The Approaching Curve


As we were, so perfect, so happy.


They'll remember, only our smiles 'cause that's all they've seen.


Long since dried, when we are found, are the tears in which we had drowned.


As we were, so perfect, so happy.



I know, I know, I haven't updated Beneath the earth in a while, but I have major writers block. Forgive me. 


So I just decided to type this up as a way to try and get rid of it. I'm actually really happy with this one-shot. 



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Chapter 1: haha.. jjong. i bet u regretted ur decision.
this is good.
i enjoyed myself reading this
keyutipie #2
Chapter 1: Make it longerrrrrr!!! Its gooddd
Chapter 1: eh..that was the end?
I'm actually expecting longer OTL
but it's good ^^