A Serendipitous Cancellation


Everyone hates unexpected cancellations and delays.  Chanyeol is no exception so when he gets stuck at the bus station in miserable weather, he figures it will be a long night of solitude with nothing but his music and soggy feet.  That changes considerably when a very drenched and noticeably tense Kiseop arrives in a hurry, clearly bothered by something and just as upset over the unexpected cancellation.


I am no stranger to odd pairings and lately, I'm seeing Chanyeol with just about anybody as cute/adorable/add appropriate descriptor here.  He's like a cuddly white knight and I'm a er for those.  lol  This however, was prompted by a friend who gave me Chanyeol and Kiseop (U-Kiss) as 'strangers stuck in a bus station'.  I hope you enjoy!  It wasn't quite as fluffy as I intended but it was definitely entertaining to play with.  heh


                Chanyeol watched him for a moment, one brow raised while he leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees.  He heard the music still going but his focus was on the shivering male beside him who was doing his best not to look absolutely pitiable.  It wasn’t working.  He finally pulled one ear bud out and shifted to look at the stranger, “You okay?”

                “Huh?” he chirped, sitting up in surprise as he looked over at the taller youth beside him with worried eyes.  “Oh,” he laughed, offering a smile that was both somewhat forced but also ridiculously cute at the same time.  “I’ll be fine.  Just need to dry out I think,” he admitted, shivering despite his words.  “Hell of a storm,” he added, nodding towards the torrential downpour outside, swallowing again as he leaned further over his legs.

                “You could say that,” Chanyeol agreed with a lazy smile, most of his teeth hidden this time.  Inhaling quietly, he eased out of his jacket, revealing a burgundy Godzilla T-shirt underneath, before he extended the shed garment across the space between them.  “Here,” he offered, smiling at the stranger as he waited for him to accept.

                The other male sat up at the offering and looked as if he wanted to but he shook his head in denial, “I couldn’t.”

                “Just take it,” Chanyeol chuckled, leaning over further so that he could almost lay it in the stranger’s lap.

                “Oh!  Thank you,” he offered shyly, gingerly picking up the large overcoat and pulling the garb over his shoulders, engulfing his smaller frame in more fabric than was necessary.  He sighed in contentment when the garment instantly contained the heat he was unable to generate for himself, a relieved smile gracing his lips.


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Chapter 1: Bet you weren't expecting me to read this. ^_^.

I came across it at randk.. While showing Taylor your trollish Jongdae in you Kai Lay story and saw this one.

It was super cute and it was good to read some of your simpler writing. Since this isn't your normal.

It definitely made me smile. I love cross pairs and you my awesome, lovely friend have a gift like I've never screen.
Chapter 1: Well I guess I choose the Fluffy story.

This was super adorable. At first I didn't think I could imagine the paring but toward the middle I was hoping it was not a short time thing. Love how Chanyeol just pretended as if he was just stretching to save his spot. So cute ~

Well of to pick another story to read for later.
Kpopandjrocklover567 #3
Chapter 1: awwwww this was super adorable

so damn adorable and amicable and asd;flkasjdf;alskjdfas;ljkf

ok. i've calmed.

Chanyeol is nothings short of charming :3
Chapter 1: O.O I would never think of this....This is cute!

Again....Luna had to be in there somehow ;)
kirilou #6
Chapter 1: Awww, I love Channie as the charming hero and Kiseop makes such a great damsel in distress :p Really cute, I would love more like this!
LollipopFille #7
Chapter 1: This was such a great one-shot!!!! Fluff everywhere ^.^ loved it :D