
First to be the Last

My body felt heavy as I forced my eyes open. It was already dark outside as I glanced towards my window. I was in my room.

I pushed myself up from the bed and rested my back in my bed’s headboard.

Everything that happened today was too bazaar for me to understand. It was years since I stopped flinching from people’s touch so why now? Why would Dino’s touch make me flinch?

My hand unconsciously travel its way to my arms, feeling the spot Jonghyun just held. The beating of my heart accelerated as the memories a while ago started flashing nonstop in front of my eyes.

I squinted it shot as I forced everything out. I need to go. I need to breathe.


The blaring music was deafening as Key made his way towards the packed dance floor.

Everyone was groping each other but he doesn’t mind. Hands were flying to each other and it didn’t took long for he himself get caged. He felt an arm from behind wrapped itself around his waist. He smiled.

This is bliss.

He slowly turned around and wrapped his arms around the stranger’s neck. He was handsome as his brown hair tracing his face perfectly, his sharp jaw line, red lips and tall nose.

This is how it should be. He doesn’t flinch but still he wondered why as the man he is with leaned closer.

“What’s your name beautiful?” his breath tickled his neck as he felt the hold on his waist tighten.

 “Is it necessary?” Kibum breathe out, placing small kisses on the man’s neck.

“Ofcourse” the stranger almost gasps as he felt Key pushed their body closer, the room still crowded.

 “I need to know whose name I’ll be calling tonight.”

“It’s Key. Call me Key.”


It was almost three in the morning when Kibum arrived home. He fumbled with his keys before he finally opened the door, the winter breeze forcing him in on a hurry. After taking off his shoes and securing the door closed, he marched his self up to his room. Head still a bit clouded as he plop his body down his bed.

He signs.

“I didn’t flinch even the slightest a while ago so why…” he asked no one particular as his escapade with the man he met in the bar a while ago replayed on his head.  “… Why with Dino boy?”

He asked again but ended up getting silence as the answer. He was puzzled. He knows he doesn’t need to think more about this. It’s perfect; he should believe it’s perfect. At this rate Dino will never bother him but he can’t help but feel curious. He doesn’t know why but it intrigues him especially it was middle school when he last remembered his self flinch.  

The morning came before Kibum knew it. The sun was slowly creeping its way out of the horizon when his alarm clock rung.

He should relive and he knows he really should but as he entered the school he can’t help but feel uneasy. He reasoned it by his lack of sleep a while ago but still he can’t stop his self from opposing.

The room was soon filled with his classmates, some greeting him and the others too busy to even bother but he doesn’t care. He was use to it already.

“Hey, why are making a face this early morning?” Kibum then heard Taemin chirped from behind. He saw the younger plop down to the chair next to his.

“Morning Tae.” Directly ignoring the first question the older greeted the black hair student. Taemin frown. His Hyung is clearly bothered by something and he knows he has to ask him later this lunch when the first bell rung.

Classes pass by uneventfully and before they know it everyone was out for lunch break. Taemin hurriedly walk to his hyung and told him he’ll be back after he got some food in the cafeteria. Key just agreed nonchalantly as he grabbed his lunchbox from his bag.

He opens it up and started eating. He was too engrossed on glancing from time to time towards the door to notice the sign he was heaving every minute but Taemin did.

“So, you’ll not go inside and “disturb” hyung?” he asked the man leaning next to him in the classroom’s doorframe, slurping on his beloved yellow liquid.

The said man sign, ruffling his hair in frustration once again as he glanced carefully towards the eating student inside the empty classroom and he looked back to Taemin after.

“Seems so.” the shorter male breath out in defeat, the air around him clearly giving off his disappointment. He can’t walk in there and say hi while the other guy flinches because of his presence. That’s a bit painful.

“Don’t be disappointed about it hyung.” The younger assured as he squeezes his hyung’s shoulder for more encouragement. “He’ll eventually get over that “phase” again.” Taemin finger quoted before smiling one last time towards his Dino-hyung and entered the room, sat next to Key who was obviously still out of it.

The incoming footsteps from the door way immediately made Kibum’s head snap towards the marching male. His eyes widely searching for the short legs and muscular arms but he didn’t saw it rather he saw Taemin. With a pout, he glanced back to his lunch and sigh.

“You’ve been sighing since awhile ago.” The black haired boy stated as he glance worriedly towards his hyung who was poking his lunch with his chopsticks. “And you’re not eating your lunch.”

Taemin is not blind. He saw the hopeful look on his Hyung’s face awhile ago.

“What is bothering you?” the younger ask, hand still around his banana milk as he look at the sulking boy beside him.

“Nothing Tae.” Kibum whispered as picked up an egg roll from his bento, watching as the other roll stumble down towards the plastic container before sighing again.

The younger didn’t push through. He knows his Onew-hyung will definitely sort things sooner or later. The oldest of the four usually knows what to do in every situation.

He know Kibum’s head is a bit chaotic and he don’t want to be a nausea to his hyung so he sat there and drunk his calcium until the lunch break finished.

Kibum would be lying if he says his ok. He is everything but that.

He sighs as he put his unfinished lunch inside his bag. That dinosaur had been bothering him every lunch since the opening of classes which is four months ago. He often find it disturbing to say the least whenever dino boy walks in. The first time he saw him come and sit on the chair in front of him was the day he has told himself this boy is a bit attractive but of course he will never admit that. The boy is a bother and he settles for that because as Jonghyun opened his mouth back then and started talking, Kibum completely vanished that first impression he has for the latter, or tried to at least.

Jonghyun often talks a lot, about everything around them with his infamous lollipop in his mouth as he speaks and speaks and speaks. Kibum will never admit it but the Dino boy eases his boredom especially when Taemin isn’t around to accompany him. His company is a bit enjoyable.

A bit, he’ll always repeat that to his self and now that the room is once again packed with students, he glanced one last time towards the door and sigh.

The Dino boy really didn’t come, justifying his earlier assumption and now he knows why there was an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach since this morning and it’s clearly not because of his lack of sleep.



so someone is missing someone :3

decided to update for you guys.

so its Seoul Music Awards today right if i can remember it correctly.

well who voted for our boys? hmmm????

raise your hands people~


ok so till my next update.

Upvote? subscribe? comment?( ilovecomments) anyone?



love lots :3

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Chapter 7: poor babies! i really like that jonghyun is a nice regular guy and already liked kibum in this! it's more refreshing that he's the one who started longing first... but yes! nice chapter ^.^ i like kibum's subtle but gradual development!
Chapter 7: yeah congrats to our SHINee boys and for the story keep going.best of luck
Chapter 6: really nice.i was so good
Chapter 5: chp is good but im so sad cuz SHINee didn't win Daesang.
Chapter 4: hmmm really amazing.thanks u updated
ficsluv #6
Chapter 4: I like it.. Fighting author nim~ hihi.. ^^
nana_jjong #7
Chapter 4: this is getting better. Jinki must be knowing Kibum's past,or at least has been dealing with this kind of demeanor he has.i hope dino can heal him slowly.Dino to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 1: nice first chp.liked it