Chapter 8: An update!!!! Yay!!!! \(^^)/ I liked the update. You must have been busy with school. So dont worry and update when you can again. Remember that you will all ways have my full support for this story
Chapter 7: Yay an update. I was worry that you gave up on this story, but I am glad you didn't. ^^
MeganeAlpaca #7
Chapter 6: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE!!!! This is my idea of a perfect fanfic! My fave jap drama mixed with my fave actors!!! Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jong Suk!!!! Kyaaa!!! please updateeee!!! (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) Fighting!
Chapter 6: Omg I thought you gave up on this story. I am glad that you did not give up on it.
And don't worry I understand that you have a life outside this website.
I liked the update, and I can not wait until you update again!! ^^
LieLie #9
Chapter 5: teacher banzee!! haha..

update soon!
LieLie #10
Chapter 4: more jealousy pleasee XD

update soon! ^_^