
Reviews and Recommendations

Stories I have read


O - Ongoing
O/W- Writer has not updated in a while.
C - Complete.

A - Abandoned. Could not finish reading.

M - Currently not reading/keeping up with updates, but may pick up at a later date.
U - Up to date. I am still reading as the story progresses.
F - Finished.

Bold - M rated


N/R- Too early for rating.
5 - Highly Recommended.
4 - An Entertaining Story.
3 - A Decent Read.
2 - Some Glaring Issues.
1 - Did Not Like It.



Thug Wife(C)(F)(2) - This story disturbed me, and the issues about consent is the only thing that I can remember about this story in all honesty.
Unnerving(O)(U)(3) - Side story to "The Marriage life of Mr Byun".Romance is to slow moving for my opinion (understandably so), but Sehun and Luhan's friendship is beautiful in this story and it's shining point. Warning - this story does deal with ual abuse and some of the descriptions are quite graphic.
Sinned(series)(O)(M)(3) -.Sequel to Lured. Decent story. Minimal issues with grammar,spelling etc. Well paced.
The Wolf Chronicles: Luhan - Security(series)(O/W)(U)(4) - Only three chapters up but as good as the rest of the series.

Lured (series)(C)(F)(3)- This story is a real chore initally and you will want to slap the female protagnist and give up on the story. It made me so mad at the beginning, but it does get much better as it goes on. It takes a gutsy writer to take this approach with the story and it paid off in the end because the story was actually decent.

The Beast You Made Of Me(O/W)(U)(N/R) - Intriguing plotline,sparked my interest.
Porcelain Doll(C)(M)(N/R).
The Wolf Chronicles: Suho - Loyalty(C)(F)(4)- I am a er for Suho .Suho with a decent plot takes the cake.
Breaking Tradition: The Impure Woman (C)(F)(3) - Decent read. A little bit too innocent and cutesy at times but an interesting storyline.

TEAM 79 (O)(U)(3)
The Casual Seduction of a Teenage Boy(O)(U)(3) - Story is slow paced, not a huge fan of the characters. But kudo's to the writer for really following the hate to love storyline thoroughly.
The Royal Sons(O/W)(U)(4) - The ambivalent style of writing that this author uses is one that I love. She merely presents the facts and lets the readers make judgement about the characters. This is because we are given multiple points of view and therefore ability to empathize with the characters. Baekhyun and Seyi's love for each other is so angsty and beautiful.
The Legends: Theos(C)(F)(3) - Plot and chemistry wise it is not up to par the rest of the series, but grammar and spelling wise, its much better than the others.
Married to the Dark Prince(O/W)(U)(3)

The Royal Sons(O/W)(U)(4) - The ambivalent style of writing that this author uses is one that I love. She merely presents the facts and lets the readers make judgement about the characters. This is because we are given multiple points of view and therefore ability to empathize with the characters. Baekhyun and Seyi's love for each other is so angsty and beautiful.
Auctioned(O/W)(U)(3.5) - One of the first stories I read in AFF. Well written. The female protagnist is a bit childish and their romance takes a slight immature tone but still a solid read.
The President's Daughter(C)(A)(1.5) - I was like Chanyeol as a solider, yes, yes, yes. But, no. No. No. It took them 5 seconds to fall in love with each other. The tone used to write this story is to fantastical for my liking and the characters are annoying.
Disappeared (O)(U)(2) 
The Guide to Freaks: Park Chanyeol Edition (O)(U)(4) - I liked it a lot. It was hiliarious the lead is snarky and witty and the conflict is one that exceptionally relatable. Plus Chanyeol as a nerd and Baekhyun as a diva, what more could you ask for?



Too Many Worlds(C)(F)(2.5) - Ended up skim reading a lot. Well written,but the focus on too much of the non romantic aspects of the story. Still a good read and I liked how the characters grew into themselves.
Taming the Beast (O)(U)(3) - I like the brotherhood aspects and the sci fi elements of this story.It is well conceptualised. Romance is cute too, but a bit to PG 13 for my liking.
Butterfly (C)(U)(2) - It was tolerable, nothing special except for having Chen as the lead. 
Blood : Revolution(O)(U)(2.5) - This story has a lot of potential, it is will written and has this dark angsty tone. The updates are slow and infrequent but as it progresses hopefully it will become very good. 
Nervous(one shot) (C)(F)(1.5) Falls short of the mark. Unrealisitic
Perfection(one shot)
The Legends: Memories(series) (C)(M)(3)

He Ate My Heart(O/W)(U)(4) - One of the first stories I read on AFF which means attachment. I like Yixing's characterisation, he is y and so unlike the Lay we know. There is a lot of but it's still an interesting read.
The Wolf Chronicles: Yixing - Curiosity(series)(C)(F)(3.5) - First of the Series. Solid read, not as good as the others but still a good fic.

7 Kisses with the Monster in my Closet(O/W)(U) (3.5)
A Taste of Temptation(O/W)(M)(3) - Well written and the writer creates an intricate world where vampires and human co-exist. The romance has an immature tone that I don't like, and the juxtaposition between the stories darker themes and immaturity of the lead just does not bode well for me.
Fighting Perfection(C)(F)(3) - The existentalist exploration in this story is fantastic and creates a good message.The ideas that the writer introduces are great. But the ending pissed me off. I am still not over it. 

School of Secrets (O)(M)(3) - The darker and mature tone combined with the play on "Twelfth Night" concepts makes this story an enjoyable read.

The Flower of Death (O)(U)(1.5)- I will summarize the story for you, girl is used as bait, girl gets abused, girl cries, guy helps/saves her - repeat 3 times. The end. Don't need to read the story.

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new recs yo!


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Chapter 3: Omg I’ve been looking for these forever!! I love the one about Chen
Chapter 1: You should try reading into my world, into my world by melodyandcrosses :)
Seobiee123 #3
Chapter 9: I would say XOXO is the best AFF i have ever read thus far. There's a sequel to XOXO!
It'd be really helpful if you could review my first two chapters of my first story. Just 2 chapters:
Chocolato #5
are you able to recommend me some really good enjoyable reads of Kris or Luhan ? :)
4lifeMister #6
Hey there! I am looking for some harsh criticism for my fanfic "See If I Care" and it is Exo-OC centered and even though it is not Rated M it is more of a Teen-rating fic since eventually it will get progressively angsty. I would love it if you checked it out and maybe gave me your opinion on it but I understand if you don't have the time nor want to. If you do wanna then here's the link :)