
"Jongdae, get back here!" Joonmyun all but screams at his second oldest child who's bouncing off the walls in excitement, flapping his azure wings. "Come down from there, you'll hurt yourself! WU JONGDAE!"

A screaming Jongdae flails as he falls straight off the chandelier he'd been hanging from a second ago, his wings flapping quickly to keep him upright in his upside-down position.

"Daddy, look, look!" He all but squeals excitedly as he hovers in his position, grinning like a cat at his concerned and worried father. "I'm flying, I'm flying- Ow!"

The ten year old bumps his head right onto the chandelier and falls down into Joonmyun's arms, and the adult quickly cradles his baby to his chest tightly. "Oh my god, don't do that again! You almost gave me a heart attack, Jongdae!"

"Sorry daddy," Jongdae pouts as he rubs the back of his head where he had whacked his head against the hanging decorative lamp. "Where's Baekhyun? I wanna play with him!"

"He's sleeping because he has a fever, Jongdae," Joonmyun tells his son as he carries him into the garden to play. "Remember how Xing accidentally breathed fire on him?"

Jongdae nods, waving his arms and legs in excitement as his eyes wide and his teeth glisten in the sunlight. "Yeah! It was awesome! But now Baekhyun can't play with me..."

He ends the sentence with a whiny voice and a pout to match, eyeing his older brother who sits in a lawn chair, poring over one of those boring, thick historical textbooks from the library. "Xing ge, play with me!"

"Can't, I'm busy," Yixing replies too quickly, and Jongdae just stomps over to drag the sleepy-eyed male out of his chest. He starts to protest, but he stops when Jongdae gives him the look - complete with puppy eyes, and he just gives up on his reading, bookmarking the page and setting the book on the table. "Take care of my book for me, dad."

Joonmyun nods and smiles as both his oldest sons take to the skies - keeping in his line of sight against the bright sunlight - and they start to draw circles of fire around each other. Worry is evident in his eyes, but he lets his lips keep in a slight smile as he watches them dart to and fro across the blue skies, flapping their beautiful wings - Yixing's was a lovely shade of jade green - and he thinks that if Baekhyun wasn't down with a fever, his bright ruby wings would've made it look even better.

"Hello, love," A deep voice rumbles from behind him, and the tell-tale squeal of Jongdae's squeaky "daddy!" tells Joonmyun that his Dragon had finally awoken from his slumber.

"Morning, you," Joonmyun smiles, eyes forming crescents as he feels strong arms wrap around his torso. "Well, afternoon, actually... But same difference. How's Baekhyun's fever?"

"It's going down thanks to the ice-packs Minseok made," Yifan smiles down at his mate, admiring the way the smaller male fit in his arms. Suddenly, there's a weight on his head, and he lets go of his mate in favor of scooping his ten-year-old son into his arms, jokingly roaring in annoyance as Jongdae squeals and tries to wriggle from his dad's strong hold.

"We're bringing Tao out for a walk, do you guys want us to bring Jongdae and Yixing?" Sehun's voice rings out from behind them, and soon enough he appears carrying a five-year-old Zitao in his arms while Luhan cradles a sleepy, too-big eight-year-old Chanyeol.

"If it's not too much trouble for you guys," Joonmyun replies as Jongdae hops into his arms for a few seconds before hopping right in front of Sehun and latching onto his leg, screaming about loving uncle Sehun the most. Sehun just rolls his eyes at the supposedly-ten-year-old's maturity before gently reaching down with one arm to pray those fingers off his slender ankle. 

"Okay, jeez, let go of my leg and let's go," He instructs the boy, and Jongdae obliges - mainly because Sehun is one scary-looking person with his pokerface - next to Yifan, of course, and he takes hold of Luhan's hand as Chanyeol finally shakes himself awake enough to stand on his own two feet and not strangle his father to death with his height and weight.

"Let's go, Xing," Luhan calls out cheerily, and the boy turns to walk out of the gate. 

Once they're all gone, Joonmyun all but hightails it back to his youngest son's bedroom - where the sick boy was still dozing thanks to the medicine with the frost pack on his forehead (they had to seriously thank Minseok for that). When the door swings shut, Baekhyun's eyes crack open and he smiles tiredly at both his parents. 

"Hi," He croaks out, voice hoarse and cracking slightly from sleep. 

"Hi baby," Joonmyun coos as he sits down gently on the side of the bed and Baekhyun's hair away from his eyes. "How're you feeling now?"

"Better," Baekhyun croaks again, not making an effort to get up as Yifan tugs the blankets up to cover his neck and adjusts the pack on his forehead. "I wanna play with Jongdae and Xing."

"After you get better you can play all you want, okay?" Joonmyun assures him, leaning down to peck his cheek softly. "Now rest. I'll be right here beside you."

Baekhyun manages a weak nod before he shuts his eyes, drifting off quickly due to his feverish state, and once his body relaxes into slumber, Yifan pecks Joonmyun's temples and hugs the petite male close to his body, enjoying the soft silence that floats in the room like a melody.

"I never imagined we would have three kids," Yifan finally speaks as softly as he can after the moment subsides. "I thought you'd stop after giving birth to two, but no- someone likes to be in bed with me too much."

"Shut up, you egoistical---" Joonmyun's words are cut off by Yifan's lips pressing against his, and he lets out a soft squeak before slapping the Dragon in the chest. "Sheesh, Baekhyun's right here!"

Chuckling at the light blush dusting Joonmyun's cheeks, Yifan smiles as he lets his lips touch his mate's once more. 

"Thank you," Yifan whispers after a while, smiling against those soft pink lips. "You're the perfect Dragon's bride."

"You better believe that," Joonmyun smiles back, their lips curving against each other's slightly. "Any Dragon would want me."

"They're not going to have you," Yifan growls against his lips, nipping them lightly. "You're mine."












































































































"Daddy? I'm right here," Baekhyun's voice croaks out at last.


"Oops is right, Wu Yifan. You're sleeping outside tonight."

Yifan's chased out of the room so that Baekhyun can rest, and the Dragon just chuckles to himself as he shakes his head. He had his hands full with his three kids and Sehun's two, but he couldn't ask for more - he had a loving wife, adorable children, and a good household - and he had found the perfect dragon's bride. His dragon's bride.



wow. that's the end. sniffles. i'm sorry if it's not very satisfactory, cause i just needed to write this--- and i can't think of anything else to add because i'm still recovering from my stay at the hospital. ^^;; Hope you guys enjoyed the whole story! c: 

update: someone just informed me that I did use Baekhyun before and he's the crown prince of the snow leopards and i just facepalmed ok omg i'm so sorry--- otl I wasn't really awake when I typed this. Let's just say they named their children after baekhyun and chanyeol just because this author can't get her right.

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Yeah I'll just update this once I'm finished with the wolf au Krisho bc i can't with the different character names. otl


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2447 streak #1
Chapter 11: awwww what a cute family! the ending tho! HAHAHAHA! control your hormones, your child is in the room... please! HAHAHA
1489 streak #2
Chapter 11: Awww, such a lovely, fluffy piece! I'm super weak to this kind of fics. It's really beautiful - KrisHo's relationship here. I'm so into this fic's universe now and I wanna see more of KrisHo + HunHan and the kids (especially the too-big eight year old Chanyeol, I just can't get over that image of him still being carried by Luhan, like hnnngh!)
Lolypop123 #3
Chapter 11: That was lovely ☺
Chapter 11: mannn perfect story!
Pingpongko #5
Chapter 11: Hehe this is good !!
mybeautifuleyes #6
Chapter 11: I really liked it!
Chapter 12: Such a cute story! An extended version would be awesome and well worth the wait, I'm sure! You could call it "Dragon Tales" maybe? :D
Chapter 11: ;;;; what is this .. why am I crying ?? Why are they so sweet and fluffy urgh