Falling In Love With You


Falling In Love With You

"Falling in love with you is the best memory that I had" - Jeon Jeongguk

"Am I falling in love with him?" - Cha Hee Young



He likes her but the problem is..the girl's heart is too cold.She always deny her feleings for him.Cha Hee Young is a cold hearted girl.She don't want to admit that she loves him actually.Jeon Jeongguk loves Cha Hee Young but when he confessed,she rejected him but he never give up on her.His love is too big for her.When Cha Hee Young start to admit her feelings,Jeon Jeongguk lost his memory.Cha Hee Young feel like want to give up but she want to be like him,she don't want to give up on him easily.Will he remember the girl that he loves before he lost his memory?Will they be together?


Short summary of Cha Hee Young:

I'm pitying him because I rejected him.But I'm so proud of him because he never give up.Wow.But I think it's too late when I realized that I love him just..I'm ego.He lost his memory because of an accident.So he forgot me.What a sad life I have..Can I make him love me again for the second time?Wait..I'm a girl.Not cool.Not cool..but I will never give up like he did to me before.I promise to myself.



Cha Hee Young

Jeon Jeongguk



BTS(appear sometimes to help Jeongguk recovery his memory)


Credit to:

jongstal4eva at

Thank you to the designer~

I love it ♥


Animated version:

Normal version:




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