
He's My One And Only Lover

"This is trying to steal my 
Boyfriend", Sungjong's Dairy.


     Hoya is coming to cause trouble and stir up. Now Hoya was just staying at the cave for a bit and change into differnet clothes. He decides to go outside and live in a motel to search and spy on Dongwoo. Walking away from the cave, he seems to already know the human life since he and Dongwoo ran away when they where 16 or 17. Luckly, no one discover the place. So he went to buy a hotel room that is descent to live in. There he see's the Kim Hotel which was build by Sunggyu's company. As he got his room, he notice that it was fancy but not over-the-top fancy. Hoya see's the beach and the sun setting. 

"Well, time to go to sleep", Hoya.

He undress himself until he is in his boxers. He puts himself to bed.

"Busy day tomorrow", Hoya.

The next day Hoya gets ready and prepares to get his 'beloved'. When he heads the door, he bumps into upon a person who he didn't know.

"Ouch", Hoya.

"Babo", In Guk.

Hoya looks at him for a while and stands up.

"Hey, be careful next time", Hoya sternly.

In Guk stands up.

"Sorry for bumping into you", In Guk.

"Oh, sorry too then", Hoya softens.

"Oh, sorry for a rude introduction. My name is Seo In Guk", In Guk.

"Hello then, Seo In Guk", Hoya.

"I'm your neighbor next door. If you want to talk about something. I'm here", In Guk.

"Okay?", Hoya.

They wave good bye to each other and Hoya was off to do his thing. Meanwhile at Sungjong's place, it was almost the final month's of  Woohyun's pregnancy. Woohyun feeling very well as always but there are imes where he can go berserk on everyone.  


"Coming my deary...", Sunggyu.

He is scared for his life and was afraid of what to do. 

"Honey, go get me WATER", Woohyun.

He starts to calm down a bit. And Sungjong came to aid his mother right after he brush his teeth with Dongwoo. It was intense all this morning  not until almost 11 or 12 o' clock when Woohyun would stop screaming at people. It seems the day is going well, Dongwoo and Sungjong decided to go that secret place of theres. When going up there, Sungjong had a wierd feeling that they were being followed. But Dongwoo told him that there's no need to worry about it. At the spot, Sungjong just holding on the wooden rail. He's feels the cool breeze of the wind push against his face. He feel so relax and comfortable.

"It's a nice day isn't it, Dongwoo", Sungjong warmly.

"Yeah...", Dongwoo.

Dongwoo walks towards him and hugs him warmly. Sungjong feeling such warmth and fuzzyness from the hug. Dongwoo kisses him then both looks at the beautiful view. Sungjong turns around and suddenly an icicle came straight then cuts Sungjong on his left arm. Sungjong fell into Dongwoo's arms with blood on his hands. The cut was deep and Sungjong was bleedy fast. Dongwoo panick and uses his water bending to heal his wound. Sungjong puts his right palm on Dongwoo's face. But it only temporary slows the bleeding and he rushes to the hospital. Sungjong was sent to the emergency room. His family were contacted and came as quick as they can. Dongwoo crying with grief and full of tears. Sungjong's family just arrive as the doctor was about to enter the medical emergency room. 

"Doctor, I need to see him", Sunggyu worriedly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim. But we have to operate now. You'll see your son when it's done", Doctor Jongsuk.

The doctor went inside the room. Sunggyu was angry at Dongwoo and grabs him by the collar.

"You !", Sunggyu punches him.

Dongwoo fells on the floor and everyone around the hall looked.

"You endanger my child and his life", Sunggyu. 

Dongwoo doesn't say anything and stood silent. Wooseon tries to calm his father down.

"Dad, calm down. He didn't harm Sungjong or hurt him", Wooseon.

"But...", Sunggyu.

"Dad... Look at mom", Wooseon.

He turns around and see's Woohyun unphppy and upset about it. 

"Dad, time to let go and calm down a bit", Wooseon.

"Yeah, yeah. I just over did it", Sunggyu.

He sat down next to his family.

     By this time Dongwoo was outside looking at the stars. And out of nowhere, he hears a voice that sound famliar.

"Hello, there Dongwoo. It's been a long time", mysterious voice.

"Who are you and where are you", Dongwoo.

Hoya comes out of the shadow. Dongwoo was unpleasant of his arrvival.

"What the are you doing here", Dongwoo.

"To get my husband-to-be", Hoya.

"Look here, Hoya. I already got a love of mines", Dongwoo.

"Don't you know the rules of Atlantis. Rule no.1:  NO Atlantean should NOT mate with or be with a human", Hoya.

"I don't care about the rules anymore. I want to do what makes me happy", Dongwoo.

Dongwoo leaves and goes inside to check if any news came out about Sungjong. Hoya clutches his fist together angrily.

"You will be mine", Hoya silently. 

Inside the doctor came out and the Kim Family rises to hear the news.

"It seems your son will not be able to use his left arm completely. And due to some large amount of blood loss... he won't be able to walk as normal", Doctor Jongsuk. "And also don't let him run. It will only make things worst".

"How long will this last?", Sunggyu.

"Let's say about 6-10 months or maybe even a year", Doctor Jongsuk.

A nurse comes out with Sungjong on a wheelchair. Sungjongs looks very tired and a bit pale. Dongwoo see's him and notice that he's in a wheelchair. Dongwoo goes to him. Sunggyu strolled him to let him see Wooseon and Woohyun. 

"Oh my god. My precious baby", Woohyun cried.

Dongwoo arrives looking behind Sungjong head. Dongwoo went on his knees and cries.

"Rise Dongwoo", Wooseon. "Don't need to worried".

"But...", Dongwoo. 

"Dongwoo... Don't cry for... for me", Sungjong weakly.

He stands then sits and made the wheelchair face him.

"The love of my life...", Dongwoo.

He touches the pale face of Sungjong with his left hand. Sungjong puts his right hand on his warm yet soft hands. Sungjong slowly tears as it runs down towards Dongwoo's hand. 

"Dad and Mom let them have their time together", Wooseon.

They left to go see another about the baby. Dongwoo smiles with teary eyes. 

"Oppa... kiss me", Sungjong.

"There's no need to ask", Dongwoo.

He slowly goes in for the kiss. They soon went home to rest. Dongwoo will be the one helping Sungjong all the way through. At Hoya's place, He stairs at the half moon. The door bell rings and he goes to answer. 

"Hi", InGuk.

"Oh. hello InGuk. Please come in", Hoya.

InGuk enters his apartment. The place looks pretty plain and not much. Hoya goes to stare at the moon while InGuk puts a dish that he bought early on Hoya's counter. And he opens the top one first.

"Did you know that in Atlantean culture when two lovers kiss under a full moon... they will forever be bound to be together till the very end", Hoya.

"Sure? Atalantis is just a legend. And the full moon thing is like from a fairy tale", InGuk chuckle. "Just come eat with me".

"And why are you here?", hoya

"Because you invited me to come over with some food I bought", InGuk.

Hoya turns around to see InGuk eating black bean noodles. InGuk slurps the noodle and cleans his mouth.

"Com eat babo. And stop talking about those nonsense", InGuk.

"Yeah yeah", Hoya. 






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As soon as I see that Sunggyu and Woohyun are Sungjong's parents I decided to read this fan fic!
Chapter 5: Dongwoo stop thinking dirty
Chapter 4: Now you know what is he
Chapter 3: Wow.... Do not say they are already kissing? XD
Chapter 2: Wow that must hurt a lot lot like a lot lot lot
Chapter 1: Oh my Sungjong you already like him aww
geniusdjng #7
Chapter 9: ughh cant wait for the next chapter ;~; sucha nice plots!
geniusdjng #8
Chapter 8: the myungyeol f'in scene tho xDDDD
SeStian #9
Chapter 4: Update maybe? P-P