Sunset Love


"I just want to say that i...i... I LOVE YOU!"


The clock shows it already 1 a.m and i still awake.Fuhhh... Tomorrow i must go to school. While waiting till i sleep,i play some games in my phone. I awake from sleep. Huh? 6.55 a.m? I'm late. I past my towel and hurry clean up myself. It already 7.10 a.m. Oh. I'm very late right now. Two week pasted. I enter to my class normally. Suddenly,Mrs.Lily enter the class with a transfer boy. Oh My Gucci! He so handsome. A light pink hair,a circle sparkling eyes and y pink lips. *melting*. Mrs.Lily ask him to sit beside me. "Hye!I'm Arissa.Nice to meet you!" i introduced myself to him. He looks friendly. "Hye.Nice to meet you! I'm Xi Lú Hàn. I'm from China." Oh. A chibese guy. 3 week pasted and now,i'm too close with Lu Han. Kringgggg... The last bell was ring that's mean school is finished. We walked together. It's sunset. Only birds flying on the sky blue. We too quiet. Just walk and quiet. Suddenly,he pulled my hand. I stoped. "What happened Lu Han? Are you okay?" i ask him. "Ermmm... I'm okay! I just want to tell that i like to be your friend." i froze like an idiot. Okay,he tell the truth. "Okay.Thanks." i replied it shortly. Suddenly,he pushed me to the wall at the road side. I feel nervous. What will he do to me? He to close to me. He lips and my lips is too close. "I just want to say that i...i... I LOVE YOU ARISSA!" huh? I froze and shocked. Then,he kiss my lips. Just like a romance story. I'm happy. "Lu Han,i also love you" i cry happily. Then he smile and kiss me again. Starting now,Lu Han is my partner in life. I'm so happy. We have married for 3 month. I'm pregnant. A boy baby. Lu Han touch my stomach and say, "This is our first baby. I swear that i always love you and take care good of you and our babies." - The End -


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