the Wolf Prince


They weren't supposed to meet, much less fall in love.

But that didn't stop them from doing either.



the Wolf Prince    

 For as long as Sehun could remember, he'd had these strange dreams. Dreams where he was a human, a Prince, even, who lived in a grand castle in a mythical kingdom. They were always crystal clear, those dreams, and felt so real he sometimes wondered if  they weren't more than that.

Which was absolutely ridiculous, he knew, because Sehun was a wolf. Sure, he'd been cursed to turn into a human the moment the sun set, but a wolf nonetheless.

And wolves weren't supposed to dream of being human.” 










Chapter 1 is almost finished! Are you excited? I definitely am! Finally getting back to this story, after this huge delay!


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Lisali #1
Chapter 1: Continue...?
Chapter 1: the original chapter was amazing but this was more exciting.. hope you will update soon..
ILoveMinAndMin #3
Chapter 1: Yay, you're back! I liked the first version, but I really like this rewritten chapter! I cannot wait to see where you take the story! Even though I know things from the first version I am still equally excited for the next chapter! Nicely done!
yuu8713 #4
Chapter 9: Hi~ so glad knowing you came back to rewrite this story~ I thought your fic was great already but if rewriting made you feel better then I'll support your decision & wait patiently until you're finished…
Chapter 9: yeas..please come back and update it...
but if u want it be the best u can rewrite it..because to me its already amazing fic..
ILoveMinAndMin #6
Chapter 9: Both choices are good, because either way you continue the story. If you want to rewrite because you feel it is needed please go head...
feelsfoeva_ #7
Chapter 9: I'm soo glad you're back on track and I think it'd be better if you rewrite first, too, that way e.g. I would want to read the chapters again, which is better to get back into the story:D
lexilu #8
Chapter 9: I've waited for this story for sooooo long oh my god!!!!!
Yeah you should keep going, like really please<3
And I think it would be better to rewrite before continuing cause there might be some changes you want to do but if the story is already written you can't change them. So yeah, rewrite first!
hwaiting (^_^)/"
feelsfoeva_ #9
omg loving you so much for updating^^