。。 D I S T R I C T T W O ;






 ▪ ▪ ▪ D I S T R I C T   T W O  ▪ ▪ ▪
written by : TAOPANDY

Welcome to South Korea; better known as District Two.

A war is brewing between the districts and caught in the middle is Hana and her Father - a well known weapons developer. 

When her Father suddenly disappears, what begins as a harmless investigation into his whereabouts suddenly turns into something far more dangerous. The Government knows what's happened to her Father and they're determined to silence her - at any cost.

With the help of her cousin, Kwan, Hana sets out to discover the truth behind her father's disappearance. Along the way will meet whacky sky pirate TOP and the cold, mysterious ex-military, Yong Guk, both of who have different reasons and motives to help her. 

But Hana carries a secret of her own, a secret that if the Governmet found out would put her and the lives of the others around her at great risk... But she's willing to take that chance, if it means getting her Father home safely. 
C H A R A C T E R S   ▪ ▪ ▪
Has has grown up in the upper class districts and as such, as lived a comfortable life. Studying to become a Doctor, Hana had dreams of helping the sick and perhaps one day developing a cure for the K-Virus. She's strong willed, passionate and loyal, but lacks the street smarts to survive in the world bellow her high life. She has trouble trusting, and can be outspoken at times, almost to the point of coming across as rude - but she never intends to be. Although she tries to bottle up her emotions and remain strong, Hana is still an emotional girl who over thinks things and often comes to the wrong conclusions. She's cluless in matters of love and hardships. 
Kwan has worked with Hana's Father as his assistant since he turned 15 - the year his parents (Hana's uncle and aunt) passed away in a hover car accident. Kwan has worked hard over the years to become a trusted assistant and has dreams of one day helping his uncle discover something big. He thinks of Hana's dad almost like a second Father and as such; Hana as a younger sister. Kwan has suffered internally for years over his uality, a secret which he has kept hidden from everyone (though Hana strongly suspects). It has made him feel inferior and less manly, so he overcompensates by learning martial arts and acting 'gruff' and 'manly'. 
Yong Guk left the military (and his men) when he overheard classified information that made his blood run cold. Now, he is a fugitive within the very District he once served and is relying on his wits and skills to make it in the shifty world bellow. Although extremely loyal and overprotective, Yong Guk still harbors guilt for leaving his men behind and has hopes of one day contacting them and rescuing them, too. Towards Hana he regards her as someone he feels obligated to protect and is determined to do that job correctly, even if she does infuriate him at times, though he finds her cousin a concern and a liability because of his constant solo activities. 
A sky pirate who has been on the Governments most wanted list since he was just 17. TOP has a reputation as a cold, malicious murderer who likes to kidnap his victims and torture them aboard his ship. He has been given the nickname 'Cold Prince' by the people of District Two and is heavily feared. But in reality, that is all a show put on by TOP and his crew to strike fear into others and to make pirating easier. TOP is, in fact, a bit of a goof who loves to play pranks and dress in flamboyant clothing. He has a thing for 'strays' and is always taking those in need of help on board to try help them sort their life out and so as such, he sees Hana as a lost soul who needs saving. 
 ▪ ▪ ▪ M I N O R    C H A R A C T E R S  
Chanyeol is a bottom dweller, or a 'street rat' who spends his life fighting just to survive. He and his band of brothers, EXO, are known for committing petty thefts and violence, though it's only to keep the children they watch over alive. But Chanyeol meets his match in Hana, who not only isn't afraid of him upon their first meeting, but she also beats him at a bet a fact which Chanyeol (who loves to make bets) can't let go. He has a mischievous and cheeky personality and though likes to act tough - and can be when he needs too - is actually a big softie at heart. He values friendships and takes promises seriously. He would never purposely break a promise. 
One of Hana's Fathers fellow scientists who Hana regards as an Uncle as she has known him since she was young. Jae has been jealous of Hana's Fathers success for years and feels constantly undermined by his success whilst Jae only seems to fail. In truth, he dislikes Hana's Father alot, along with his assistant, Kwan. Jae is extremely narcissistic and grandiose and feels that he is superior to everyone around him - even those in higher authorities. He is not above acting irrationally and illegally to get what he thinks he deserves though does so in sly, secretive manners so as not to be suspected. His appearance and character means everything to him. 
A young street rat in EXO who has dreams of one day becoming a Sky Pirate - even if everyone else laughs at him. Although Sehun was raised in wealth, he left that life behind when his parents tried forcing him into a career he did not want. He hopes to save enough money and one day purchase his own ship. He admires TOP to the extreme and is extremely knowledgeable in TOP's adventures and crimes. Towards others he can come across as quiet and reserved, though ones he opens up he reveals his obsession with Sky Pirates. He's a dreamer and works hard towards his aspirations because he has faith in his abilities to make them happen.
Author's note ▪▪▪
HEY GUYS! TaoPandy here, I hope you like Futuristic Romantic adventures, because this is what this is lol... 




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HeartlessRose #1
Chapter 2: I'm happy to see that you're back and writing again! I absolutely love this story so far even though it's only one chapter in. You're very descriptive when you write and that helps to paint a better mental picture for the reader. I also love that you provided locations and went into detail on them. I can't wait for another update for this story and the others you've written. I also can't wait for BYG to update her stories as well. Keep the chapters coming...author-nim hwaiting<3
O.o ...... wow. I loved it. it was made very well. it was actually funny when they got to the stomp part I thought "you should have put the water scene in here" and as soon as i thought that it showed up! lol good job!