Last Christmas Alone

Last Christmas Alone

Kon'nichiwa! Ano, I wrote this after I heard of Tanaka Koki leaving KAT-TUN, and this is what I wished would happen.

Tanaka Koki walked slowly down Ginza-ken, hands in his pockets. The wind blew through the streets, rustling up leaves or anything loose, in its path. A chilly reminder of the upcoming winter. The streets were already glittering with red and green lights and little sparkly figurines of Santa, reindeer, and candy. Shops open, advertised gift shopping in bright, Christmas colors. A fine, powdered snow dusted the sidewalks and the grass. Trees with no more leaves, stretched their branches to the stars, most of which were now filled with fortunes, ornaments, and Christmas greetings.

However, despite the festive mood, despite the cheery smiles of everyone, Koki didn't feel any spirit. No, it was more like he COULDN'T, feel it. Ever since his "resignation" from Johnny & Associates, it was like he was disconnected. From the world, from himself, his rapping, but worse, his friends. A guy dressed in a full-blown Santa suit came up to him. "Merry Christmas! Would you like a-"
"No. Gomen." With a hurried bow, Koki walked quickly away. The streets were crowded with tourists and natives, but Koki felt all alone.

A lyric from one of KAT-TUN's newer songs, came to mind. ...hitori ja nai yo, nakama ga iru yo... Those words echoed over and over in his head. Tears stung his eyes, but Koki told himself it was merely the biting wind. Because KAT-TUN's (ex) rapper, Tanaka Koki, never cried. Deep in his thoughts, Koki didn't realize that he had kicked a can towards a group of four guys. Meanwhile, a guy, black hair in curls, walked from the left, a phone to his ear, talking in accented English. Almost in unison, as if pulled by a string, all six guys--four from one place, one from another, and Koki--looked up at each other.

And the world froze. Kamenashi Kazuya, who had caught the can, crushed it under his foot in surprise. Ueda Tatsuya nearly fell over, grabbing hold of the nearest person, who happened to be Nakamaru Yuichi, who was no help in his currently immobile state. Taguchi Junnosuke stopped in the middle of his joke, staring wide-eyed in disbelief. Akanishi Jin stopped dead, phone call forgotten, a faint voice on the other line, ignored. Koki's kneees went weak and he clenched his hands into fists to hide his uncontrollable shaking.

In one syncronized breath, as if they were back performing on stage, all six managed one word: "Uso." Silence reigned supreme until Kame bent down, picking up the crushed can, and with a tear rolling down his cheek, waved the can at Koki and Jin, a weak, but happy smile, on his face. Jin grinned and winked. "Sashiburi!" Koki couldn't even speak, his voice threatening to break if he so much as managed one word. Ueda didn't bother to hide his crying. Nakamaru's face still beheld surprise, but he smiled and waved, saying, "We missed you guys!" Junno beamed. "Merry Christmas!"

Finally, after such a long time of hidden feelings, and in front of the five people he loved and trusted the most, Tanaka Koki cried. Tears streamed down his face, bringing with it his pain, his feeling of distancy, all his insecurities. In his tears, were mixed, joy and sadness. Wars had broken out in him, one side telling him he had failed. That his friends no longer cared about him. Now? It seemed as if the other side--the small, courageous part that, defiantly, adamantly disagreed, the side that told him there was still hope, there was still love--was gaining the upper hand.

His tears only made Ueda cry even more. And suddenly, shocking everyone, the boxer ran forward and threw his arms around Koki, sobbing. At first, Koki had no idea what to do. Then with the others coming up, patting him on the back, hugging him, Koki felt a change. The side of hope, had won. The other army, the army that had taken hold of his every positive thought and crushed it for months, had finally gone silent. After a while, Koki wrapped his arms aruond Ueda as well, returning the hug, and managed a smile at the other five. A smile filled with newfound hope, love, and contentment. "Sashiburi."


...hitori ja nai yo, nakama ga iru're not alone, you have friends...
Uso.-No way.
Sashiburi-Long time no see

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Chapter 1: That's so sweet awh :(
Remembering koki's first few tweets made me even sadder