We'll Be Coming Back

We'll Be Coming Back

"Kaeunnie, watch that car!" E-Young squealed as I swerved in and out of traffic.

"I know what I'm doing.." I mumbled.

"This is a terrible idea. We're both going to be arrested." She groaned.

The traffic update came on.

"Drivers are being told to stay off the highway tonight as there is currently a high speed police chace, the suspect is driving a white Alfa Romero. If you are on the highway please be very careful."

A police car drove up next to us and rammed into the side, E-Young screamed and curled up in her seat.

"You're such a wimp." I said, laughing.


"Too late."

I drove off the end of the cliff and landed on the highway below and changed directions.

"You're going to get us killed!" E-Young yelled as I almost crashed into the back of a truck.

"Let's tune into the police radio." I said. After fiddling around with the radio for a while I got the police radio.

"Suspects have survived the cliff jump and are now speeding on the highway below. Officers are warned not to follow them off the cliff but to find another way around."

"Kaeun watch out for that-"

"Suspects have collided with a blue van!"

"God damn it E-Young don't distract me!" I growled.

Her phone started ringing and she answered it. I recognised the voices straight away.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" Jung-Ah was on the phone.

"I'm s-sorry unnie, it's Kaeun.." E-Young started.

"I don't care, you could have died! I'm watching the live camera from the helicopter, oh my god Kaeun, please just stop before you hurt someone." Jung-Ah said, then she hung up.

"..Are you going to stop?" She asked, looking at me worriedly.

"No. I'm going to go faster." I said.

"..It was nice knowing you Kaeunnie.." She began to sob.

"We'll be fine." I said, then I accelerated and we sped down the almost empty highway with all the cars parked on the side.

"Suspects have sped up and are heading south. Set up a road block ahead."

"No you don't." I spun the car around and drove in the opposite direction.

"Suspects have changed direction and are now driving the wrong way."

"Kaeun, where are we going?" She asked.

I shrugged. "How would I know? I'm just trying to escape."

I saw a sign saying where to leave the highway and I took the route and soon we were going through a quiet little town near a beach.

"Suspects last seen heading north, all officers must patrol the highway and all surrounding areas."

I hid the car in an alley way and we walked through the town together.

"You're shaking, E-Youngie." I said.

"Because you almost killed us!" She squealed.

"Yah, don't be so loud.." I mumbled.

We reached the beach and we sat down.

"..How are we going to get back Kaeunnie?" She asked.

"..I have connections." I said.

"As long as you don't try to kill us again then I'm happy." She said.

"I promise nothing." I said, smirking.

"Yah.. Kaeun.." She groaned, looking at me innocently.

"I'm sorry E-Youngie~" I pulled her closer and cuddled her tightly.

"Kaeun.. Can you do me one thing?" She asked.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Wake up." She said.

"What do you mean? I'm already awake." I said.

"Please, wake up..."


I opened my eyes. I was in a hospital bed. E-Young, Jung-Ah and Kahi were stood watching me. E-Young was crying.

"Oh my god Kaeun.. I thought I lost you.." She sobbed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You don't remember? We were going to a meet up and we crashed.." Jung-Ah said.

"But.. I thought.. I was in a police chace with E-Young.." I stuttered.

"No.. You just-"

I closed my eyes again and fell back into the dream.



(this doesn't make sense anymore omg.)

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Chapter 1: Woah, that was just Kaeun's dream? O.O It's very nice, author-ssi! But it'll be more fun if you make it longer though xDD