The Promise

Love's Way

So, here's my JongKey fic! For the record, I generally don't write , wait no I never write , so please, like a good uke, be gentle '~'  As I don't listen to male artists often, I don't know much about SHINee, so please bear that in mind. It was somewhat awkward to write at first, but I once I got into the swing of things it was all hao. 
Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy it :D



Key took a deep breath as his hand lingered on the doorknob. Every fibre of his being was telling him to turn back. It was a mistake, coming back here. It was a mistake.

He slowly exhaled, seriously considering just turning around and leaving. It was a mistake.

Somehow, pushing against the resistance his body was putting up, he turned the doorknob and let the red wooden door swing open. He dragged his body inside, stood to the side of the now closing door. He greeted the room’s occupant with a shaky bow.

“Annyounghaseyo, hyung,” he said weakly. His energy seemed to desert him in the face of the older man.

“Annyounghaseyo,” smiled the other man. He sat at a grand old piano, made from a dark, highly polished wood. It recline on heavy, but well-shaped legs, spreading out to-

No. Key shook his head. Just pretend all is good, all is well. Nothing happened.

Key sighed.

Nothing happened.

Key walked over to the piano and took a seat on the stool. Due to the size of the stool, he had no choice but to sidle up next to the older man. As he shuffled into place, he felt the other man’s leg press against his own. It was warm. It was… nice.

“Are you ready?” asked the dark-haired man.

“Yes, JongHyun,” Key said, far more quietly than he meant to.

With a smile, the older, dark-haired man rested the tips of his fingers on the piano keys. Key followed suit. Their fingers were close… so close.

Key shuddered out a breath, discreetly. He didn’t want to give JongHyun any indication of what he was feeling, the turmoil in his heart, the pain in his chest. He couldn’t give him any indication. He couldn’t.

JongHyun checked the sheet music was on the right page and flicked the metronome. It began ticking away, the pendulum swinging from side-to-side. Key’s eyes followed the swinging as the hypnotic motions began to take their effect on the younger man.

Gently, JongHyun began playing the piano. He pressed his fingers down onto the keys, his fingers dancing an intricate waltz across the piano’s keys, each press bringing out a soft note from within the piano’s chest.

Key followed the dark-haired man’s finger-falls, tracing an echoing tune after JongHyun’s own notes. Each note that flew from the piano caressed the two men’s ears, slipping over them and carrying them away to a new plane of existence.

Key was lost in the moment and was far-removed from the outside world until a brush of JongHyun’s fingers brought reality crashing in. He sharply drew his fingers back to his chest, causing the piano to groan with disappointment.

JongHyun turned, frowning, to the younger man. “What’s up?” he asked, a concerned look spreading across his features.

“You know,” Key replied. He couldn’t say any more for fear of revealing his true feelings.

JongHyun sighed deeply as understanding of Key’s behaviour sunk in.

“KiBum-ssi,” he began, turning his gaze upon Key. “We can’t pretend it didn’t happen. We both know and we both enjoyed it, so why try and fight it?”

“No!” Key said, his voice rising with anger. “I’m not… like that! I’m not! I’m normal!”

With that, Key jumped to his feet and moved away from the dark-haired man. JongHyun sighed once more and stood.

“Don’t deny yourself, KiBum-ssi,” he said sadly. “If you try to repress who you are, you’re only going to damage yourself.” JongHyun smiled and stepped forwards. “And I would never want you to be damaged.”

Key averted his gaze and stared into the distance, his thoughts racing. He felt like everything was crumbling around him as realisation set in.

JongHyun moved towards him, till his body was mere millimetres away from the other man. He gently lifted a hand towards Key’s face.

“KimBum-ssi,” JongHyun said, his voice almost a whisper. “I love you.”

JongHyun’s hand the curve of Key’s face as the younger man replied, “I love you too.”

The dark-haired man laughed nervously, quietly, as his hand cupped Key’s face and brought him closer. He brushed his lips against the other man’s as his hand shifted and gripped the back of his head.

The two men kissed again, this time longer and more passionate. JongHyun moaned softly as their kiss deepened, Key’s tongue sliding into his mouth and pressing against his own. They held their kiss for what felt like an eternity, both men lost in the passion of the moment.

Eventually Key pulled away, gently, and gazed into the eyes of JongHyun. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to behave the way I did. I-I do love you, JongHyun.”

JongHyun laughed softly and kissed the younger man’s neck. “Do you promise not to lie to me again?” he asked softly.

Key smiled “Promise,” he replied.

JongHyun thought for a second. “Do you promise to love me as much as I love you?” he smiled.

“Promise,” Key responded. He turned his gaze towards JongHyun and asked,

“Do you promise to always be with me?”

A warm smile spread across JongHyun’s features.


The two men smiled as they stared into each other’s eyes. JongHyun kissed Key on the neck as he whispered,



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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 2: awwww I love them both awesome job