
Finito (maybe Reposts and Continuations on on tumblr!!)

I watch in horror as Rachel burst into Chief's office, fuming. I told her not to come! Why doesn't she ever listen? She rushes over to me, checking my face. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" she asks. "Ya. Why do you act on instinct? Don't you know what you've done? Now he's got Joon, Alex and Jisoo. He's got us all." I tell her. She exhales. "We'll get out of here before then." she says confidently. I knew it wasn't true. Even she knew it wasn't true. "Yeah? How do you expect us to do that? You know what they plan to do with us? They're going to makes us 'dolls'. You know what dolls are? Those are Chief's money makers. In other words--" "I know! I know! Okay?" she snaps. "I wasn't going to leave you here with him though! I made a choice and now I'll have to face my consequences. I can't go back now and even if I had the chance I'd do the same thing." she says. She's loyal, but stupid. "Stupid girl." I mumble. Rachel sighs and sits on the floor beside me. "So you're stuck in here too now, huh?" I ask her. She nods. "Why does Minji hate you so much?" I ask her. She shrugs. "The source of all of my problems have something to do with Joon, though." she answers, leaning her head back on the wall. I frown. "Problems? What the heck happened?" I ask her. "We kind of broke up." she says. My eyes widen. "What? When?" I ask. "A while ago." she chuckles. "I knew it was going to happen though. Ever since I went back to America it's like he's grown distant." she says. What the heck?! I haven't been working that hard! I didn't even know that my best friend broke up with her boyfriend! "Why didn't you call me?" I ask her. "Why are you all tied up?" she asks, pulling a pocket knife from her pocket and cutting me free. I rub my wrist as she goes back to leaning on the wall. "You were busy." she answers finally. I roll my eyes. "What a lame excuse." I tell her. "This is way more important than work! you should've come to my job!"  She sighs. I realized that she's probably not doing well and I shouldn't be so hard on her. 'How are you doing?" I ask her softly. She's quiet for a long time. It's a little late to ask, considering the fact that I just shouted at her. I look over to see that she wasn't doing fine at all. Tears were streaming from her eyes but, no sound came out. I rush over and pull her into a hug. "Why would you keep something like this to yourself?" I ask her, wiping her tears. She wipes her face furiously. "What am I doing?" she laughs. "Exactly what you're supposed to. Let it all out now. You're supposed to be the strong one." I tell her. She laughs, then sniffles. I wonder what lead to the breakup because I know how crazy Joon was about her and vice versa. I just can't fathom why either would end up hating the other. There's definitely something deeper to this story.


{EunGyul's P.O.V}

I pack up my bags and hop on a bus to Busan. Miyoung came to me and told me of Joon's plans to go back and I knew exactly where he meant. He was going back to Chief's. I have absolutely no idea why he would even think of going back when he's fought so hard to escape. Miyoung was obviously worried about him and I don't blame her. I knew that if joon went back to Chief he would have easy access to the rest of us who escaped and I couldn't let that happen. Especially to Alex. He had a kid who just lost his mother. He's too young to experience anymore than what he already has. After about three hours of travel I arrive in Busan. I don't feel safe here at all. I was stabbed here thrice, my father died in a 'car accident' here, I almost killed my best friend here, and each tradgedy was tied to Chief. I never once thought about coming back here. Not once. Thanks to Joon and his rash decisions, I have no choice. I hop on the subway and head to Chief's headquaters. I had to get there as soon as I could before everything got blown out of proportion.


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lemondrop99 #1
nice. seems cool.
TaraKara #2
Are you gonna finish this story?
UPTOWNfunkitup #3
Alex sould really just focus on getting his son back!!! Revenge isn't worth it man!
sevixx #4
Chapter 22: This is really good. Even though it still has the mystery of why each character is connected it's easy to follow.
Chapter 11: I like where this story is going, its easy to follow along, I wonder what's going to happen with haneul >.< *anticipation!