Teen Top be fan boys

Teen Top Text Messages

For those of you who didn't know, Teen Top are HUGE fans of Big Bang.....

Here is some proof:

And Thank you to angelaimbraguglio for requesting this chapter

As Cap would say... 1, 2, 3 START

Chunji: guys, we have a whole week off!!!!!!

Ricky: What should we do?

CAP: sleep.

Changjo: for a week?

CAP: yes

LJOE: lets have a party

Niel: for what?

LJOE: for our existence

CAP: sounds good to me

Chunji: we are going to celebrate the fact that we exist?

CAP: can you not read?

Ricky: why wouldn't we want to celebrate the fact that we exist?

Niel: we should definitely celebrate our existence

Chunji: why? its so random..

LJOE: exactly

Chunji: but what if we didn't exist?

Niel: then there would BE NO PARTY

Niel: because we don't exist

Ricky: but we do exist... I think

CAP: do we?

LJOE: I don't know? do we exist?

Changjo: why do I know you people?

Chunji: technically Niel is an alien so you should've said "Why do I know you people as well as this random alien"

Niel: hey!

Changjo: I should just give up...

Ricky: are we going to have a party or not?

LJOE: i don't know

Chunji: maybe

Niel: possibly

Changjo: since you old people are so indecisive I declare that we are going to have a party, tomorrow night

Ricky: great! I will bring food!

Chunji: we are in the dorm anyway... and you bring enough food to feed 50 people. someone else should bring the food

Niel: Well, Chunji hyung, you and I will probably forget to get the food... so it can't be us

LJOE: I could

Chunji: no! you are too skinny, you will probably bring carrots or broccoli or some other health food.... and only like a teeny tiny amount

LJOE: I eat a lot!

Niel: no you don't

Chunji: I second his opinion

Changjo: I third his opinion

Ricky: like I said, i'll bring the food...

Chunji: sounds good

Changjo: fine by me

Niel: ok fine..

LJOE: where the hell is CAP hyung?

CAP: here^^

Niel: y aren't you replying?

Changjo: are you mad at us?

Ricky: we are sorry for whatever we did

CAP: no... actually I was looking for something

Chunji: for what?

CAP: Well I bought 6 tickets for us a couple days ago and I can't find one....

CAP: never mind just found it.... under my pillow....

LJOE: under your pillow?

Changjo: tickets for us 6?

CAP: yes

Chunji: for what?

CAP: I didn't tell you?

Niel: no

CAP: really?

Ricky: you didn't tell us

CAP: are you sure?

LJOE: are you going to tell us or not

CAP: sorry.. I swore I told you.... they are for big bang's concert tomorrow night

Chunji: c-concert? as in BIG BANG's sunbaenim's concert????!?!?!?!?!!??!?!
CAP: yes

Changjo: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOGMOGMGP[fjadkfghndrvktugisdfj;dlkjgdflk;gj aigoooo so daebaek!

Ricky: why did you not tell us?

CAP: I guess I forgot?


CAP: um... I'm sorry...

LJOE: are you serious? you bought tickets for all of us?

CAP: yeah

Changjo: thank you thank you thank you

Changjo: hyung I will love you for ever!!!!!!

CAP: there is some decency left in the world

Chunji: ?

CAP: My man changjo was the only one who said thank you, and the rest of you twerps are in denial

Ricky: thanks hyung!

Niel: thank you hyung!

Chunji: we really appreciate it!
LJOE: whats a twerp?

CAP: A loser+ wierdo + younger person + random random random guy who is just there


Chunji: I am still spazzing out right now.... we are going to BIG BANG's concert.... Tomorrow!!!! akjahdlkhlskjghriulhgkjfgh OMGGGGGG

Changjo: I will get to see Taeyang sunbaenim's AWESOME COOL SUPER FABULOUS WOW FANTASTIC dancing!!!! gahhhhhh

LJOE: I am going to see GDRAGON sunbaenim!!!!!!!!!!! his fashion is so awesome....

Ricky: Seungri sshi is so cool! I hope that his solo songs will be on the performance list, VVIP is so catchy!

Niel: I hope Daesung sshi will sing a solo... his voice is so cool... I really with I could sing like that

CAP: you guys are such fanboys

Chunji: it's  not like you aren't

LJOE: yeah

Ricky: hyung I bet you are spazzing out about seeing TOP sunbaenim

CAP: maybe a little...

Niel: a little?

CAP: yes

Changjo: top sunbaenim's deep rapping, and suave coolness doesn't make you spazz out?

CAP: spazzzzzzzzzzzzz;ka;dfgiajsd;oierungcvlrthdfjkghkdfjhlerjh .......... han su ri

CAP: alkjghabl ruithdkljfsdkjrhhugh;dfhsfkgjhfskjgh ...........han su ri

CAP: akjdhkdfjghriugiorsgjdflkgjdg ...........han su ri

CAP: happy?

Changjo: very

Chunji: omigosh what are we going to wear?

LJOE: I don't know!!!!

CAP: we have to find out right now!

Niel: omigoshhhhh what to do????

Changjo: everyone to the dorm, we have to look pitch perfect

Ricky: so are we still going to have that party?

so how was that? Comment please and show me some love......... buuing buuing *aegyo pout*

I leave you with some funny stuff:




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197 subbies! when I get to 200 I'll give you guys a new chappie!


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Chapter 82: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!! its such a funny and great story!!!!!!!1
kathleenxoxo #2
Chapter 76: Isnt it was niel that have the scandal
Chapter 82: I seriously laughed with their antics. xD HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I think my fav parts were when they discuss pointless things, or when CAP makes Chunji and L.Joe stop fighting by impling they are a couple. LOL leader's power.
It would be interesting to see how the guys reacted to Niel's solo promotion. xD hahahahahahah I imagine that there was a lot of shouting involved. xD hahaha
Chapter 8: my bias is l.joe :3 i love this story!!! i found it and probably forgot to subscribe while reading and now i realize i've read the first 5 chapters :D
IceGrayMelody #5
...haven't finished reading all, but it helps in lightening up the mood, thanks, really... And I didn't expect one dedication, thanks, again... =)
Ainull #6
Chapter 16: Realy good stories
Chapter 82: I love this so much!!
Chapter 82: This is sooo funny just imagine cap filrting with fridge, so no