The Deaf Florist


One was just a widow that came to the florist often enough to buy flowers for her late husband, 
And the other was just a deaf who had not found his meaning and place in life.


"By chance we met, and by fate we came together but also by fate we are torn apart"

Featuring Oh Sehun & Krystal Jung


"The same baby breathes bonquet, Miss?" Was the usual question she would here when she first enter the flower shop.

She had been a regular customer, if not the only one.

Always buying the same product over and over again. 

The bonquet of baby breathes.

But this time only the sound of the chim that is sounded when a customer enter is chimmed, nothing else.

Dead slience.

Until a fine young man came walking out with a pen and note pad in that pocket of his light brown apron.

Quickly, he spoke. 

"The usual?" He asked, voice soft as if unsure of what came out of his mouth.

She replied but he was too busy packing another bonquet of roses for another customer.

Her 'Yes' reply got louder each time, frustration filled her as she saw no reaction from the man.

"Can you even hear me? Are you deaf or something?!" 

The anger and all could be heard in the voice but the boy didn't seem to hear it but pause for a moment with a face that seems to be reading something.

"Yes, I'm deaf."


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Chapter 2: I was just wondering is Sehun fully impaired or partially impaired. I got confused when he could hear her giggle. This story is sad yet sweet at the same time. Can't wait for the next update, author-nim! :)
faithandpray #2
Chapter 1: Update soon ^^