Chapter 6

Never Never In A Million Years

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' Noona. Noona.Wake up! Palli!' your brother woke you up.

'Why?' you woke up stretching your body.

' Mom's in bad condition. We have to fly back to Australia as soon as possible.'

'No! What?'

'Yeah. So quick get ready. Father has bought us air ticket to fly back today!'

You jumped up. Got into the bathroom and get yourself ready. You were busy packing your stuff when

'WAIT! How about JinYoung?' you thought

so, you decided to write a note and place it on his desk in school on your way to the airport later.

You were already on the airplane when JinYoung just  reached school. He saw the note and opened it.

Jin Young-ah. I have to go back to Australia for a few days. Something happened to my mom.

But i promise to be back! Do not miss me! 

I love you!

But Jin Young was already missing you.

Spring, summer,autumn, winter has passed. Jin Young was still wandering about you. He missed you so much. You promised to be back but 2 years have passed.

'What happened to Na Ra?' Jin Young asked himself all and all over again.



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Somia2319 #1
Chapter 7: Wooaah very fast! hahaha but it's nice story :)
Chapter 7: The idea is really good! But it all happened too fast in my opinion. Anyway, it was nice~
purple_wanie #3
Chapter 3: that was a fast update~ but i think you might want to make it more interesting!! add more spice to your story!! dont get mad at me..just giving you opinion since i love Jinyoung so much!!