Their Missing Link

Deer Shooting Star


You are my shooting star. The one I casually glance up to the sky and spot it falling gracefully into the Earth. I close my eyes and make the one wish I long for the most... and at the same exact time I see your face in the darkness behind my eyelids. I smile and open my eyes and realize that the only wish I’ve ever made has been the same one... to just be able to touch you, look you square in the eye, and tell you I love you.”

-Unknown Author

(or am I the only one who doesn’t know? Ah! Whatever… credits to its owner)


“Shooting stars don’t have anything to do with stars. Duhhhh…” her friend pointed out when she eagerly ran outside their tent yelling “shooting stars!!!!” when the meteor shower began.

“I know…” She giggled, looking up. A number of fast-moving streaks of light appeared consecutively and continuously, lighting up the dark sky. She felt really lucky to have witnessed a spectacular display celestial splendour. They gasped and wowed as its blanket seems to cover them, taking them to another dimension where time is insignificant, leaving their hectic and tiring life behind –thus escaping reality for a brief moment.

She shut her eyes and clasped her hands together.

“What’s your wish?” It’s a man’s voice.

“To find my own star.” She answered with her eyes still closed.

“What if I told you that one of those shooting star had fallen for you?”

“Oh yeah?” She smiled widely, opening her eyes and searched everywhere but not looking in his direction. “I can’t see anything.”

To her surprise, she felt warm hands on both of her shoulders, but she doesn’t feel any repulsiveness for his action. Instead, she felt serene and contented.

“This way.” He said, gently turning her to face him.

She slowly looked at his face. Something is off… well, not physically. He’s not ugly nor handsome. Actually, she couldn’t tell because his face is a blur! She squint her eyes and tried to look at him closely but its no use.

“Yazzy! YAZZMIIIIINNNN!!!!” Her cousin Dorothy pats her arm, waking her up.

“ugh…mhey fwawing shta… tsk…” She tried to shift position, ignoring her bestfriend.

“Just incase you’re forgetting, you have a flight back to Korea at 7:00 a.m.” but she stays in bed. “AND it’s already quarter to six.”

“MWWOOOO???!!!” Quickly opening her eyes and getting on her feet in panic, she went straight to the bathroom while she hears Ruth laughing at her.

“I’m guessing you dreamed about it again huh?” Dorothy, a.k.a. Ruth asked while leaning on the wall beside the bathroom door.

“Yeah… this time, I really think I felt his hands on my shoulders”

“So, you saw his face?’

“Hah! How I wish…”

“I think you just need a break from your work.”

“I just did that yesterday. Didn’t I?”

“You went home because you had a meeting regarding your novel that will have a movie adaptation here. You wouldn’t even visit us if it’s not for that.”

“That’s not true!” She defended. “It’s just that I have to make my time more productive since my schedule this month is so packed.”

“We know that you’re busy in your writing carreer and other ‘rackets’.” Ruth says quoting the last word with her fingers. “But you should learn to take a break. Don’t be so workaholic.”

“I need to do this while my carreer is on it’s peak Ruth… grab the chance when its there because we’ll never know if there’s gonna be a next time.”

“Ok ok… I get it. Just quit talking like a fortune cookie.” Ruth said in between their laugh. “uhm… Yazzy?”

“Hm? What is it?”

“I met Levi last week.”

Yazzmin froze under her shower. It’s been two years, three months, sixteen days and nine hours since the last time she saw him.

Levi Summers Carlson is her first love and the one whom she thought to be her fallen star. They’ve been together since childhood. Friends-turned-lovers-turned-fiance-turned-nothing. Yes, nothing. He stood her up on their wedding day. She was twenty three then, full of hopes and dreams for their future. She was really excited for the big day that she even only had a little time to sleep. It was supposed to be a beach wedding at that resort she is in right now. But Levi took off without saying anything –not even a single note. She waited for him right there in the aisle for a day –about fifteen hours to be exact. Yet he didn’t show up.

Unconsciously, a tear fell from her eye which she wiped away with her soapy hands, causing it to sting from the contact. “owww!”

“Hey, you ok Yazz?” Ruth asked out of concern.

“Y-yeah… my shampoo stung my eye… that’s all. So what about him?” She said, trying to control her voice from shaking.

“He’s looking for you.”

She let out a sigh and bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying. She admits that she never really moved on. She was just distracted by her work, but at the end of the day, the pain keeps on haunting her. 

“I think –“

“I don’t wanna hear it.” She interrupted. “Did you tell him where I was?”

“No. Ofcourse not.”

“Good… that’s good. Thank you.”

“But he seems like he –“

“And I hope that we wouldn’t talk about him again Ruth. Please.”  

“oh-ok… if that’s what you want.”

It took a few minutes before Ruth broke the silence as she sat on the bed.

“anyway, it is still pretty early… it’s four in the morning. Not six. Hehehe…”


“Ahahaha!!! Well you should have opened the curtain to see if I’m telling the truth...”

The bathroom door opened and a roll of tissues came flying, almost hitting Ruth’s head.

“You’re evil!!!!” Yazz yelled and pointed at her while laughing and then turned back to the bathroom.

“Whatever! Don’t go sulking for that guy! If you don’t want him back, then move on for heaven’s sake!!! Being hurt is something you can’t avoid. But being miserable is always your choice!”

“Who’s the fortune cookie now?”

They giggled and joked around some more while she is preparing to leave.

Time passed by so quickly. One moment, she’s in the plane and next, she’s now at Incheon airport, checking her schedule on her phone as she walks.

On the other hand, amob of fans rushes to have a glimpse of their idols. It was said that EXO –a Korean band composed of twelve impossibly handsome and talented guys, will be arriving at this very moment. They’ve just finished the last leg of their world tour concert and will be having a comeback.

Since Yazzmin is busy scanning her phone, she didn’t see the group of people coming her way. The mob passed by her and they bumped her harshly, knocking her phone out of her hands.

“Omo! My phone!” She tries to pick it up, but it’s accidentally kicked by a fan and she’s being pushed to the back. She attempted to push herself in but her effort is useless.

“Excuse me!” aims to make her way through. But she just ends up farther to her phone.

Meanwhile, Lay, Xiumin, Luhan, Kris, Tao, Chen, Suho, Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O., and Sehun (Whew! They’re too many! I mentioned everyone, right?) were very pleased to see their fans’ support Tao even took a selca with a couple of lucky fans while the others took their time to give some autographs before heading to their car. It was then when Sehun noticed a phone on the ground beside his right foot. He picked it up and looked at it.

“Ooh?!” He waved at his friend’s direction. “Luhan hyung!” but he didn’t hear him calling due to crowd’s noise.”Tsk, look at this guy, dropping his phone again” He murmured to himself before placing it in his pocket, took one last picture, signed an autograph on a girl’s T-shirt, and went to their car.

“Man! I’m soooooooo tired!” Chanyeol says while stretching his arms.

“That’s strange… how can you be tired when you’ve slept the entire time we’re on the plane?” Baekhyun asked, making everyone chuckle.

“But seriously, we really needed a vacation.” Xiumin adjusts his shirt that was crumpled by an overly excited fan.

The group nodded in agreement.

“We still have a performance later this afternoon.” Suho reminded them.

“Ah…right.” Everyone says with a sigh.

“Luhan hyung…” Sehun brought out the cellphone. “You dropped your phone.”

“Again?” It was Tao.

“Huh? It’s not mine.” Luhan denied.

“It looks like your phone hyung.” D.O.’s eyes were wide in amazement. (though naturally, it was always that big. Haha!)

“This is my phone.” Luhan showed his CP.

“Whoah! It’s the same!” Chanyeol exclaimed.

“Even the wallpaper is the same!” Chen commented out of astonishment.

“That’s why Sehun thought it was yours.” Kris told Luhan.

“If it’s not hyung’s phone, then who’s phone is that?” Kai inquired.

“His soulmate.” Lay said witht his poker face making the group laugh aloud.

“Where did you find this?” Luhan’s now holding his and the other phone.

“On the ground.” Sehun answered.

“We should find its owner.” Suho suggested.

“How?” Luhan asked his friends.

“Just wait the owner’s call.” Kris said. “Just keep it with you until then.”

“Why me? Sehun’s the one who found it.”

“As I’ve said, maybe its your soulmate. Hehehe.”

“My soulmate? We don’t even know if it’s a girl or a guy.”

“You just keep it hyung.” Sehun said and everyone nods in accordance.

At the same time, as Exo’s SUV departs, Yazzmin could not do anything but to look in their way.

She saw Sehun picking her phone before entering the car. She even raised her voice to call out but it wasn’t enough to be heard.

“Uh? Eottokke?” She crouched on the pavement. Then someone threw a coin in front of her. “Yah! Do I look like a beg– “

“Yes. You look like a beggar. Hehehe.”

Yazz’s frown turned into a grin when she looked up and saw Choi Jung Hee. He is her closest friend in Korea though he’s three years older than her. He is tall and has a lean masculine body and a handsome face (he resembles Lee Jin Hyuk). He even receives offers to be an actor quite often but he always declines. He is also a famous composer and musical director..

“Jung Hee oppa!” She got up and hugged him.

“Whoah! You’ve missed me that much? It’s only three days!”

“Oppa, let me borrow your phone.”

“You’re being nice because you have a favor to ask? I’m hurt!” He said with a pout while holding his chest.

“Ahahahah! You know I love you, duhhh…” She pats his arm. “But I really need it to call my phone.”

“Huh? Your calling your own phone?”

“Yes. I lost it just a while ago.”

“Did you report it to the police?”

“What for? It wasn’t stolen or anything.”

He looked at his friend with a confused expression.

“It was an accident. EXO’s fans knocked my phone out of my hand, it got kicked, then Sehun-ssi picked it up and that’s it!

“Oh. It was them?”

“Yes. So, your phone please?” She smiled at him and did aegyo.

“Haha! Ok, fine. Here it is.”


Luhan can’t help but to smile to himself as he examines his phone’s look alike. The wallpaper isn’t exactly the same if you’ll look at it closely. But both has a picture of a shooting star. Luhan’s wallpaper is a photo he took about two years ago when they promoted their album in the Philippines. It was a good thing that his friends doesn’t know about it, or they will to no end. The other phone’s wallpaper could be of the same shooting star but from a diferrent angle, he could tell because of the huts on the seaside –which means that it’s owner was probably in that crowd or maybe they even bumped into each other.

The phone rang, catching everyone’s attention.

“Hyung it’s our song!” The reaction king can’t help but to smile and clap happily.

It’s their song that was released in 2013, entitled Growl.

“ Probably one of the fans. “ Suho said and signalled Luhan to answer the phone.

“ Yoboseyo?” He waited for an answer.

He didn’t wait for long. “Oh… Hi… I’m the owner of that phone. I’m actually waiting an important call, I was wondering if we could–“

And it was cut. “Yoboseyo?” He checked the phone.”Oh… the battery is empty.”

She checked the phone she’s using as well.

“Oh shoot!” She hit her forehead with her palm.

“Wae? What happened?” Jung Hee looked at her in confusion.

“I think my phone’s dead. Ugh! Eottokkaji?”

“Don’t worry, you can get your phone.” He smiled at her. “We should go now. Where’s your baggage?”

“I don’t have one. Just my backpack.” She turned her back to him to show her brown Gucci bag.

He took her bag and carried it on his right hand like it weights nothing. “Kaja.” And then grabs her right hand.

“Are you sure I can get my phone back?”

“De. But we’re eating lunch first before going to SBS.”


“They will be performing there this afternoon.”

“ I’ll get to meet them?”


Yazzmin smiled widely and squealed while holding his arm.

“You’re a fan?” He chuckles on her reaction.

“Oh yessss! I always watch them on TV.”

“You’ve never told me.”

“Well, you never asked.”

“I’ve never saw you watching their concerts or live performances.”

“I don’t think that’s needed. I wouldn’t be able to talk to them anyway. They’re like shooting stars. You can look but you can’t touch.”

“Well now you can. And those boys are nice. No worries.”

“You know them personally?”

“Kind of.” He gave her a wink and opened the car’s door.

As soon as the phone ran out of batteries, Luhan insisted on charging it in the car.

“Can’t you just charge it later?” Xiumin asked.

“No. She said she’s waiting for an important call.”

“She?!” Baekhyun whom he thought was sleeping suddenly sat up straight.

“It’s a girl!” Tao cheerfully confirmed.

“Lay hyung is right! It’s your soulmate!” Chen pats Lay’s shoulder and the said person shrugged with a smile.

“ Ah! Quit teasing me!”

Sehun pouts and poked Chen’s side.” Yes, don’t . I’m getting jealous!”

“Ahahahahahah!” their laughter filled the vehicle.

On their way, while driving, Jung Hee received a call. There has been a problem regarding the rights for a source music used in their latest film. So he just brought her near the restaurant.

“I’m really, really sorry about it Yazz...”

“It’s ok... it is your job. You need to fix the problem. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be able to do something... somehow. Hehehe...”

He gave a loud sigh like saying that he doesn’t really want to leave. “Do you really have to get your phone now? You’re producer is Man Baek hyungnim, it isn’t really an important call anyway because they need you more than you need them.”

“Ka~” she dismiss him by playfully pushing him towards the car. “All calls are important to me. Besides, my schedule for this month is on my phone. I don’t have a back up.”

“That’s why I told you to hire an assistant!”

“I need my money.”

“You’re just stingy.”

“Ka. Karagu!”

“Haha! Araso .” He chuckled and entered the car.

“Josim-eyo!” (be careful) She waved at him when he started the ignition and drove off.

She glanced on the restaurant across the street. ASGARD –a well-renowned restaurant throughout Asia and Europe stands gloriously in front of her. ‘Is Jung Hee freakin’ joking me?!’ she asked to herself, shaking her head. To a person as stingy as herself, eating in that kind of resto is beyond luxury. A big NO-NO. Even a single glass of water might cost her a fortune! Though she never really knew, since she never went beyond past its golden plated doors.

She turned and walked away, but a familiar vehicle passed by her. She turned around and Bingo! It is EXO’s SUV! She smiled broadly and aimed to cross the road when a sasaeng car (Taxi’s rented by obsessed fans to chase idols) came out without signal, and it almost hit her if she isn’t quick enough to dodge. But because today seems unfavourable to her and she’s down on luck, she accidentally fell on the pavement and propped her right hand on the ground to catch herself thus bending her wrist backwards.

“Aaaiiissshhhhh!” She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes. She stands up slowly, and when she tried to move her hand, it is so painful that she bit her lip harder and jumped a little bit. Yazzmin looked at EXO’s direction and saw a glimpse of Luhan’s ash pink coloured hair entering the ‘sacred palace’ of Asgard while security escorts are blocking the fans who followed them. She sighed and massaged her wrist a bit. It stings but she ignored it. Her mind is already set on a mission: getting her phone back.

She took a round outside Asgard, searching for entrance but even the back door and staff entrance were guarded by large bouncers. But as the saying goes: if there’s a will, there’s a way.

“Time for frontal attack.” She murmurred to herself. She checked her appearance on the mirror wall about five wide steps from her right. A loose white cotton T-shirt with some paint marks design on its left shoulder, faded straight cut jeans and orange sneakers with white laces and highlights. She thinks she looks quite decent. Yazzmin bended forward, finger combing her bangs, Her jet black hair that goes down to her waist when laid down is kept by two braids in each side. It was originally straight but her mother insisted to have its ends curled. She also fixed her black rimmed eyeglasses, smiled at her reflection and “A-ja!” with that boost, she started to walk towards the entrance.

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JadeVine10 #1
Nice story, waiting for the next update! Keep it up, Jazz!