Hidden Camera

♔ WINNER Facts ♔


During WINNER TV Episode 3, Taehyun was assigned to carry out a hidden camera for the other members. He was supposed to sneak out of the hotel room (which is entirely against the rules), eat out in the restaurant directly in front of it and lose his wallet. He would then call the other members to ask them to help pay the bill. 

This was a loyalty test to see if the WINNER members would come to Taehyun's aid despite him doing wrong.


1. Mino

Taehyun's prediction: He would not come out.

What happened: He sighed (because he was supposed to spend his money on new shoes), got his wallet, did not answer Seunghoon when asked where he was going, then went to fetch Taehyun. When they reunited, Mino reprimanded Taehyun for sneaking out alone. He *cough* swore *cough* a little. 





credits 2, 3


2. Seungyoon

Taehyun's prediction: He would call the staff/company and describe the situation ("Taehyun went out, we have to do this and this.")

Mino's addition: Seungyoon would be extremely angry.

What happened: Seungyoon, being Taehyun's Japan-Hotel roommate, noticed that he was gone, so the leader sent him a series of worried texts.


Once he received Taehyun's hidden camera text, Seungyoon stopped listening to music and dressed up in the clothes he picked out for the next day. He then went to get Taehyun, lying to the staff on the way.


He was originally angry.

But upon seeing Taehyun cry, Seungyoon loosened up. 


He went to settle the bill soon afterwards.


But found out that it was a hidden camera after seeing a camera. This all happened within 3 short minutes.


3. Jinwoo

Taehyun's prediction: He would come out for sure.

Seungyoon's addition: But he won't even have enough money. 

What happened: Jinwoo (with an immense amount of aegyo) asked where Taehyun was.



After spending a lot of time searching for his wallet, Jinwoo left the room with the excuse that he was going to give the other room some kind of cream.


He got lost in the lobby for 10 minutes.


Jinwoo then teamed up with the staff because he has the worst sense of direction ever (thus his nickname, "The International Lost Child"). He lied when asked where the other members were, saying they were all in their rooms.


His excuse for going out was to get fresh air and to shop in the convenience store.


To lose the staff members once and for all, he lied, bidding goodbye, saying that he was going to go back to the hotel room now.


And after "losing" them, he finally went to Taehyun. Of course, only after asking a man for the restaurant's directions even though it was just in front of the hotel, and the other members (Mino and Seungyoon) had no trouble finding it at all. With a bright smile, he described his experience to Taehyun after receiving his text, took out 10,000 yen and told him to pay back.


The issue was then resolved without any scoldings or questions. 


And even after finding out that everything was actually a hidden camera, Jinwoo just drank his milk and continued being the bright, adorable hyung that he is!



4. Seunghoon

Taehyun's prediction: he would know immediately that it's a hidden camera.

What happened: Seunghoon fell asleep and could not participate. Seriously -_-

And that's how the WINNER members proved their loyalty to one another!

credits to the owners


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Congrats again
Shiragiku-chaan #3
Chapter 241: Whaou ! Thanks for all of these precious facts. It's one of the most complete winner fic/facts that I have ever found. Thanks again and good luck
Inni_Mini_Mimi #4
congrats for being featured ★♡
Chapter 103: the solo gif for seungyoon... not sure if I should think of him as puss in boots or that cat strumming the guitar like he's in love LOL XD
Chapter 91: the legendary audition clip LOL
Sheeppy #7
Chapter 103: I love this! I love cats and I love Winner! OH GOD! this is precious!
Vexonie #8
Chapter 68: I feel so enlightened on this group now xD
trollolchen #9
This is a story? Okay...
Chapter 42: Not only does he RIVAL Mino when it comes to shamelessly flirting with women, he might be worse. Lol!