Everything's Perfectly Fine



How could they stand to look at me?  I’m so horribly, grotesquely fat…  They must be really brave to even make eye contact.  Why couldn’t I look like Key hyung?  Skinny and beautiful, instead of fat and ugly.

“Taemin-ah… You’re so skinny!”


First story I've written dealing with anorexia...  Hoping it's muchly appretiated!

Not much else to say... Hope you like!


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loveall94 #1
Chapter 1: The only thing i can say is wow i wish others who have this problem can see what they did as clearly as taemin did amazing job man
starpaints #2
Girls and boys who tries to shed off some pounds by not eating should read this fic. They will definitely learn something from this. And thank you for having a good story. Not sticking with the cliche! :) Good job~
Oh... I can't... even function ;A;
aw.....taemin...<br />
Awww, this was awesome <3 SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey! I know you! XD<br />
Stating the obvious, my specialty. :)<br />
I'm thinking it needs to be longer. Seeeeeeeequel? :3