
The Elite Four - Charisma Dolls
Chapter Six: Elemental Assessment - Final
It was finally Kazuki's turn after letting the rest of the students have their elements assessed. Kazuki had been keeping an eye on the opponent that he wanted to go against. The student was none other than the one who had interupted his peaceful sleep on the rooftop earlier this morning.

Mrs Park had replaced the platform again since the last couple of students had went all out and destroyed the platform again. With a sigh, she looked briefly at the last two students; Kazuki and Daehyun. She gave them a nod before the two of them stood up at the same time and walked up the platform facing each other.

Kazuki rubbed his hands together and brought it up near his lips, and breathed out cold air onto his hands. "I'm Kwon Kazuki and i'm the oldest among the quadruplets. What's your name and which Elite are you in?" The playfullness in Kazuki's eyes was no longer there as it was replaced with a empty and dead gaze.

Daehyun smirked as his eyes were also the same as Kazuki's. "I'm Jung Daehyun. I've just turned 20 and I'm a member of the Elite Warriors."

"Well, I hope you live up to that name of yours." He grinned. His hand had turned into ice. Swinging his hand back once before smashing it down onto the platform. The platform slightly cracked as sharp icicles ed up from the platform. The arc screen flickered before the letters AA showed up. "Ah, damn it, it's still the same rank." He tousled his hair in frustration and looked over to Daehyun.

Particles of ice were broken off and were floating around Daehyun. The icicles shot up in the air as lightning and gravity crackled around the icicles before they shot back down onto the platform. The arc screen showed AAA and all Daehyun did was to sigh.

"Tsk," He clicked his tongue. "Damn it." He muttered.

The empty and dead look in Kazuki's eyes disappeared and went back to normal. He wasn't bothered to go all out and he was more amused and interested in Daehyun's reactions and movements. "I guess that element stayed the same?"

Daehyun chuckled, the deadness of his eyes were long gone and were replaced with a mischievous glint. "Well, I can't really do anything about it." He shrugged.

Kazuki laughed as water shot up from the icicles that were now melted and formed into two water dragons that swirled around him in circles. He snapped his fingers and the dragons flew up into the sky before changing its course and moments later the head of the water dragon hits the arc screen. The water splattered everywhere and purposely made the water miss Daehyun so he wouldn't get wet. The letter S glowed on the arc screen as Kazuki's lips twitched upwards.

" yes!" He bumped his fist in the air. "Up one rank." He chuckled and put his hand back down. "Though it's not something to be proud of."

"You missed me on purpose didn't you?" Daehyun raised an eyebrow up.

"Well," Kazuki looked over to his younger siblings and grinned. "Unlike my younger brother and sister, I have respect for someone who is older than me." He smiled but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

*LIAR!* The three thought as they sent Kazuki a glare, which only made Kazuki chuckle at them.

"I see." Daehyun raised his left foot up and stomped onto the platform as hard as he could. Hardened soil arms shot up from beneath the platform before it crumbled back into soft soil. The letters AAA showed up on the screen and once again Daehyun sighed. "One rank up." He tousled his hair in frustration. "Which element are you planning to use now?"

"Gravitation. You?"

"Same as you."

The both of smirked and at the same time whole underground class was crushed. Both of the elements crashed and destroyed everything that was there. The boulders, Mrs Park's chair, a few students were injured and lastly the platform was a mess. The screen managed to stay intact since they both tried to kept the arc screen in one piece. The arc screen flickered before it showed the letter SSS. Daehyun grinned and walked off the platform, making his way over to Kazuki.

"It was fun." He held his hands out.

Kazuki shook his hands and chuckled. "This doesn't change the fact you're still my target for the prank." He smirked.

Daehyun blinked and frowned. "I thought you said you respected those that were older than you."

"I did?" Kazuki grinned. "I don't know what you're saying."

"YEAH! That's the Kazuki we know!" Kazuma shouted as he showed his brother two thumbs up. "It's too bad your ice element stayed the same."

"I'll be looking forward to your prank." Daehyun said and went back to his group after Mrs Park had given Kazuki's his badges and the ranks on Daehyun's badges changed.

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sorry, uni and family problems got in the way of updating. will be continuing this story soon and others too


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Chapter 3: Hooray! Kazuma, let's meets the rest of them with your siblings, too. Thank you.
Chapter 2: Go, Elite Four, show them how strong you guys are. Thank you.
Chapter 1: B.A.P! You can't do that to the new transfers students. Even though you guys are troublemakers. Thank you.
I came back, again, for how many times I don't remember. Haha, this story really hooked me up so much, that I feel like want to leave comments in every chapter. Thank you.
Chapter 8: Oh my gosh im do happy i feel like crying when i saw an update. Author-nim its been so long since you updated. T-T i wish you would continue to update and finish this because i like this so much.
Kimchi32 #6
chaebal author-nim update this lovely story
Chapter 9: Please update soon ^^
Chapter 9: yeah author-nim update this ff i miss reading it. please~~~ chebal author-nim putaktimnida (yeah im not sure about this but i think its i beg you in korean). also im not to trying be mean or anything its just base on whatt i have observe, author-nim but i see some of your story is left hanging for months maybe even a year. some of those stories is one of my fave and im still waiting for updates. author-nim fighting ^^ hope your not mad about what i said and ii dont mean any harm on what have said
Chapter 6: plss update soon authornim>< dnt forget abt the story its really interesting
SuRace #10
Chapter 1: Update soon please! Really interesting plot (: