A one chance, and a one time...

The Guide to Happiness ☺


Hello everyone this is Sandy16 speaking^^... Guess what Snowwhite unni is back!!!! Michi, her family, her AFF family, her friends, the people who love her, and myself, are sooooooooo excited and happy for her return!!! Nobody can replace this feeling in our hearts^^ 


Now today I'll be talking about life, how you can only lnve once, how it's only a one chance and one time opportunity.. Don't let anyone ruin your life for you, live happily, live it to the fullest, ignore the sadness, ignore the anger, ignore the stress, show your smile and give out your hugs.... Everyone that loves you will be with you, everyone that you lost you  will treasure... Not everyone you love will be by yourside, but that's totally okay, that's part of life, don't feel really sad, just feel happy that you got to know them and treasure them... treasure their memories and every moment you guys had together... Don't let your life go to waste.. let it be the best, let it be the happiest, let it be remembered by everyone... I hope you guys will live your life happily no matter how your past was... I truely love you guys, thank you... <3 Sandy16


Hi everyone, this is Michiko253 speaking! Unnie Snowwhite is back! She's been back for a bit now. But, I'm so happy, as well as Sandy16, her friends, family and AFF family! Hooray! You have no idea what we've been through, now we're so glad that she's back and she's doing okay. What unnie has said about life is very, very true. Life is precious, you need to treasure the good memories and forget the bad. You can only live one time in life, so make the best with what you have okay? Don't waste it. You'll regret it in the long run. Do daring things, but not anything bad intentionally, let's say...bungee jumping or something of the sort. I'd be scared, honestly. Tell you what, I dislike roller coasters, period xD It's like... super scary, but I go on anyways with friends and family. Sometimes, I back out and feel dumb later on. Don't be like me okay? Haha, well, only for that part or whatever. What am I saying? Keke, well I hope you all have been well. Thank you all so, so very much for the prayers and your care. It means so, so much. We're very grateful indeed.



Now, we can't end this without pictures, pictures is a need, requirement...a...must. Enjoy~

With lots of love, Michiko253

We're glad you're back unnie! We love ya! ♥



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Hello lovelies~ our apologies for the lack of updates~ but I hope you all have had a great new year! Look forward for our updates soon ^^


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QStella #1
Chapter 8: ....... Wow! Amazingly wow!
Hello, dear authors, may i just ask if some of you own a tumblr website? Because I own an advice blog on tumblr and I'm currently looking for admins who'll help me run the site. Sorry to bother you and thank you xx
Chapter 14: I know
far distant love is hard
I don't believe in love
death is sure to come
u did the right thing
u shouldn't regret it.
no one told u he will die
jazzmine1 #4
Team of The guide of Happiness,

we need to talk!
there is a mysterious girl who need our help!
and we have to help her, ut its private chat so on other sns, not on AFF!
Chapter 11: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


don't have words to say.

*burst into tears*
Thanks, alot guys you are really amazing.
I talked to my mum and she is agree, and she said, if you don't like that guy we wont force you,.