All I See Is You


A love story between Lay and Yura.



Haii everyone! Okay so this is my first time writing a one-shot ~ This one-shot is pretty short.

I know i'm not good at writing story but I'm trying so pls comment if I make any mistakeee ◕ ▽ ◕



A friendly person. Alot of people want to be her friend. Some guys have feeling for her but she will always turn them down.Been inlove with Lay since High School start.


A shy person but funny when he is with his bestfriend. Never look at other girl after he found out his feeling for Yura.


"I know I'm not pretty like the other girls but can't u just look at me and love only me" - Yura

                        "I only have my eyes on u ever since I know my feeling for u my lady" -Lay



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