Man's Best Friend


Chanyeol likes a lot of things. 


I haven't written in ages, it's three in the morning, and I am so very sorry for this word vomit. 


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BabySkypeia126 #1
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaahh~!!
the ending....... kris..... is dead, isnt he??? T.T
n yeol keeps on waiting fr kris to wake up..... it reminds me of hachiko..... T.T
Haneen #2
This is so sad! How could you???!!! Who is in his right mind can ever write about puppies dying at the end let alone when the puppy is chanyeol ohmaigod you're so cruel ;;A;;
Chapter 1: ahhhh is this puppy!chanyeol? ;u; he's very adorable and cute here, please update soon!~
Chapter 1: T.T puppy!chan is too adorable...
andhernamemeans_sea #5
Chapter 1: Omo!!! I want to strangle that girl to death!!! And.. and...kris died. He's my ultimate bias. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ poor channie i wanna adopt him. Nonetheless, great story!!! : )