
The Girl Who Cried Wolf
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Cho Hee's eyes snapped open the minute she felt Zico's hover body pulled away from her. In a split second, Baekhyun grabbed the back of the said boy's shirt and flung him over to a nearby VIP couch.

"What the -!" Zico scrambled to regain himself although he was still a little tipsy from alcohol so it took him a few seconds to get up to his feet.

Baekhyun on the other hand, was staring down at Cho Hee who had tear rimmed wide eyes that showed a mixture of shock, fear, and relief all in one. A churning in his chest seemed to ignite the already lit fire boiling inside him when he had run around the streets in search for her earlier.




After the realization that his hyung's had smacked him in the face with earlier, he had found his way over to Cho Hee's house to see her but was met with her grandparents who both had said she had gone out to eat. Without fail, Cho Hee's grandmother had brought up that she had seemed a bit down and wasn't fully acting like her normal self the entire day before she left.

Thinking that perhaps, it was just because of what had happened the day before, he decided to see if he could find her in town. It wasn't until he felt something pull at his inner wolf that he found himself sprinting into town at the last second. He himself wasn't positive what the feeling was at first but as he ran, the more he realized that he felt Cho Hee's heart beat. And her heart beat was beating erractically. Something was wrong.

Literally going on wolf instinct, his senses began to heighten as he finally found a trace of her scent by a restaurant going down a sidewalk which he quickly trailed. It was only a matter of minutes before he was led to a large night club. Flashing an ID, he was in instantly and shoved his way through a crowd of obnoxious drunks before he suddenly felt another panic stricken sensation rise in his chest signally that Cho Hee was in distress. His eye stopped a doorway that had VIP written on it and rushed to the door about to go in before was stopped.


Baekhyun looked up at the bald man who wore a suit before raising an eyebrow.

"No VIP badge, no entrance."

In that moment, he felt Cho Hee's heart beat erractically and he glared at the man. He didn't have time for this. His mate was on the other side and he could feel her panicking. Without a second thought, he grabbed the door handle, ignoring the man but the guy was persistent.

"Hey! I said no badge, no entran-"

"Shut up, I'm looking for someone!"

The man grabbed his arm and pushed him back. At this point, he could smell fear from Cho Hee even though she was in another room. His eye flashed a golden amber before he took the man's arm and twisted it. The man let out an agonizing groan before Baekhyun flung a leg under the man's left from behind an knocked him down. Immediately slamming the door open, he scanned the large VIP lounge and didn't spot Cho Hee anywhere. As he barged in, two other body guards ran in after him but he knocked them on like it was nobody's business.

"Where is she?! Where the is she?!"




Baekhyun quickly grabbed a hold of Cho Hee and kept her behind him before sending a death glare at Zico.

"Didn't I warn you once already not to touch her?" he practically growled and Cho Hee shivered next to him at how low his voice was.

"Who are you to order me around, new kid? I can do whatever I want, I own this place. Cho Hee and I here have a long history, I'm just rightfully claiming what's mine." Zico gave Baekhyun a lazy smirk.

Baekhyun tensed at Zico's words and he was now seething in anger.

Cho Hee was his mate.

She was his.

No one else's.

However, what Zico mentioned about him and Cho Hee having history irked him to no end. It reminded him of when he called her 'baby' in the cafeteria, like they had some type of past he didn't know of and he didn't like not knowing about his mate's past. It was like he was out of the loop. And top of that, this club was owned by Zico which he didn't understand why Cho Hee would come here.

Baekhyun was close to losing it an lunging at the boy when something tightly held onto his shirt. Realizing that it was Cho Hee, he turned to look at her and her eyes practically begged to just leave without fighting.

"Let's just get out of here please," she whispered desperately.

Baekhyun stood frozen for a moment, trying to figure out what to do himself. His inner wolf was writhing in anger, begging him to land at least a few punches at Zico but his human side held a grip on him, telling him to just leave like Cho Hee wanted.

Seeing as he wasn't moving, Zico's smirk grew bigger.

"What's the matter, new kid? Cat got your tongue?" he taunted further.

Another flash of anger grew in him yet again and Baekhyun shot the boy a look. It was taking everything in him to restrain himself from his wolfish instincts and fighting back.

Cho Hee tugged at shirt again from behind and Baekhyun clenched his jaw before grabbing her wrist and walking out.

Throwing a deathly glare towards anyone who dared approach them as they made their way through, he pulled Cho Hee out of the club successfully.

Baekhyun continued to pull along with him down the sidewalk without looking at her nor saying anything. He was too angry at the moment. He was angry at Zico who seemed to taunt at him about everything he knew about Cho Hee but didn't. He was angry at the stupid body guards inside the club who he had to resort to violence with. He was angry with Cho Hee who put herself in a dangerous situation. He was angry at his quarreling wolf side and human side that constantly told him to do different things.

Cho Hee continued to try and not stumble as she was dragged by Baekhyun. He hadn't said a word to her since they left the club. She could tell he was angry and she was too scared to say anything. She'd only seen one instance where Baekhyun got angry an

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I might not be able to update for the next few days, I'm sorry! I'm about to head back to school >__


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Chapter 21: They are so cute! <3
Chapter 21: It is beautiful
ikran12 #3
Chapter 21: Girl your story is great why did you update since February 2016 huh I finished reading in two hours hhhh
ikran12 #4
Chapter 21: Plzzzzz update this story is amazing ????
ikran12 #5
Chapter 21: Yesssss
ikran12 #6
Chapter 16: Girl it’s youu
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Chapter 9: Baek sweetie you are doing amazing
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Chapter 6: Hhhhhh kai though ???
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Chapter 5: Girl that doesn’t matter if he is sweet then go for it
ikran12 #10
Chapter 4: Awwwwww