Mirror Mirror ...

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A drabble coming from someone who dared me to write a ten minutes ff with the subject : In front of the mirror

Here is the result.

It's short, it's weird, it's me ^^

It's [supposed to be] from Yoochun's POV

But I guess it can be anyone of the 5 gods ~ :p


Because Yes ! I'm finally back from my not so holidays XD


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Chapter 1: OMG! I feel like crying. Happiness. How i wish this is true. Your writing is so beautiful. Short and perfect. Write more pls.
Chapter 1: Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

I love how you show the members' brotherly love for each other. You really nailed the emotions.

DB5K need each other. Cassies need to realize this. They should stop fighting for the sakes of our oppas. We should always make sure to keep the faith and keep it strong.

AKTF {^_^}

PS. Love your writing style!