
Beautiful Stranger

It’s been 3 days since Kyung has been bothered by those 3 idiots. Most of the time it happens when he’s alone…, since he’s alone most of the time. Be it getting smacked on the back of his head, being shoved to the side of the path, or being threatened – both verbally and physically. It was annoying the hell out of him. He really can’t do anything since they’re his seniors. He found out they were his seniors earlier in the day thanks to Jaehyo. Jaehyo told Kyung how he could differentiate the seniors and the juniors and the freshmen just by the colour of their name tags which every student has to iron on top of their pockets. Green for 1st graders, blue for 2nd graders, yellow for 3rd graders. So the trio had yellow name tags, Kyung had blue. Anyway he was practically helpless. He couldn't tell his teachers, because they might call his sister and he definitely does not want to burden her or get hell from her. Her work load is enough stress for her already. He doesn't want her to get an asthma attack or something. He couldn’t tell Na Young or the ‘Hahyo couple’, well that’s what they call themselves now, since the four of them haven’t hung out since the impromptu coffee double date the other day. Plus he figured he didn’t want to burden them with his problems at all. They probably have their own problems to handle and Kyung doesn’t want to add on their pain.

School has finally ended. Kyung rubbed his temple lightly with his fingers. He dreaded the long dying hours of school, and he bets everyone else does too. Na Young was on duty to tidy up the classroom this week so she had to stay a little longer. Hahyo couple was on a movie date after school so they left right away when the bell rang. Kyung, the one who has them as his only friends, was alone. Again. He always hated being alone. He carefully took the longer route to his locker just so he doesn’t bump into the trio. He clutched the thick textbooks to his chest as he walked to his locker. Down the stairs, and all the way to the end of the block where it’s really quiet. That was where their lockers were. As Kyung was approaching his locker, how unlucky he was, his nightmare came true. Those 3 were there, standing right in front of Kyung’s locker. He swallowed his saliva and quickly turned around, deciding to just carry all his books back home no matter how heavy they were. 
“Wh~ere you go~ing little one…” one of them, said in a threatening melody while twirling a yellow keychain around his index finger.
Kyung walked faster and faster, trying to walk towards somewhere which was crowded, or at least had people there. Unfortunately for him, he caught up with Kyung’s speed and stopped him by pulling his bag strap, so he froze. Kyung squeezed his eyes shut fearing he’d hit him or something.
“Yah you punk, I asked you. Where. Are. You. Going. Are you deaf or what?” he asked Kyung in a threatening manner after slapping his shoulder.
He pulled Kyung backwards a little by his bag strap, so much so he was about to trip and fall. The guy was about half a head taller than Kyung was so he roughly tilted Kyung’s head up by lifting his chin and stared into Kyung’s eyes and continued to say, “Not gonna answer, huh?” 

The guy slammed his palm onto the textbooks that were in Kyung’s embrace, making it fall onto the floor. Kyung flinched and took a step back, forever feeling unsure and nervous of what was going to happen next.

Meanwhile, the other 2 were rummaging through his bag, just for the fun of it. From ripping the pages in his notebook apart and tossing his textbooks far away and to spilling everything in his metal pencil case onto the ground.

Kyung didn’t say a word or even make a sound. He had totally given up on reacting to their actions. He was ready to just let them do whatever they want to because he believed if he doesn’t do anything to them, they won’t find it fun to mess with him, and might eventually stop bothering him. Kyung prayed that’s what they had in mind too.
He pulled Kyung by his collar and dragged Kyung closer to him. “Do you have a death wish or what?”

He let go of Kyung's collar and let his fingers run through his hair… only to grab it. Hard. Kyung’s scalp was hurting. He felt his head starting to throb as the guy was saying “you’re really daring now, huh” and “do you really want to die?” and stuffs like that. He couldn’t give a damn anymore. Hit me. Just do it already and go away. Please.
Kyung was more than prepared, mentally, to get beaten up to the point that they get bored and just go away. He felt himself getting slammed onto the locker after being dragged by the guy. 
Kyung groaned in pain and sighed. He locked his eyes onto the guy and shouted.
“FINE, BASTARD, HIT ME, JUST HIT ME ALREADY!!!!” He couldn’t contain himself anymore.

He pushed the guy away from him by kicking his chest, weakly, but with enough strength to push him away. He was taking too long to hit Kyung. All he wanted was to end this quickly, just so he could go home limping away, concealing all the pain, and pretend nothing ever happened, hoping they might never bother him again… which was actually quite impossible. 

“What the did you say…?” he said before slowly looking up to glare at Kyung after a hard push on Kyung’s shoulders, causing him to hit his back on the locker again. 



happy new year! have a meaningful 2014.

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i haven't been updating and i'm really sorry! i'll be able to start updating in mid may. thank you and i love you guys


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Mayh1250 #1
Chapter 14: So cutee!! waiting for the new chapter soon!!
Chapter 14: I think kyung will be mad when he know that jiho is not student.
Chapter 13: So cute!! Excited and waiting for the next update!!
Chapter 13: Wow jiho and kyunggie so cute togather.
And iam waiting for first kiss
And I really in love with this story <3
Update soon please!!
BoyXboylove #6
Chapter 12: awwww shiiit
Chapter 12: OMG what does they want ?
Are they going to say sorry ?
Anyway you are really amazing <3
Chapter 11: Nice chapter <3
Chapter 10: I'm loving this fanfic, you writing is amazing..very good XD